Donald Trump: Illegal Immigrant Deportations Completed In Two Years

I LOVE watching a bunch of liberals trolls jerking each other off, and then go looking for a straw to suck up the remainder! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I believe him 100%....

Of course you do. You're gullible. What he is proposing is logistically impossible.

Not at all. You see, first Trump is going to build a wall. A great big wall. And then he's going to send the bill to Mexico. Who will refuse to pay it. So then he's going to nuke 'em. And that will make all the Mexicans go running back home. Because after all these years in American, that's what they've been waiting for.

Seriously, this really could be Trump's plan. It's consistent with his insanity/stupidity quotient.
I believe him 100%....

Of course you do. You're gullible. What he is proposing is logistically impossible.

Not at all. You see, first Trump is going to build a wall. A great big wall. And then he's going to send the bill to Mexico. Who will refuse to pay it. So then he's going to nuke 'em. And that will make all the Mexicans go running back home. Because after all these years in American, that's what they've been waiting for.

Seriously, this really could be Trump's plan. It's consistent with his insanity/stupidity quotient.

Shouldn't he poison them first, so they can't run and hide? :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I believe him 100%....

Of course you do. You're gullible. What he is proposing is logistically impossible.

Bullshit... as if YOU know! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I do know, numb nuts. Explain to me how he is going to deport roughly 6 million people a year. We don't have the physical resources to do that.

You people swallowing Trump's crap are as stupid as the Obamabots.

Obuma supposedly deported 438,421in 2013, and that was without the THREAT of confiscating all their property and money, ...when Trump does that, and they see that he really is doing what he says, they will be leaving in droves taking what they can keep with them... don't think so? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I believe him 100%....

Of course you do. You're gullible. What he is proposing is logistically impossible.

Bullshit... as if YOU know! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I do know, numb nuts. Explain to me how he is going to deport roughly 6 million people a year. We don't have the physical resources to do that.

You people swallowing Trump's crap are as stupid as the Obamabots.

Obuma supposedly deported 438,421in 2013, and that was without the THREAT of confiscating all their property and money, ...when Trump does that, and they see that he really is doing what he says, they will be leaving in droves taking what they can keep with them... don't think so? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I LOVE watching a bunch of liberals trolls jerking each other off, and then go looking for a straw to suck up the remainder! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Drumpf couldn't even FIND that many in two years.

Just once, open your mind and use your brain.
Fugly, it's hard to believe you and the other pond scum really do KNOW NOTHING about what is happening in our country!

Fed-Up Immigration Agents Sue Obama Admin. For Right to Do ...
... saying they are sick of being told not to do their jobs, ... U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ... actually instructed Border Patrol agents not to ...
I believe him 100%....

Of course you do. You're gullible. What he is proposing is logistically impossible.

Bullshit... as if YOU know! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I do know, numb nuts. Explain to me how he is going to deport roughly 6 million people a year. We don't have the physical resources to do that.

You people swallowing Trump's crap are as stupid as the Obamabots.

Obuma supposedly deported 438,421in 2013, and that was without the THREAT of confiscating all their property and money, ...when Trump does that, and they see that he really is doing what he says, they will be leaving in droves taking what they can keep with them... don't think so? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Yes Taz me, you do suck the Kool-Aid!
'“We have to get them out. If we have wonderful cases, they can come back in but they have to come back in legally,” Mr. Trump said in an audio clip posted on YouTube Thursday night by a person on the call.'

This is as idiotic as Trump's Two Year Plan, if not more so.
'“We have to get them out. If we have wonderful cases, they can come back in but they have to come back in legally,” Mr. Trump said in an audio clip posted on YouTube Thursday night by a person on the call.'

This is as idiotic as Trump's Two Year Plan, if not more so.

Typical black shyster logic... it simply can't be done...all the fag liberal pundits say so, so it must be true.... ROTFLMFAO.... I have the answer, make 30,000 IRS agents immediately ICE judges and start with telling them they must deport 100 a week or they will go down to GS3 status!
Once again another grandiose idea that has no details behind it as to how that could possibly be accomplished.

You loved "hope" and "change"...this man said what he intends to do...and millions and millions of americans agree with him...sick and tired of the muslim marxist making excuses to allow 3rd world peasants in to colonize and further destabilize the country.

This is exactly what lincoln did when he "emancipated" the slaves...Of course he couldn't have cared less about the negroes and his "emancipation" had no legal standing in the south...and he didn't even "emancipate" the border states or the northern states that held slaves...but he knew he could agitate and hopefully cause damage in the south by stirring the pot and weaponize the negroes...sort of biological weapons of mass destruction...

anyway...white americans aren't amused at what the gay muslim has done to this country.
Only left wing pro-government retards would think two years is too short. Two years is plenty of time if you actually fucking do it.
Once again another grandiose idea that has no details behind it as to how that could possibly be accomplished.

You loved "hope" and "change"...this man said what he intends to do...and millions and millions of americans agree with him...sick and tired of the muslim marxist making excuses to allow 3rd world peasants in to colonize and further destabilize the country.

This is exactly what lincoln did when he "emancipated" the slaves...Of course he couldn't have cared less about the negroes and his "emancipation" had no legal standing in the south...and he didn't even "emancipate" the border states or the northern states that held slaves...but he knew he could agitate and hopefully cause damage in the south by stirring the pot and weaponize the negroes...sort of biological weapons of mass destruction...

anyway...white americans aren't amused at what the gay muslim has done to this country.
Thanks for the late night snack of tu quoque. I was a bit hungry.
You loved "hope" and "change"..... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL How did you divine that one? I guess the 68 percent of Republicans that don't support Donald Trump are actually Democrats.
libs got 2 years after Trump is elected to replace all those lost votes.. who will their next race segment be?

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