Donald Trump in Davos ... what a disgrace, lying through his teeth

I am watching his speech and it is a disgrace appearing like an elementary school project talk about how Donald Trump saved the world.

Donald Trump is an international embarassment.
Dim Dumb Denizen strikes out again! Nice work, ya knucklehead.
If anyone is lying its you and your TDS Denizen. Look at the following graphs disproving your lies about Trump.

1. Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
Middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017.
As a percentage of income Trump appears to be right.

GDP Growth under Trump's first 2 years appears higher than Obama's last 2-years

2. I don't see Obama's job growth coming out of the "Great Recession" as any better than Trump's current job growth

3. Trump's Debt growth looks about the same as Obama's. So that's another lie by Denizen

Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.

You've been defending the swamp since he took them on. Suddenly you are mad because you think he hasnt drained it?

We all know that any and all efforts will be met by your opposition. Get back to changing your brake fluid with AOC.
I am watching his speech and it is a disgrace appearing like an elementary school project talk about how Donald Trump saved the world.

Donald Trump is an international embarassment.

Hes a national treasure and will kick your commie asses this year, again.

So what part of his speech was a lie?
Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.

I disagree that ALL of Trump's policy guys are "establishment swamp critters".. .
Larry Kudlow is an old establishment Wall Street guy who just wants to cut taxes and outsource.
But Lightheizer and Navarro are the real deal! They are reshaping the US economy based on renegotiating fair trade deals.
Gary Cohn: Globalist Gary Cohn Falsely Claims Tariffs on China ‘Totally Hurt’ U.S.
Ryan Zinke was a Navy Seal, too bad he was a bad cabinet pick
Rex Tillerson was a globalist who was also a bad fit

Trump is new to politics and government.
Everything happens too slowly for him, from the generals winning in AFG, to Wilbur Ross adding a citizenship question on the census form, to the Fed lowering interest rates.
In agree that Trump had too many "globalists" in his cabinet, but it appears that he is getting better at finding good guys, like Barr and Pompeo.

Correction: Donald Trump is becoming more brazen about appointing corrupt swamp creatures who bask in the orange glow of Trump's toxicity.
With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.

I disagree that ALL of Trump's policy guys are "establishment swamp critters".. .
Larry Kudlow is an old establishment Wall Street guy who just wants to cut taxes and outsource.
But Lightheizer and Navarro are the real deal! They are reshaping the US economy based on renegotiating fair trade deals.
Gary Cohn: Globalist Gary Cohn Falsely Claims Tariffs on China ‘Totally Hurt’ U.S.
Ryan Zinke was a Navy Seal, too bad he was a bad cabinet pick
Rex Tillerson was a globalist who was also a bad fit

Trump is new to politics and government.
Everything happens too slowly for him, from the generals winning in AFG, to Wilbur Ross adding a citizenship question on the census form, to the Fed lowering interest rates.
In agree that Trump had too many "globalists" in his cabinet, but it appears that he is getting better at finding good guys, like Barr and Pompeo.

Correction: Donald Trump is becoming more brazen about appointing corrupt swamp creatures who bask in the orange glow of Trump's toxicity.
You are a DIM one, Denizen. But at least you ARE consistent. Consistently DIM.
I am watching his speech and it is a disgrace appearing like an elementary school project talk about how Donald Trump saved the world.

Donald Trump is an international embarassment.

Dim Dumb Denizen strikes out again! Nice work, ya knucklehead.

My posts have penetrated your 6-inch thick cranium like 8-inch truth-nails?
I am watching his speech and it is a disgrace appearing like an elementary school project talk about how Donald Trump saved the world.

Donald Trump is an international embarassment.

Dim Dumb Denizen strikes out again! Nice work, ya knucklehead.

My posts have penetrated your 6-inch thick cranium like 8-inch truth-nails?
He-he! Please refer to either post #61 or #65 in this thread. Thanks!
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.

The world leaders can only look on in amazement whilst they grip their mops and buckets.

Trump decries 'prophets of doom' on environment
^ Believes St. Greta

Greta Thunberg has several mental illness that she has talked about having, she also is obviously being Controlled by others and fed the lines which she then talks, she is a Propaganda Tool and she is being exploited and used, she appears if you watch her like she is almost Programmed, there is ZERO that is normal about this girl.

She also very often comes out with the usual old Bolshevik mantra like:

Read this

Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism - Quillette
Trump snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The trade balance is getting worse after Donald Trump's trade war which he lost.

The trade balance is worse than it appears as the growth in oil and gas exports is hiding the reduced export of goods and services.

All of the industries Trump targeted are heading in the wrong direction. Donald Trump is Bush 3.

Last edited:
If anyone is lying its you and your TDS Denizen. Look at the following graphs disproving your lies about Trump.

1. Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
Middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017.
As a percentage of income Trump appears to be right.

GDP Growth under Trump's first 2 years appears higher than Obama's last 2-years

2. I don't see Obama's job growth coming out of the "Great Recession" as any better than Trump's current job growth

3. Trump's Debt growth looks about the same as Obama's. So that's another lie by Denizen

Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!

Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!


67 Trump swamp creatures have gone but Trump has made the swamp even more toxic with brazen lawlessness and crowds of boot-licker dupes following him.

There are more wounded Trump swamp creatures who are currently headless and unaware they are about to take a ride on the poop-chute of history.

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

By Jan Diehm, Sam Petulla and Zachary B. Wolf

Updated Monday, October 21, 2019

President Donald Trump's administration has been marked by a series of exits by high-ranking officials. Here are the most notable ones:
With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!


67 Trump swamp creatures have gone but Trump has made the swamp even more toxic with brazen lawlessness and crowds of boot-licker dupes following him.

There are more wounded Trump swamp creatures who are currently headless and unaware they are about to take a ride on the poop-chute of history.

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

By Jan Diehm, Sam Petulla and Zachary B. Wolf

Updated Monday, October 21, 2019

President Donald Trump's administration has been marked by a series of exits by high-ranking officials. Here are the most notable ones:
Why couldn't the Stalinist democrats charge "criminal" Trump with, you know, an actual crime?
Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!


67 Trump swamp creatures have gone but Trump has made the swamp even more toxic with brazen lawlessness and crowds of boot-licker dupes following him.

There are more wounded Trump swamp creatures who are currently headless and unaware they are about to take a ride on the poop-chute of history.

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

By Jan Diehm, Sam Petulla and Zachary B. Wolf

Updated Monday, October 21, 2019

President Donald Trump's administration has been marked by a series of exits by high-ranking officials. Here are the most notable ones:

Why couldn't the Stalinist democrats charge "criminal" Trump with, you know, an actual crime?

Because Donald Trump owns Bill Barr.
With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.

I disagree that ALL of Trump's policy guys are "establishment swamp critters".. .
Larry Kudlow is an old establishment Wall Street guy who just wants to cut taxes and outsource.
But Lightheizer and Navarro are the real deal! They are reshaping the US economy based on renegotiating fair trade deals.
Gary Cohn: Globalist Gary Cohn Falsely Claims Tariffs on China ‘Totally Hurt’ U.S.
Ryan Zinke was a Navy Seal, too bad he was a bad cabinet pick
Rex Tillerson was a globalist who was also a bad fit

Trump is new to politics and government.
Everything happens too slowly for him, from the generals winning in AFG, to Wilbur Ross adding a citizenship question on the census form, to the Fed lowering interest rates.
In agree that Trump had too many "globalists" in his cabinet, but it appears that he is getting better at finding good guys, like Barr and Pompeo.

Correction: Donald Trump is becoming more brazen about appointing corrupt swamp creatures who bask in the orange glow of Trump's toxicity.
Like who? A few examples please.
With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?

How about Market preformacne....

Since the start of the trade war 2 years ago tomorrow...

The DJI has grown 11.99%, the NASDAQ 34.13%, the S&P 18.86% and the Russell 2000 5.59%.

Those are not impressive numbers, to put it mildly.

Just for point of reference...the two years before the start of the trade war...

The DJI had grown 64.15%, the NASDAQ 64.98%, the S&P 50.36% and the Russell 2000 60.19%.

Tomorrow, coincidentally, happens to be the anniversary of the market peak of 2018. Why would you pick that date? But a more honest person, leaving the leftist golfing gator out, would admit the market is up...wait for it...64% since Donald Trump was elected. Thats in the face of rate hikes, trade wars and 24/7 attacks on the country by people hoping to crash the market.

Thats an impressive put it mildly. Its way more than I used as a projection (7%) in my planning.

Winning..while you lose Golfing Gator

That is the date that Trump issued his first tariffs and showed people he was stupid enough to start a trade war. It is not coincidence that the day he started his trade war was the day the market peaked.

Trump had a great run for his first year with the markets. Just think, more than 80% of that impressive number came in the first year when Trump had not done anything yet except hold pep rallies and golf.
Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!


And each was replaced with a different swamp critter.
With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.
Hillary Clinton, gone, James Comey, gone, Little Marco, gone, Ohr, gone, Yovanovitch, gone, Clapper, gone, Strzok, gone, Rod Rosenstein, gone, et cetera et cetera et cetera...

You're all fucking FIRED!


And each was replaced with a different swamp critter.
Trump never said that draining the DC swamp would be easy or uncomplicated.
Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

The problem here is that there has been no draining of the swamp and almost all if the “outsiders” on Trump’s team have been replaced with swamp critters.

I disagree that ALL of Trump's policy guys are "establishment swamp critters".. .
Larry Kudlow is an old establishment Wall Street guy who just wants to cut taxes and outsource.
But Lightheizer and Navarro are the real deal! They are reshaping the US economy based on renegotiating fair trade deals.
Gary Cohn: Globalist Gary Cohn Falsely Claims Tariffs on China ‘Totally Hurt’ U.S.
Ryan Zinke was a Navy Seal, too bad he was a bad cabinet pick
Rex Tillerson was a globalist who was also a bad fit

Trump is new to politics and government.
Everything happens too slowly for him, from the generals winning in AFG, to Wilbur Ross adding a citizenship question on the census form, to the Fed lowering interest rates.
In agree that Trump had too many "globalists" in his cabinet, but it appears that he is getting better at finding good guys, like Barr and Pompeo.

Correction: Donald Trump is becoming more brazen about appointing corrupt swamp creatures who bask in the orange glow of Trump's toxicity.

Like who? A few examples please.

Here are 67 examples. Please don't thank me.

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?

Departed members of Trump's administration and orbit
Resigned or Fired (or pushed out).

Kevin McAleenan
Rick Perry
John Bolton
Dan Coats
Alexander Acosta
Sarah Sanders
Kirstjen Nielsen
Scott Gottlieb
Bill Shine
John Kelly
Ryan Zinke
Nikki Haley
James Mattis
Mira Ricardel
Jeff Sessions
Don McGahn

John Kelly sworn in as Chief of Staff
Joe Hagin
Scott Pruitt
Tom Homan
Ty Cobb
Nadia Schadlow
Michael Anton
Tom Bossert
H.R. McMaster
Hope Hicks
David Shulkin
Josh Raffel
John Dowd
John McEntee
Rex Tillerson
John Feeley
Gary Cohn
David Sorensen***
Rachel Brand
Rob Porter
Brenda Fitzgerald
Taylor Weyeneth***
Andrew McCabe**
Omarosa M. Newman
Marc Short
Dina Powell
Rick Dearborn
Jeremy Katz***
George Sifakis***
Tom Price
Keith Schiller
Sebastian Gorka
Steve Bannon
Carl Icahn
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Anthony Scaramucci
George Gigicos
Reince Priebus
Derek Harvey
Michael Short
Sean Spicer
Rich Higgins
Mark Corallo
Walter Shaub
Tera Dahl
Michael Dubke
James Comey
Angella Reid
Vivek Murthy
K.T. McFarland
Katie Walsh
Michael Flynn
Sally Yates

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