Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

And yet he's worth $2.4 billion. Shazam!
The guy has incredible resilience.

So how did Chimpy, Clinton, or Biden do in their business careers?
How do we know what the former 1-term president is worth?
I still agree...but only partially. I think Don could have and should have expressed himself better. The left has become alot MORE rabid because of some things he has said or the way he has said it.

In a way that's good because it pushes the Nazis out of the woodwork and into the light. But we may have to endure some serious wrath from them before things get better....IF they get better.
Can't argue with that.
Not as miserable as the mob inheritance Trump got who didn't work a day in his life for that money. The Left wing presidents have dignity and self respect. Trump has bankruptcies and financial crimes out the wazoo.
What a pathetic liar you are.
I'm just so very glad I didn't model my career after Diaper Joe's.
"Do nothing, accomplish nothing, but made tens of millions for my family using my office to bribe massive amounts of money"

Thank goodness, I'm not like that crooked bastard. Biden.
You're so proud of a madman who is openly rooting for our sworn enemy on national TV? Is that where your allegiances are? He has been on the payroll of Putin for decades. That's your hero? BTW he didn't write "The Art of the Deal." And, the guy who did has since called it what it is, a work of fiction and a pack of lies. I'm in shock!" Trump lies?? Tell me it can't be!
Think it about it, people, would you want your president to have a sterling 50-year career as CEO of a highly successful corporation like Donald Trump? Or would you want someone with the thinnest resume in history for a presidential candidate like Chimpy, who never ran so much as a popsicle push cart?
This is why they absolutely LOVE the Trumps......

Because they can take a rifle from the safety of a few hundred yards and slaughter baby elephants, then cut off their tails and call themselves men.
Personally, if Trump and ALL his demon seed were castrated then hung from the nearest tree to bleed out.....I'd have a nice day.


These are their friends .........these are the savages that love Trump.
2 bit destroyers and ego-maniacs. Nothing more.
There is nothing honorable or manly about killing the babies of highly intelligent social creatures like elephants purely for "the fun of it" or "trophies"
It requires a sadistic, callous, narcissistic selfishness of epic proportions.
LOWER than poaches...since poachers don't do it for fun, but for money.

I would vote for Hillary before I would vote for Trump again. And I HATE Democrats and their policies.
If Trump were to ever go rogue while in power...think of the massive fun they could have slaughtering all the babies of anyone or anything that could fuel their sadistic joy. Maybe even your sons, daughters etc ? Who knows?


Look at the two fucktards above. Like they did something impressive.
This is what inbreeding and mental disorder looks like.
Don't be a pussy. Oops , too late.
You're so proud of a madman who is openly rooting for our sworn enemy on national TV? Is that where your allegiances are? He has been on the payroll of Putin for decades. That's your hero? BTW he didn't write "The Art of the Deal." And, the guy who did has since called it what it is, a work of fiction and a pack of lies. I'm in shock!" Trump lies?? Tell me it can't be!
Not one of you lefties can tell the truth . About anything.
You're so proud of a madman who is openly rooting for our sworn enemy on national TV? Is that where your allegiances are? He has been on the payroll of Putin for decades. That's your hero? BTW he didn't write "The Art of the Deal." And, the guy who did has since called it what it is, a work of fiction and a pack of lies. I'm in shock!" Trump lies?? Tell me it can't be!

You are aware that Biden is no better....correct?
You wouldn't recognize truth if it shit on your chest. You're so deeply indoctrinated that reality is a farce for you and your ilk.
Trump was right again .... dumb ass.
Trump was right again .... dumb ass.
Trump's an idiot and a scoundrel. And only dumb asses believe a single thing he says.
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Trump's an idiot and a scoundrel. And only dumb asses believe a single thing he says.
Biden’s an idiot and a scoundrel, too, but at least Trump wasn’t intentionally trying to weaken America. The reason Putin made his move is because he knew Biden indebted us to Russia for oil, as a result of killing the Keystone Pipeline on Day #1 in office.

Putin did not attack while Trump was in office, as he knew the consequences would be swift and harsh. You…..what was it you called us?….oh yeah…DUMB ASSES made both America and the world a much worse place by voting in a demented old man manipulated by the Far-Left Marxists who hate their own nation.
You are aware that Biden is no better....correct?
Ah, less bad. Biden's family doesn't jerk off at killing elephants, he hasn't been fined for stealing, he's not being investigated for sedition, insurance fraud, bank fraud, tax fraud, collusion with Russia, and should I go on? So, is Biden better? His track record says he is. But then again, he wasn't born into the mob, so given the chance, Biden probably wouldn't be much different. At the end of the day, it's all about who "we all are" as individuals. Do we all want to be known as elephant killers, thieves, and murderers? Or do we all want to live with dignity and self respect, using the conscience God gave us to do right by ourselves and the world we live in?
Link to that lie? Trump was a billionaire long before his father died. Fred never had close to even half a billion.

How much did 0bama, Clinton, Biden earn in business?
Let's compare.
How about you link to the claim that Rump is a billionaire? Since he doesn't release his taxes, we will never know.

But hey, if you have inside info, let's see it.

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