Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

Trump is not a man any child should want to emulate or who any parent should hold up as a great example.

As many people as he's screwed in business and with him screwing around with his next wife with his current wives successively shows he's a man of low character and with no morals.

At least on policy though he was a pretty decent president.
Biden's son Hunter shows what a 'great' father he is. Using his son to bribe foreign countries for money to put into the Biden family crime syndicate. Biden's bad policies are screwing all of America.
The leftwing envy of this great man is just incredible!
Envy ? I pity the man, he has everything a person could want and he seems like the most miserable person on the Earth. " Oh pity me, no one likes me ! " Seems like his constant cry.
So he had a good father, you jealous?
Yes taught him every thing he knew How to steal ,not pay taxes ,screw those who worked for him grab crotches
Envy ? I pity the man, he has everything a person could want and he seems like the most miserable person on the Earth. " Oh pity me, no one likes me ! " Seems like his constant cry.
Trump is nothing but a pussy grabbing degenerate who stole from his family and 100's of others
Schwartz is a leftwing hack who's jealous Trump didn't leave him any crumbs. He somehow thought he was responsible for The Art of the Deal being a runaway best seller.
Oh, Trump hired a "leftwing hack" to write that book?

That must have been around the time Trump was donating to the campaigns of Democrats running for office like Hillary, Chuck Schumer & Harry Reid.
Envy ? I pity the man, he has everything a person could want and he seems like the most miserable person on the Earth. " Oh pity me, no one likes me ! " Seems like his constant cry.
Life has been so unfair to the guy born a multi millionaire who never wanted for a thing in his entire life.
Envy ? I pity the man, he has everything a person could want and he seems like the most miserable person on the Earth. " Oh pity me, no one likes me ! " Seems like his constant cry.
It's funny how you pretend to know Trump personally. You don't. You just believe the cartoon version the leftwing media feeds you.
Schwartz is a leftwing hack who's jealous Trump didn't leave him any crumbs. He somehow thought he was responsible for The Art of the Deal being a runaway best seller.
It wasn't a runaway best seller. It wasn't selling until Trump bought the first 5000 copied to get it on the NYT list.
It was Trump's story, but he didn't actually type it. Hardly any celeb does. Don't you know how ghostwriters work?
He didn't write it because he is almost functionally illiterate. He's a sick, cruel, lying sack of orange shit. Just the kind of guy you deserve. The rest of us and soon even a big section of his base are catching on to his madness and his traitorous actions. Your wonder boy thinks what Putin has done is "brilliant!" "how smart is that, eh?" But are well within your list of things that you deem acceptable. You're a fuckin' train wreck of an Anti American fool.
It's funny how you pretend to know Trump personally. You don't. You just believe the cartoon version the leftwing media feeds you.
There is nothing except a cartoon version of that imbecilic madman. Seen any invisible Jets Lately? LOL Hey, hurricane season is upon us, I guess it's time to get ready to drop a few nukes into the eye of those storms right? It must have been quite an undertaking for the colonial army in 1775 to capture all of the airports, Huh? That's your idea of a great man? That's one hell of a clown to hitch one's wagon to. But you are welcome to him.
It wasn't a runaway best seller. It wasn't selling until Trump bought the first 5000 copied to get it on the NYT list.
Trump is a piker compared to Jim Wright who used taxpayer funds to do the same thing while pocketing royalties for every book sold.

When the scandal broke he was thankfully forced out of office and returned home in shame.
There is nothing except a cartoon version of that imbecilic madman. Seen any invisible Jets Lately? LOL Hey, hurricane season is upon us, I guess it's time to get ready to drop a few nukes into the eye of those storms right? It must have been quite an undertaking for the colonial army in 1775 to capture all of the airports, Huh? That's your idea of a great man? That's one hell of a clown to hitch one's wagon to. But you are welcome to him.
Trump is a compulsive gasbag. He can't shut up.
Like most rich scoundrels, trump will probably get away without jail time. But there is an easier alternative. Just outfit a room with mirrors all around. The ceiling, walls and even floor. Play a taped audio of "How Great thou Art" on a loop in full volume and lock the door. No windows. Then just slide a bucket of chicken into the room and some Coke every 4 hrs or so. It would become voluntary solitary confinement for life. Be sure to have an attached bathroom he can use to take a shit and/or flush some evidence.
There is nothing except a cartoon version of that imbecilic madman. Seen any invisible Jets Lately? LOL Hey, hurricane season is upon us, I guess it's time to get ready to drop a few nukes into the eye of those storms right? It must have been quite an undertaking for the colonial army in 1775 to capture all of the airports, Huh? That's your idea of a great man? That's one hell of a clown to hitch one's wagon to. But you are welcome to him.
Said by someone who voted for the Alzheimer's patient currently occupying the WH
When Trump is elected for the third time in 2024, he should clean house of every single filthy leftwing deep stater in office. Clean them out like cockroaches. Yes, the left would call that 'vindictive'. Good.
That would violate a host of laws protecting federal employees. Hell, he couldn't even fire the FBI and intel guys/gals who were obviously trying to undermine his administration to help the democrats and the Bush Wing of the Republican party.

Other than people they appoint presidents can't generally fire federal employees without cause and the appeals can take months or years.

Hell, even Comey got his pension back and record cleared.

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