Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Do you know what the definition of harass is? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean kill.
Be VERY specific and quote where Trump told people to kill journalists?

He called them an enemy of the people. Read his tweet again:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

THEY are the ones that purposefully cause division and distrust? They cause war?

Trump lies constantly. Do you expect the press not to point it out when he does? He just admitted he lied about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting, but you guys don't care. He wrote the letter saying it was all about adoption, then he says to the world in a tweet:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

You don't care if he lies.

That's because they ARE an enemy of the people. When you make accusations, that are false, as the MSM has repeatedly done, and violence ensues because of that false reporting...what else can you call them?

What accusations are false? There is a difference between intentionally making false accusations, and getting a report wrong or getting bad information from a source. Major news outlets don't normally run stories unless they verify it with 3 or more sources. When I started college at The Ohio State University my major was in journalism.

So what. I don't care what you did in college, I care about what the MSM is doing, and they are doing a piss poor job of reporting.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

I just told you how sourcing a story works. You liked to brag in the the climate/environment forum about your education as a geologist and how that made you an expert to talk about the subject. That's being a hypocrite.
The media has exposed things about the government that the people would have never found out if we had to reply on the government to police themselves. The most obvious example is the Nunes committee who shut down their investigation without interviewing key people and didn't compel Steve Bannon to answer their questions.

You're a mod and you are trolling with a funny rep in zone 2. That's sad.

Soooo, you think that that is bad, but ignore the even worse whitewashing they gave the shrilary. Hypocrite much?

No? I've said a million times on this forum I don't support Hillary and never have. Strawman much?
But, did you slam her and her shenanigans on the open board? No need to answer, it was a rhetorical question

Yes, actually I did. Feel free to go back through my posting history and look. Wanna make a bet about it?
I tried to look at your history, seems one can't go back that far.....lucky you. Sorry if I don't believe it, though.

Yeah, don't bother, lewdog is a died in the wool progressive. I can't recall a single instance of him berating obummer for his multitudinous lies. Or the shrilary. Not once.
When an enemy of the people dies should we the people be expected to cry?
Be VERY specific and quote where Trump told people to kill journalists?

He called them an enemy of the people. Read his tweet again:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

THEY are the ones that purposefully cause division and distrust? They cause war?

Trump lies constantly. Do you expect the press not to point it out when he does? He just admitted he lied about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting, but you guys don't care. He wrote the letter saying it was all about adoption, then he says to the world in a tweet:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

You don't care if he lies.

That's because they ARE an enemy of the people. When you make accusations, that are false, as the MSM has repeatedly done, and violence ensues because of that false reporting...what else can you call them?

What accusations are false? There is a difference between intentionally making false accusations, and getting a report wrong or getting bad information from a source. Major news outlets don't normally run stories unless they verify it with 3 or more sources. When I started college at The Ohio State University my major was in journalism.

So what. I don't care what you did in college, I care about what the MSM is doing, and they are doing a piss poor job of reporting.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

I just told you how sourcing a story works. You liked to brag in the the climate/environment forum about your education as a geologist and how that made you an expert to talk about the subject. That's being a hypocrite.

And i just presented you with 11 stories where they made shit up. In other words THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW THEIR RULES! Try and keep up!
Soooo, you think that that is bad, but ignore the even worse whitewashing they gave the shrilary. Hypocrite much?

No? I've said a million times on this forum I don't support Hillary and never have. Strawman much?
But, did you slam her and her shenanigans on the open board? No need to answer, it was a rhetorical question

Yes, actually I did. Feel free to go back through my posting history and look. Wanna make a bet about it?
I tried to look at your history, seems one can't go back that far.....lucky you. Sorry if I don't believe it, though.

Yeah, don't bother, lewdog is a died in the wool progressive. I can't recall a single instance of him berating obummer for his multitudinous lies. Or the shrilary. Not once.

Strawman. Of course you don't remember because you never paid attention unless it was something you disagreed with and wanted to moderate.
She told people to harass them EVERYWHERE. What exactly do you think she meant?

Do you know what the definition of harass is? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean kill.
Be VERY specific and quote where Trump told people to kill journalists?

He called them an enemy of the people. Read his tweet again:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

THEY are the ones that purposefully cause division and distrust? They cause war?

Trump lies constantly. Do you expect the press not to point it out when he does? He just admitted he lied about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting, but you guys don't care. He wrote the letter saying it was all about adoption, then he says to the world in a tweet:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

You don't care if he lies.
Please check out this article from November of 2017 and perhaps it will give you some insight as to just why people are so fed up with the media and their narcissistic drama. The big news right now is all about Trump and the Trump Tower meeting. The claim is that this is some kind of new story with new information yet when you read this article you see it's the same recycled crap.

skip to paragraph 14
Trump Tower meeting in 2016 draws more scrutiny

Trump lied about it. He wrote the letter saying it was about adoptions, and then admitted in a Tweet this week it was about dirt on his political opponent. It's a pretty big deal when the President gets caught in a lie and only tells the truth when his personal lawyer is threatening to flip on him.
That EXACT information is in this 2017 article. It is not new information. Read the article. I even gave you the paragraph. I can't make it much easier for you. The whole point of this "new" story is just to try to damage Trump. Trying to pump up the negatives.

NO ONE is perfect. If you say you are, you're a liar. Not being perfect doesn't mean they are open game to be killed. That's ridiculous.

How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

Like showing 2014 pictures of illegals in cages and claiming Trump did this.............

Like a separation of a kid from his momma...........who was separated for having small pox.......didn't say that in the article now did they........

Like all the missing children lost under Trump............who were handed over to relatives under Obama..........

Yeah.................we should respect what they say now..............:CryingCow:

So because a picture was from 2014 you think the whole kids in cages thing was a hoax?

And as usual the spin..............The picture was showing what was supposed to be going on now...........saying the picture was now.......

An OUTRIGHT LIE..................You support the LIE..............or just disregard their lies because you don't like Trump............which is it.......
He called them an enemy of the people. Read his tweet again:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

THEY are the ones that purposefully cause division and distrust? They cause war?

Trump lies constantly. Do you expect the press not to point it out when he does? He just admitted he lied about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting, but you guys don't care. He wrote the letter saying it was all about adoption, then he says to the world in a tweet:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

You don't care if he lies.

That's because they ARE an enemy of the people. When you make accusations, that are false, as the MSM has repeatedly done, and violence ensues because of that false reporting...what else can you call them?

What accusations are false? There is a difference between intentionally making false accusations, and getting a report wrong or getting bad information from a source. Major news outlets don't normally run stories unless they verify it with 3 or more sources. When I started college at The Ohio State University my major was in journalism.

So what. I don't care what you did in college, I care about what the MSM is doing, and they are doing a piss poor job of reporting.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

I just told you how sourcing a story works. You liked to brag in the the climate/environment forum about your education as a geologist and how that made you an expert to talk about the subject. That's being a hypocrite.

And i just presented you with 11 stories where they made shit up. In other words THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW THEIR RULES! Try and keep up!

Proof they "made it up?"
NO ONE is perfect. If you say you are, you're a liar. Not being perfect doesn't mean they are open game to be killed. That's ridiculous.

How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.
Like showing 2014 pictures of illegals in cages and claiming Trump did this.............

Like a separation of a kid from his momma...........who was separated for having small pox.......didn't say that in the article now did they........

Like all the missing children lost under Trump............who were handed over to relatives under Obama..........

Yeah.................we should respect what they say now..............:CryingCow:

So because a picture was from 2014 you think the whole kids in cages thing was a hoax?
And as usual the spin..............The picture was showing what was supposed to be going on now...........saying the picture was now.......

An OUTRIGHT LIE..................You support the LIE..............or just disregard their lies because you don't like Trump............which is it.......

Wrong. I understand the picture was from 2014, but that doesn't change reality where kids were put in cages under Trump. Congressmen were let into the facilities and saw it.
Do you know what the definition of harass is? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean kill.
Be VERY specific and quote where Trump told people to kill journalists?

He called them an enemy of the people. Read his tweet again:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16h16 hours ago
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

THEY are the ones that purposefully cause division and distrust? They cause war?

Trump lies constantly. Do you expect the press not to point it out when he does? He just admitted he lied about the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting, but you guys don't care. He wrote the letter saying it was all about adoption, then he says to the world in a tweet:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

You don't care if he lies.
Please check out this article from November of 2017 and perhaps it will give you some insight as to just why people are so fed up with the media and their narcissistic drama. The big news right now is all about Trump and the Trump Tower meeting. The claim is that this is some kind of new story with new information yet when you read this article you see it's the same recycled crap.

skip to paragraph 14
Trump Tower meeting in 2016 draws more scrutiny

Trump lied about it. He wrote the letter saying it was about adoptions, and then admitted in a Tweet this week it was about dirt on his political opponent. It's a pretty big deal when the President gets caught in a lie and only tells the truth when his personal lawyer is threatening to flip on him.
That EXACT information is in this 2017 article. It is not new information. Read the article. I even gave you the paragraph. I can't make it much easier for you. The whole point of this "new" story is just to try to damage Trump. Trying to pump up the negatives.

It's a new story because Trump ADMITTED to it being a lie. The President of the United States openly admitted to the world he wrote a FAKE letter that was a LIE. That's why it is a new story again.
Totally wrong, as I also posted their logic. Once you start picking and choosing those who you THINK is not reporting the truth, it becomes subjective and the foundation behind the freedom of the press is no longer valid.

7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017

It's been posted in this thread now, but a Trump supporter (Yes he admitted it on the phone) called into C-Span to say if he saw Brian Stelter or Don Lemon he would shoot them.

NO ONE is perfect. If you say you are, you're a liar. Not being perfect doesn't mean they are open game to be killed. That's ridiculous.

How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...
No? I've said a million times on this forum I don't support Hillary and never have. Strawman much?
But, did you slam her and her shenanigans on the open board? No need to answer, it was a rhetorical question

Yes, actually I did. Feel free to go back through my posting history and look. Wanna make a bet about it?
I tried to look at your history, seems one can't go back that far.....lucky you. Sorry if I don't believe it, though.

Yeah, don't bother, lewdog is a died in the wool progressive. I can't recall a single instance of him berating obummer for his multitudinous lies. Or the shrilary. Not once.

Strawman. Of course you don't remember because you never paid attention unless it was something you disagreed with and wanted to moderate.

Wrong, you can't provide a single example of you not towing the party line. Go ahead, you made the claim, present one.
So because a picture was from 2014 you think the whole kids in cages thing was a hoax?
NO, we KNOW Obama put kids in cages. Again, the pictures fake news media tried to use against Trump were photos of BARRY'S 'concentration camps'....
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.
Like showing 2014 pictures of illegals in cages and claiming Trump did this.............

Like a separation of a kid from his momma...........who was separated for having small pox.......didn't say that in the article now did they........

Like all the missing children lost under Trump............who were handed over to relatives under Obama..........

Yeah.................we should respect what they say now..............:CryingCow:

So because a picture was from 2014 you think the whole kids in cages thing was a hoax?
And as usual the spin..............The picture was showing what was supposed to be going on now...........saying the picture was now.......

An OUTRIGHT LIE..................You support the LIE..............or just disregard their lies because you don't like Trump............which is it.......

Wrong. I understand the picture was from 2014, but that doesn't change reality where kids were put in cages under Trump. Congressmen were let into the facilities and saw it. ignore that they used pictures that were from Obama to run another I HATE TRUMP article...........same with the missing kids under Obama...............and children were separated from children under Obama...........

but the BIASED media didn't mention that now did they..............

Using a old photo saying it's from now.............IS A LIE............You support the media LYING.
That's because they ARE an enemy of the people. When you make accusations, that are false, as the MSM has repeatedly done, and violence ensues because of that false reporting...what else can you call them?

What accusations are false? There is a difference between intentionally making false accusations, and getting a report wrong or getting bad information from a source. Major news outlets don't normally run stories unless they verify it with 3 or more sources. When I started college at The Ohio State University my major was in journalism.

So what. I don't care what you did in college, I care about what the MSM is doing, and they are doing a piss poor job of reporting.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

I just told you how sourcing a story works. You liked to brag in the the climate/environment forum about your education as a geologist and how that made you an expert to talk about the subject. That's being a hypocrite.

And i just presented you with 11 stories where they made shit up. In other words THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW THEIR RULES! Try and keep up!

Proof they "made it up?"

It's in the link I provided for you. How about you stop avoiding facts that destroy your preconceived BS and actually learn something.
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.
Like showing 2014 pictures of illegals in cages and claiming Trump did this.............

Like a separation of a kid from his momma...........who was separated for having small pox.......didn't say that in the article now did they........

Like all the missing children lost under Trump............who were handed over to relatives under Obama..........

Yeah.................we should respect what they say now..............:CryingCow:

So because a picture was from 2014 you think the whole kids in cages thing was a hoax?
And as usual the spin..............The picture was showing what was supposed to be going on now...........saying the picture was now.......

An OUTRIGHT LIE..................You support the LIE..............or just disregard their lies because you don't like Trump............which is it.......

Wrong. I understand the picture was from 2014, but that doesn't change reality where kids were put in cages under Trump. Congressmen were let into the facilities and saw it.

You miss the point. There were PLENTY of "kids in cages" under Obama. Even crying ones I'd wager. In fact, he let in over 150,000 unescorted kids and likely they ALL spent time in cages. MANY OF THEM spent MONTHS waiting to be let loose in America. Ask Bernie Sanders. Or the ACLU. It's a fact.
Totally wrong, as I also posted their logic. Once you start picking and choosing those who you THINK is not reporting the truth, it becomes subjective and the foundation behind the freedom of the press is no longer valid.

7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017

It's been posted in this thread now, but a Trump supporter (Yes he admitted it on the phone) called into C-Span to say if he saw Brian Stelter or Don Lemon he would shoot them.

NO ONE is perfect. If you say you are, you're a liar. Not being perfect doesn't mean they are open game to be killed. That's ridiculous.

How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?
I'm amazed at the number of Strawman arguments on here. People are putting words in my mouth that I've never said.

Yet when I ask for proof no one will back it up.
You claim calling someone an enemy of the people is calling to kill them BUT calling to harass people EVERYWHERE they go is just an aw shucks moment.
What accusations are false? There is a difference between intentionally making false accusations, and getting a report wrong or getting bad information from a source. Major news outlets don't normally run stories unless they verify it with 3 or more sources. When I started college at The Ohio State University my major was in journalism.

So what. I don't care what you did in college, I care about what the MSM is doing, and they are doing a piss poor job of reporting.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

I just told you how sourcing a story works. You liked to brag in the the climate/environment forum about your education as a geologist and how that made you an expert to talk about the subject. That's being a hypocrite.

And i just presented you with 11 stories where they made shit up. In other words THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW THEIR RULES! Try and keep up!

Proof they "made it up?"

It's in the link I provided for you. How about you stop avoiding facts that destroy your preconceived BS and actually learn something.

Anything coming from you is complete BS. If I could have you on ignore I would. There are news organizations on 24 hour cycles 365 days a year, and you think 11 times they got stories wrong makes them illegitimate. That's a joke given Trump lies 11 times in a 10 minute speech.
I'm amazed at the number of Strawman arguments on here. People are putting words in my mouth that I've never said.

Yet when I ask for proof no one will back it up.
You claim calling someone an enemy of the people is calling to kill them BUT calling to harass people EVERYWHERE they go is just an aw shucks moment.

Not what I said. Another Strawman on the pile.

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