Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Proof they "made it up?"

It's in the link I provided for you. How about you stop avoiding facts that destroy your preconceived BS and actually learn something.

Anything coming from you is complete BS. If I could have you on ignore I would. There are news organizations on 24 hour cycles 365 days a year, and you think 11 times they got stories wrong makes them illegitimate. That's a joke given Trump lies 11 times in a 10 minute speech.
Here ya go, Lewd.

55 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

By the way, it's one thing to get it wrong, it's another thing to distort through half truths and out of context, which you really seem to be a sucker for.

You need to read your link. It has things on it that most certainly are not lies. Someone saying in October that Trump doesn't have a path to winning the Electoral College, is most certainly not a lie, that's someone's opinion they ended up being wrong about. And the excuse it wasn't "marked an opinion" doesn't make it a lie.
Read the whole list, dude. I don't cherry pick like what you like to read.

You posted a link to some obscure site, and within the first couple of "lies" I had already spotted where they tried to make something into a lie that obviously wasn't.
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
Ya we get it anything Obama said wrong was a Joke , a mistake or misunderstood, BUT EVERYTHING Trump says is literal right?
It's in the link I provided for you. How about you stop avoiding facts that destroy your preconceived BS and actually learn something.

Anything coming from you is complete BS. If I could have you on ignore I would. There are news organizations on 24 hour cycles 365 days a year, and you think 11 times they got stories wrong makes them illegitimate. That's a joke given Trump lies 11 times in a 10 minute speech.
Here ya go, Lewd.

55 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

By the way, it's one thing to get it wrong, it's another thing to distort through half truths and out of context, which you really seem to be a sucker for.

You need to read your link. It has things on it that most certainly are not lies. Someone saying in October that Trump doesn't have a path to winning the Electoral College, is most certainly not a lie, that's someone's opinion they ended up being wrong about. And the excuse it wasn't "marked an opinion" doesn't make it a lie.
Read the whole list, dude. I don't cherry pick like what you like to read.

You posted a link to some obscure site, and within the first couple of "lies" I had already spotted where they tried to make something into a lie that obviously wasn't.

Point to it please. Present it here for all to see.
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
Who the hell cares............I'm glad we pulled from the Paris Accord...........I don't agree with the sky is falling BS coming from it.............Creating places like California making laws that you must have solar panels to build a house there.............

Stupidity in motion.................We are not required to agree with you BUTTERCUP.
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
I believe that Man Made Global Warming is a hoax. The cure from what I've read is to take money from a rich country and give it to totalitarian third world countries.
Anything coming from you is complete BS. If I could have you on ignore I would. There are news organizations on 24 hour cycles 365 days a year, and you think 11 times they got stories wrong makes them illegitimate. That's a joke given Trump lies 11 times in a 10 minute speech.
Here ya go, Lewd.

55 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

By the way, it's one thing to get it wrong, it's another thing to distort through half truths and out of context, which you really seem to be a sucker for.

You need to read your link. It has things on it that most certainly are not lies. Someone saying in October that Trump doesn't have a path to winning the Electoral College, is most certainly not a lie, that's someone's opinion they ended up being wrong about. And the excuse it wasn't "marked an opinion" doesn't make it a lie.
Read the whole list, dude. I don't cherry pick like what you like to read.

You posted a link to some obscure site, and within the first couple of "lies" I had already spotted where they tried to make something into a lie that obviously wasn't.

Point to it please. Present it here for all to see.

I already posted one of them, and he posted the link. It's in the quote tags, feel free to click on it. I don't think you need someone to hold your hand to do it.
And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

Ground Control to LewDog. THAT's a silly accusation right there. Fire your media morons and get new ones. They are RUINING your ability to critically think. Do I have to explain WHY that's a silly statement? Or do you "get it"???
I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
Who the hell cares............I'm glad we pulled from the Paris Accord...........I don't agree with the sky is falling BS coming from it.............Creating places like California making laws that you must have solar panels to build a house there.............

Stupidity in motion.................We are not required to agree with you BUTTERCUP.

Exactly! You don't care if he lies, but you think the press is ruining America with their lies. What a brilliant bit of logic!
Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

I'm thinking only morons would claim the CHinese made up ANY global warming hoax. Or at least only morons would take that assertion seriously.

I don't want to get off into chasing cocka-roaches here. The media IS a combatant and instigator of this national conflict. If they don't want to suit up with the pads -- they best just watch the revolts on TV...

Sure you don't want to talk about that, because it proves my point. When you have someone that sames dumbass shit, then gets caught lying about it, especially when that person is a Presidential candidate, the press is going to write about it.


Do you expect the press NOT to report on shit like this?

Who knows, he may be on to something. It seemed to have worked until Trump got into office.

2012 ?????? Really--- "as a presidential candidate"? OK. The Chinese are stealing our brains out. They've stolen the employee records of over 6MILLION US govt workers including security info. MAYBE ... LOL...

But only if they were secretly controlling the UN Panel meetings.

He as in Trump, not He as in Lewd.
I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.
Who the hell cares............I'm glad we pulled from the Paris Accord...........I don't agree with the sky is falling BS coming from it.............Creating places like California making laws that you must have solar panels to build a house there.............

Stupidity in motion.................We are not required to agree with you BUTTERCUP.

Exactly! You don't care if he lies, but you think the press is ruining America with their lies. What a brilliant bit of logic!
Baloney..............I don't agree with you period...................and was very happy when he shit canned the Paris Accord..........

It's all a Lie unless I agree with you and your 24/7 TDS............:boo_hoo14:
And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

Ground Control to LewDog. THAT's a silly accusation right there. Fire your media morons and get new ones. They are RUINING your ability to critically think. Do I have to explain WHY that's a silly statement? Or do you "get it"???

What's silly about it? A Presidential candidate said that Global Warming, something you post on here about ALL the time, is a hoax made up by the Chinese. Then he gets caught lying about it in a Presidential Debate, and you as an Administrator on a political message board, who's career is as a scientist, had no idea he had said that and then lied about saying it.
And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

Ground Control to LewDog. THAT's a silly accusation right there. Fire your media morons and get new ones. They are RUINING your ability to critically think. Do I have to explain WHY that's a silly statement? Or do you "get it"???

What's silly about it? A Presidential candidate said that Global Warming, something you post on here about ALL the time, is a hoax made up by the Chinese. Then he gets caught lying about it in a Presidential Debate, and you as an Administrator on a political message board, who's career is as a scientist, had no idea he had said that and then lied about saying it.

Fool me once......shame on you...........

Fool me twice.........shame on me.
How much of a war do they want to start? They are certainly ADVOCATES for polarizing and propagandizing their meager and shrinking audiences. If they HAVE no journalistic principles left and they are clearly just politically advocacy -- then it's up to them how high the fires burn. Isn't it?

They gonna hide behind their "ethics and principles" while SHELLING this country with political sewage all day and night? Ain't nothing LOW enough for them to allow on air anymore.

Look at the NYTimes digging in supporting their new 3rd string "editorial writer" as more and more of her mean vile past is reviled. She hates cops and law enforcement to an absurd degree, is partisan as hell and race baits likes the best of the racists we see here on USMB. Is that battle they want to WIN?

Any other time/place -- she'd be back typing in jammies in her overpriced flat in NYC -- being a big Twitter troll.

I asked a simple question. Do you expect them to NOT report on when Trump lies every 5 seconds? do you expect them NOT to report when kids are being separated from their families at the border? What do you want them to report on?

It's pretty hard to take the high road in reporting when you have to dredge through the swamp to report on it. If not for the press we wouldn't have found out about Price and his crap, or Pruitt and his crap, and so on and so on.

I expect them to ADMIT that their "fact checkers" have as much purchase on "the truth" as the best phone agents on the "Psychic Friends" network. You'd be better off paying the buck fifty.

Those "lies" are not fact. The media make them into INSTANTANEOUS spin on assertions taken out of context and history. And some of them MIGHT have seemed true in the PAST -- but those morons do not "update" their truth meters as information comes available. It forever pollutes the Internet as the tally gets higher.

I've debunked MANY of what are CALLED lies. Like the one where Trump called all immigrants "animals". It's just spin camouflaged as truth checking.

Here's an another example of the "dishonesty" about fact checkers...

When outrage is all the rage, progressive politics suffer

Notice that not ONLY is the ORIGINAL ACTUAL STATEMENT 100% true after paragraphs of spin and praising Obama. But the MAIN FACT was left out of their obama ass licking. And that is --- America LOWERED it's CO2 footprint almost SOLELY with increased Natural Gas production -- IN SPITE of all the Obama Admin attempts to get in the way of developing NEW gas fracking and pipelines. THAT'S criminally bad journalism -- and NOTHING LIKE "fact checking".

Use your critical thinking. Sample the news far and wide. LEARN TO DEFEND against the "black arts" of fact-checking and simple tallying of "lies"...

I have shown you clear examples as to some of the things the press has uncovered that the government never would have. Your feelings about the press are directly linked to your hatred of the Russia investigation.

You don't care if the President lies as long as he is filling your pocketbook. It's plain and simple. You are a sellout for your country over a few dollars.

You want to talk about Trump and climate? Did Trump say that global warming was a made up hoax by the Chinese?

Lemme be completely open and honest here dog. My motivation here is NOT because this is my war. It is not. I'm not jumping into either foxhole EVER.. You know WHY I'm beating on your thread premise?

Because I LIKE and enjoy many of my leftist warrior buds here on USMB and I'm tired of seeing them get their butts KICKED by consuming junk news and drama. It makes you look STUPIDER than I know you are. (Honest and Sincerely). Things like relying on "fact-checkers" instead of YOUR BRAIN are gonna get you DEMOLISHED in debate. And consuming too much Morning Joe isn't preparing you for the very INTENSE war you are in.

I'm trying to help. But I can't MOTIVATE people to SPEND the time thinking and weighing and sampling information. This addiction to junk news needs an intervention. And I care.

:11_2_1043: :2up:

You aren't trying to help at all. I pointed out obvious lies, and the fact you didn't know Trump said that Global Warming was a hoax made up by the Chinese tells me you don't follow politics anywhere near as much as you make out. And as a scientist, it is kind of sad you had no idea Trump said that.

I'm sorry, but I do like coming here to talk about things, but this current climate on this forum is toxic beyond belief and that toxicity goes beyond normal posters.

You don't point out diddly squat, Lewedog, you are one of the sheeple that regurgitate the bullshit of the lamestream media.
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

+ Quote

Considering how many people journalists have gotten killed over the decades they certainly shouldn't be whining about their bad behavior. However, unlike the leftist media, and maxine waters and her ilk, I don't see trump calling on his supporters to go murder people. His support for them defending themselves at his rally's was certainly not a call to initiate violence, so this is yet another unhinged (to borrow a favored leftist term now) screed, penned by the very people who are inciting violence.

They are going to reap what they sow. It's sad, but they could have prevented it. They CHOSE not to.

Exactly how many people have died over the decades (?) by an American journalism"s actions. Factual evidence and details, please.
Also, this is the Oath of Office that Trump swore on the Bible, to uphold.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump is having a rough time fulfilling the Oath he took. Instead of protecting and defending the Constitution, he's attacking it.
And goose-steppers like youswlf condom Trump;s anti-American words and actions.

Get theee to a school!

U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895–1898
Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.

Milestones: 1866–1898 - Office of the Historian

You said,,"Considering how many people journalists have gotten killed over the decades they certainly shouldn't be whining about their bad behavior"
Your reply was seriously lame. 1898? 120 years ago?
Excuse me a second.


You really bombed on that reply! :disbelief:
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

+ Quote

Considering how many people journalists have gotten killed over the decades they certainly shouldn't be whining about their bad behavior. However, unlike the leftist media, and maxine waters and her ilk, I don't see trump calling on his supporters to go murder people. His support for them defending themselves at his rally's was certainly not a call to initiate violence, so this is yet another unhinged (to borrow a favored leftist term now) screed, penned by the very people who are inciting violence.

They are going to reap what they sow. It's sad, but they could have prevented it. They CHOSE not to.

Exactly how many people have died over the decades (?) by an American journalism"s actions. Factual evidence and details, please.
Also, this is the Oath of Office that Trump swore on the Bible, to uphold.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump is having a rough time fulfilling the Oath he took. Instead of protecting and defending the Constitution, he's attacking it.
And goose-steppers like youswlf condom Trump;s anti-American words and actions.

Get theee to a school!

U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895–1898
Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.

Milestones: 1866–1898 - Office of the Historian

You said,,"Considering how many people journalists have gotten killed over the decades they certainly shouldn't be whining about their bad behavior"
Your reply was seriously lame. 1898? 120 years ago?
Excuse me a second.


You really bombed on that reply! :disbelief:

That was the supreme example of it, moron. They are STILL doing it.
List of journalists killed in the United States - Wikipedia

To those Hyping this shit up............take a look...............and breath into a bag............LOL

What's your point? We are talking about now and into the future.
Point is..............your projecting that it's gonna happen ALL BECAUSE OF TRUMP............

Right in line with the news outlets playing the victim card..............Political NONSENSE............

No I;m doing so because Trump supporters are being brazen enough to call into a tv show and make open threats to shoot journalist.
List of journalists killed in the United States - Wikipedia

To those Hyping this shit up............take a look...............and breath into a bag............LOL

What's your point? We are talking about now and into the future.
Point is..............your projecting that it's gonna happen ALL BECAUSE OF TRUMP............

Right in line with the news outlets playing the victim card..............Political NONSENSE............

No I;m doing so because Trump supporters are being brazen enough to call into a tv show and make open threats to shoot journalist.
In a Nation of 320 million plus people that will happen...............

Threaten versus shoot to kill..............sofball field a concert in Las Vegas.....over 50 dead............those are real.......

The actions of Antifa........bringing clubs and metal rods to stop free speech are real..........

The actions of BLM and burning down towns are real..............

Maxine saying harass..........and harassment occurs are real.........proven.........

Seems you are complaining to the wrong people about being playing the victim card............YOU ARE FAKE NEWS.

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