Donald Trump Jr. Has A Message For Ted Cruz: "Drop Out"

Can't believe die hard Cruz Crew folks cannot accept reality. Correction, supporting Cruz to begin with is a sign that someone is not in touch with reality. :p

Crooked Hillary, you're next!
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
No, he's right, moron. Cruz would have to win out 100% to seize the nomination. Trump only needs 54% or 374 delegates to get to 1,237.[/QUOTE

Until a candidate receives 1237 votes at the convention, no one is eliminated.
Tell that to the experts riffraff.

AP: Ted Cruz now mathematically eliminated from clinching GOP nomination before convention
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Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
No, he's right, moron. Cruz would have to win out 100% to seize the nomination. Trump only needs 54% or 374 delegates to get to 1,237.[/QUOTE

Until a candidate receives 1237 votes at the convention, no one is eliminated.
Tell that to the experts riffraff.

AP: Ted Cruz now mathematically eliminated from clinching GOP nomination before convention

Like I said, you should have stayed in school, McRacist. Perhaps you would have learned something in reading comprehension too.

The convention is what matters.
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Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
No, he's right, moron. Cruz would have to win out 100% to seize the nomination. Trump only needs 54% or 374 delegates to get to 1,237.[/QUOTE

Until a candidate receives 1237 votes at the convention, no one is eliminated.
Tell that to the experts riffraff.

AP: Ted Cruz now mathematically eliminated from clinching GOP nomination before convention

Like I said, you should have stayed in school, McRacist. Perhaps you would have learned something in reading comprehension too.

The convention is what matters.
Learn from the pros boy.

Trump Convention Manager: 'There’s Not Going to Be a Second Ballot' - Breitbart
False, moron.
No, he's right, moron. Cruz would have to win out 100% to seize the nomination. Trump only needs 54% or 374 delegates to get to 1,237.[/QUOTE

Until a candidate receives 1237 votes at the convention, no one is eliminated.
Tell that to the experts riffraff.

AP: Ted Cruz now mathematically eliminated from clinching GOP nomination before convention

Like I said, you should have stayed in school, McRacist. Perhaps you would have learned something in reading comprehension too.

The convention is what matters.
Learn from the pros boy.

Trump Convention Manager: 'There’s Not Going to Be a Second Ballot' - Breitbart

Unemployed pros from 40 years ago, you mean? Quite the "best people" Trump is hiring, eh?

If Trump secures 1237 votes, he will be the nominee. But if he doesn't - and almost everyone not on Trump's payroll believes he won't - then Cruz is not "eliminated."

This is not hard to understand.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
Except for the fact that the RNC can make any rules they want, so,if Donny doesn't show up with a number very close to 1237 he willed get Trumped out. Dis functional RNC doesn't want to let some spoiled rich guy eat at their trough.

They dont want an outsider to get a look at what they've been up to.
False, moron.
Dude Cruz is a lunatic. Stopping him is more important than anything else.
I want Cruz to be the nominee. I'm sick of wingnut excuses for losing, always claiming "if we had nominated a REAL conservative we would have won".

Well, nothing stopped them from nominating one in 2008 and 2012, except for the fact that "REAL conservatives" are a minority in the Republican party.

A Cruz nomination will result in a 45+ state landslide for Clinton or Sanders.
That's not worth there being even a tiny chance that the lunatic wins it all. Trump is the lesser of the 2 evils.
There's less than a tiny chance.
Still not worth it. You don't know what can happen between now and November. Cruz could set this country back decades.
It doesn't matter what happens between now and November. Cruz doesn't have snowball's chance in hell of getting minority votes or the majority of women's votes. Dennis Kucinich could beat him.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
He has a chance if you count miracles.
He's racking up the delegates. Once it goes to the second ballot at the convention, he's in.

Sure, he can cheat his way in...........he's already trying.
According to GOP rules, that's apparently not cheating.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
Dude Cruz is a lunatic. Stopping him is more important than anything else.
I want Cruz to be the nominee. I'm sick of wingnut excuses for losing, always claiming "if we had nominated a REAL conservative we would have won".

Well, nothing stopped them from nominating one in 2008 and 2012, except for the fact that "REAL conservatives" are a minority in the Republican party.

A Cruz nomination will result in a 45+ state landslide for Clinton or Sanders.
That's not worth there being even a tiny chance that the lunatic wins it all. Trump is the lesser of the 2 evils.
There's less than a tiny chance.
Smaller than Drumpf's hands?
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
Except for the fact that the RNC can make any rules they want, so,if Donny doesn't show up with a number very close to 1237 he willed get Trumped out. Dis functional RNC doesn't want to let some spoiled rich guy eat at their trough.

They dont want an outsider to get a look at what they've been up to.

The RNC does NOT make the rules at the convention. The delegates make the rules.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
He has a chance if you count miracles.
He's racking up the delegates. Once it goes to the second ballot at the convention, he's in.
Candidates that don't factor in at least 8 states can't be nominated. Their delegates are free to vote for who they want. Those delegates are still out there
It would be hard to believe if Trump is 50-100 short he doesn't pick up the necessary delegates to get the magic number.
Then why is Kasich still running? Because rules are made to be broken.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
Dude Cruz is a lunatic. Stopping him is more important than anything else.
I want Cruz to be the nominee. I'm sick of wingnut excuses for losing, always claiming "if we had nominated a REAL conservative we would have won".

Well, nothing stopped them from nominating one in 2008 and 2012, except for the fact that "REAL conservatives" are a minority in the Republican party.

A Cruz nomination will result in a 45+ state landslide for Clinton or Sanders.

But the establishment will never allow this to happen.

If it were not for Trump, it would be Cruz. Trump was sent to stop him.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
False, moron.
No, he's right, moron. Cruz would have to win out 100% to seize the nomination. Trump only needs 54% or 374 delegates to get to 1,237.[/QUOTE

Until a candidate receives 1237 votes at the convention, no one is eliminated.
Tell that to the experts riffraff.

AP: Ted Cruz now mathematically eliminated from clinching GOP nomination before convention
This is only relevant if Drumpf gets to 1237.
Cruz is mathematically EliminaTED.
Except for the fact that the RNC can make any rules they want, so,if Donny doesn't show up with a number very close to 1237 he willed get Trumped out. Dis functional RNC doesn't want to let some spoiled rich guy eat at their trough.

They dont want an outsider to get a look at what they've been up to.

The RNC does NOT make the rules at the convention. The delegates make the rules.

What does that have to do with my post?
To see if Ted is eliminated, all we have to do is compare the number of delegates left to how many delegates Cruz need.

Do not forget that other candidates,such as Rubio, have won delegates.

According to real clear politics, There are 734 delegates remaining.
Cruz has 559. He needs 1237
So, no Ted is not mathematically eliminated.

But he should be after April 26!

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