Donald Trump Jr. reacts to infowars censorship reality about purging all conservative media


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The coordinated censorship of Infowars and Alex Jones is the first step towards the widespread censorship of “all conservative media,” according to the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media,” he tweeted Tuesday.

Donald Trump Jr. Reacts To Infowars Censorship: ‘Really About Purging All Conservative Media’

This should be freaking out most media, social websites, etc because sooner or later it is going to make it's way to " EVERYONE" sheep.

Here is a perfect example : Lets say USMB uses google analytics for revenue ( most sites do), Well google could easily manipulate USMB to what they can or can not do all from our friends over at the UN cause they said so.

So now USMB can't allow this type of speech, or this type of media etc, etc, so USMB's only choice ban or kick off EVERYBODY that isn't kissing their assinine rules etc. that were really handed down from Google.

What most of these stuck media sites don't realize is once you kick off half the population people will lose interest in a ONE SIDE BOARD, a ONE SIDED NEWS SOURCE ( comments)
Trump and Jones are two conspiracy minded nut jobs. Unfortunately one is president. What crap.
Really. "Conservative media" huh?

So.... "conservative media" looks like this?


Well ah.... you must be very proud.
Really. "Conservative media" huh?

So.... "conservative media" looks like this?


Well ah.... you must be very proud.

We willl be proud and laugh our asses off when you stupid pathetic COCKY IGNORANT C....ts get takne down as well. and they are coming for you brown shirt they come for their own remember taht's what you assholes are all about. COMMIE.
Really. "Conservative media" huh?

So.... "conservative media" looks like this?


Yeah, funny thing is he was probably imitating the spazoid Left when he did that . . . .
Youtube alleges that the Alex Jones channel was removed due to multiple "violations of community standards" a.k.a "hate speech" & "depicting violence".

Alex Jone's Youtube was still reflecting that the channel was in "ok" green standing with all but one feature enabled minutes after the pages removal. The channel had essentially a 3 out of 4 in good standing rating. Infowars Host David Knights Youtube channel "Real News with David Knight" never had a single Youtube violation and was removed at the same time.

Here's a screenshot taken from inside the Alex Jones Youtube Channel creator studio minutes after the page was removed from the public. Note the time and date.

An hour or so after this screen shot was taken access to the entire account from the login was fully gone.

This is not about Youtube following through with the repercussions of too many account violations, this is about censoring the truth.

Really. "Conservative media" huh?

So.... "conservative media" looks like this?


Yeah, funny thing is he was probably imitating the spazoid Left when he did that . . . .

I dunno. Looks more to me like Curley Howard. Other times he looks like Peewee Herman or a WWE actor. Other times it's like


I don't even know what to compare that to. What it never looks like is intelligent discourse.

And we know why, don't we. That wouldn't sell goat testicles.

Whatever the gyration, when all you have is Appeal to Emotion (or Appeal to Clown), you don't have a rational argument.
YouTube needed to take out the trash. It began to stink up their platform.
Facebook is a private company. So is YouTube. Alex Jones still has his InfoWars site, so he's not being silenced.

And, I don't see any reason why any social media platform should be forced to carry for free content that they don't agree with.

If he was paying Facebook and YouTube, and had a contract for them to carry his content, I'd say different, but he doesn't, so I don't.
Really. "Conservative media" huh?

So.... "conservative media" looks like this?


Well ah.... you must be very proud.

We willl be proud and laugh our asses off when you stupid pathetic COCKY IGNORANT C....ts get takne down as well. and they are coming for you brown shirt they come for their own remember taht's what you assholes are all about. COMMIE.

And if there was any doubt that Appeal to Emotion is exactly what he's all about ---- wave BUH-bye to said doubt. ^^

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