Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

No - maybe co-enabling though.

I'm in your loop, yes.

Denial is easier than doing the work.

See above.

You believe this about yourself, but I hope you can find the courage to face the truth.

I hope you can find courage. :)
Wrong moron projection from YOU.

You have been caught and proven to be a liar.

You have done no work and have massively failed to provide evidence for your smear.

You know this is true and you know I am better than you and have proven it.

I need no courage when I have the truth proving you a filthy liar
Wrong moron projection from YOU.

You have been caught and proven to be a liar.

You have done no work and have massively failed to provide evidence for your smear.

You know this is true and you know I am better than you and have proven it.

I need no courage when I have the truth proving you a filthy liar
You're addicted to your denial, and your raging proclamation of same.

I hope you can move past this for everyone's sake. :)
You're addicted to your denial, and your raging proclamation of same.

I hope you can move past this for everyone's sake. :)
It is you in denial not me. You have yet to post evidence proving you are a liar.

Everyone knows this. You included.
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

Mccain was despicable piece of shit who made millions by fucking over the little guy in the savings and loan scandal.

He was one of the keating five.

You claim to be a supporter of the little guy.

Go look it up.
Are you drunk?



Why do you continue to post this repetitive nonsense?
I nam stating facts you coward.

You are a liar and you know it.

Mccain and Powell were not war criminals and you are a cowardly lying sack of shit for saying they are,

That is a proven fact
Looks like conservatives love straight up cowards who claim they are patriotic. You are only patriotic if you don't have to pick up a weapon and defend the nation.
Same for liberals.

Did Bill Clinton join the military during the Vietnam War?

How about Joe Biden?

Perhaps we should require all members of the House and Senate and presidents to have served at least one tour of duty in the military. If we did we would have a much better government in my opinion. Also fewer stupid wars in far off places so the military industrial complex can make big bucks.
I nam stating facts you coward.

You are a liar and you know it.

Mccain and Powell were not war criminals and you are a cowardly lying sack of shit for saying they are,

That is a proven fact
You do understand that denying the truth endlessly doesn't make it less true, right?
I do yet you keep denying it proving you are too dumb to realize it only makes you look dumber denying the truth.
Individually and collectively, the denial of painful truths which can prevent future atrocities is tragic at best.

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