Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

So was Bush and yet you bad mouth him all the time or if I am wrong your buddies on the left do, He flew THE most Dangerous aircraft in the US arsenal more then required even if he did not see combat.
I don’t recall anyone badmouthing Bush 41s war record. He was shot down in combat and rescued by a sub

Bush 43 was criticized because he never left Texas during Vietnam

Hey guys, forgive me, but......but I need a trail guide here.
How did McCain insult Trump supporters? What did he say?
........and was he right about it?

He insulted people who had almost all voted for him to be President. He was an ungrateful ass.

You asking if he was right, is just giving yourself an excuse to give mccain a pass and still attack Trump and his supporters.
I don’t recall anyone badmouthing Bush 41s war record. He was shot down in combat and rescued by a sub

Bush 43 was criticized because he never left Texas during Vietnam

That was the point he was addressing. He was talking about Bush 43, you ignorant fool.
"He insulted people who had almost all voted for him to be President
You asking if he was right, is just giving yourself an excuse ......."
Settle down, son. You are trying too hard.

What my poor avatar was asking was: What was the insult offered by McCain?

And my query if whatever remark was offered was a 'right' remark was a query to poster 'rightwinger' to more fulsomely explain his view of this alleged 'insult'.

Please, poster Correll, don' be so defensive.
It hinders advancing the discourse.
Just comparing the war records of the two Bush ‘s

One flew combat missions in the Pacific off of Aircraft Carriers while the other defended Texas

Yeah, he flew a notoriously dangerous fighter jet that killed a high percentage of its pilots. He was a part of Homeland defense when it actually meant something.
Yeah, he flew a notoriously dangerous fighter jet that killed a high percentage of its pilots. He was a part of Homeland defense when it actually meant something.
Compared to a WWII Torpedo Bomber?

It was dangerous because it was an obsolete airframe
Being certified on that aircraft decreased your chances of being deployed to Vietnam
Compared to a WWII Torpedo Bomber?

It was dangerous because it was an obsolete airframe
Being certified on that aircraft decreased your chances of being deployed to Vietnam

It was one of the most advanced fighter aircraft at that time. It was far from obsolete.
It was one of the most advanced fighter aircraft at that time. It was far from obsolete.
Wrong again Skippy
F102s were built in the mid 1950s and were removed from Vietnam in 1968. Bush was not certified until 1970.
He certified in an obsolete airframe.

Operations with both the F-102A and TF-102A two-seaters (which were used in a Forward Air Control role because its two seats and 2.75 in/70 mm rockets offered good versatility for the mission) continued in Vietnam until 1968 when all F-102s were returned to the United States.
Wrong again Skippy
F102s were built in the mid 1950s and were removed from Vietnam in 1968. Bush was not certified until 1970.
He certified in an obsolete airframe.

Operations with both the F-102A and TF-102A two-seaters (which were used in a Forward Air Control role because its two seats and 2.75 in/70 mm rockets offered good versatility for the mission) continued in Vietnam until 1968 when all F-102s were returned to the United States.

They were removed from Vietnam because they had no ability to drop bombs, dumbass. They were frontline AIR DEFENCE AND POINT DEFENSE AIR SUPERIORITY aircraft until they were replaced. Using them as FAC's was asinine.
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
What made John McCain a war hero? Being shot down and captured by the enemy?
What made John McCain a war hero? Being shot down and captured by the enemy?

Well, I never followed McCain's career closely, but if memory serves, I seem to recall that the guy was a Navy pilot, who, because his Pop was a Navy bigwig likely could've hid behind a Pentagon desk during VietNam and wrote memos.....but he didn't. He strapped himself into a jet and went and did war.

And then, I seem to recall that once captured the opportunity arose (again because of having a bigwig Naval Dad) he had the opportunity to be released from the Hanoi Hilton early. Earlier than the men who had already been there years. He refused and ended up spending, I think, about 5yrs in the slammer.

If not heroic, it sure seems, well, admirable.

In comparison to John McCain we have "Cadet Bonespurs".... as Army helicopter pilot, Senator Tammy Duckworth colorfully described Don Trump.

And, in my view, Senator Duckworth has some credibility regarding military mobility: heel bone-spurs vs. double amputee.

"Just eight months into Tammy Duckworth’s 2004 deployment in Iraq, a rocket-propelled grenade exploded through the Blackhawk helicopter she was flying. As she wrote in a 2015 piece for Politico, “My right leg was vaporized; my left leg was crushed and shredded against the instrument panel.” She is 50, a double amputee as a result of the injuries she sustained..."
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
Read what McCain had to say after his thoroughly washed (former) brain dried out and then get back to us.
Do you remember Trump as being a coward?
No, I don’t.

If you are referring to Trump avoiding the military let me remind you that Joe Biden never served either.

Obama didn’t serve in the military, nor did Bill Clinton.

Did you serve in the military?
Both were spot on in characterizing Trump supporters as “crazies” and “deplorables”

Jan 6 showed how dangerous they can be

Yep. Far less dangerous than you murderous bastards.


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