Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Lol, Guno. I seriously doubt if that quote is flashing around the globe. WITH is Jose Guiterrez?
He is a professor at the University of Texas. Says it right there in the post.
In a debate? they have never spent so much time quizzing one candidate. All moderators are very careful not to give more than the others. That would be a conflict with other candidates. This time it wasn't just issues. but personal negative comments. Seven times the amount of time to Donald as any other candidate.

Off topic. We have to get back to the thread 's title.

Since when has fox worried about a conflict? It's what they do.

what is this fixation on fox with you guys?'s show biz...just like every other "news" organization. show biz. get over it...

No.It's not show biz. It's political biz. They use show biz techniques to manipulate politics, but never forget that politics is their goal, and they will do or say anything to advance that goal.

keep watching tv, then and don't bother with thinking

That's what has been so successful for fox and the right wing.

the fox obsession is comical...grabbing at straws..LMAO..
Wonder how many generations of the family of the man who ordered Ramos "out of my country" has lived in the US?
Judging by accents, I would imagine more generations than Ramos.
I just heard William Kristol say his family, prior to him, spoke broken English.
I am pretty sure that Kristol and the guy that told Ramos to get out have no accent. I have no idea what William Kristol has to do with it anyway. You asked a question and I answered it.
Wonder how many generations of the family of the man who ordered Ramos "out of my country" has lived in the US?
Judging by accents, I would imagine more generations than Ramos.
I just heard William Kristol say his family, prior to him, spoke broken English.
I am pretty sure that Kristol and the guy that told Ramos to get out have no accent. I have no idea what William Kristol has to do with it anyway. You asked a question and I answered it.
It's possible the guy who said "get out of my country" might have only been a second generation citizen of the US. At what point does a citizen get to say "my country"?
Trump's campaign is being fed by bigotry and hatred, regardless of how much his supporters want to deny that. With this kind of constant rhetoric coming from conservatives, it's really quite mind boggling how they can't figure out why even legal Hispanics won't support their party.

Yes, I noticed that on my thread, but didn't make a new one. Figured they would get merged, anyway, because, well, Benghazi.

Your point is well taken.
Wonder how many generations of the family of the man who ordered Ramos "out of my country" has lived in the US?
Judging by accents, I would imagine more generations than Ramos.
I just heard William Kristol say his family, prior to him, spoke broken English.
I am pretty sure that Kristol and the guy that told Ramos to get out have no accent. I have no idea what William Kristol has to do with it anyway. You asked a question and I answered it.
It's possible the guy who said "get out of my country" might have only been a second generation citizen of the US. At what point does a citizen get to say "my country"?
Stop playing stupid games. You asked, I answered; essentially, at least one more.
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign

And? Is that supposed to mean anything?

Or is "guilt by association" the only thing that RWNJs know these days?

Newsflash: Jorge Ramos is NOT, I repeat, is NOT his daughter.
Wonder how many generations of the family of the man who ordered Ramos "out of my country" has lived in the US?
Judging by accents, I would imagine more generations than Ramos.
I just heard William Kristol say his family, prior to him, spoke broken English.
I am pretty sure that Kristol and the guy that told Ramos to get out have no accent. I have no idea what William Kristol has to do with it anyway. You asked a question and I answered it.
It's possible the guy who said "get out of my country" might have only been a second generation citizen of the US. At what point does a citizen get to say "my country"?
Stop playing stupid games. You asked, I answered; essentially, at least one more.
Ramos, a US citizen, gets to say "my country".
Hispanics will be at least 17.7% of the population next year, Asians at least 5.5% and blacks 13%...This isn't 1980 and they're unlikely to get the womans vote to even match the white turn out of that election...60% tops for Trump as most of the rest are educated, woman or gay.

I can't see him winning.
No problem, cause most negro's and spics don't vote. ..... :cool:

Wonderful, little Jihadi, let your hate shine!!

we didn't start thread. so does it look we care? h can go suck off the whole democrat party if he wants. and leave after no one cares

Leave from where? The country that he's a citizen of, whether certain idiots like it or not?

You are being very unkind to Stephanie. You are asking her to use her brain. Shame on you.
Judging by accents, I would imagine more generations than Ramos.
I just heard William Kristol say his family, prior to him, spoke broken English.
I am pretty sure that Kristol and the guy that told Ramos to get out have no accent. I have no idea what William Kristol has to do with it anyway. You asked a question and I answered it.
It's possible the guy who said "get out of my country" might have only been a second generation citizen of the US. At what point does a citizen get to say "my country"?
Stop playing stupid games. You asked, I answered; essentially, at least one more.
Ramos, a US citizen, gets to say "my country".
Who said he didn't?
Ramos is a moron!
Always making shit!
Can't stand him! :mad-61:

he a traitor to us all. how many of US can go vote in the Mexican elections like he brags he goes and does. and he's a Hillary supporter. so wake the hell up before it's too late

My Gawd, you are so mind-bogglingly stupid, we may just need to come up with a word especially for you.

Jorge Ramos is a US citizen, you stupid fuck.

He votes in US elections, not in Mexican elections.

Now, do you grasp that, or are the Tonka Toys close to where you are sitting in your diapers just too alluring?

Yepp, Stephanie, yer a Rightie, all right!
Who cares where Ramos' daughter works?

The media bills themselves as impartial. Here is a clear case where a journalist is very partial. There is also a monetary and political aspect to his advocacy as well. That's why journalists have always been supposed to not take sides.


Because he wanted to ask a question? This makes him impartial?
Well, if you're not supposed to be here, whats wrong with being told to get out?

Ramos does belong here. He's a US citizen. What's wrong is that the bigoted retard saw the color of his skin and heard the accent and said, "Get out of my country."

Just more evidence of why Hispanics vote Democratic. Like I told you, every single day there is evidence right in front of your face.

And your response is like Vinne Barbarino.



no the evidence is right in YOUR FACE dummy! it is very clear to anybody not a loser deceiving himself that it is Ramo's actions and his advocacy for illegals that would inspire somebody to tell him to go back to mexico.
his policies and his views are what is tearing this country apart; the pandering for votes Democrats do, and the open border policies.

but you just want to make every thing a case of racism; because it is all you know

I'm pretty sure it's because he's brown.

He votes in US elections, not in Mexican elections.

Now, do you grasp that, or are the Tonka Toys close to where you are sitting in your diapers just too alluring?

Yepp, Stephanie, yer a Rightie, all right!
Ramos is a dual citizen and can vote in Mexican and American elections. Being a lonely, gay Jew in Germany does not entitle you to ignorance.

You might stop calling others 'mindbogglingly stupid'. I'm sure you see my point.
Wonder how many generations of the family of the man who ordered Ramos "out of my country" has lived in the US?

oh for crying out loud. you should go hunt him down and ask him.
good grief, Ole Trump is making you on the left nuttier than usual.

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