Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

LOL, ole Jorgie thought he was going to spar and embarrass Trump. Instead all he did is help him. What a fool

Jorge Ramos Makes the Case for Donald Trump

Posted by Ruben Diaz on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz District 32 Bronx County, New York Tel 718-991-3161

Jorge Ramos Makes the Case for Donald Trump

You should know that last night, during Donald Trump’s press conference in Dubuque, Iowa there was a confrontation between Univision reporter Jorge Ramos and US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.

After watching that interview, I believe that Jorge Ramos’ actions were an embarrassment to Hispanics, immigrants, reporters and to Univision.

We all know that Donald Trump has become #1 in the polls because when he talks about immigration, he stirs a sentiment that resonates with many Americans who think that immigrants come here to take cover, be macho men, and enjoy the rights without respect, and do whatever they want to do.

Jorge Ramos’s responsibilities were to wait until he was called upon like every other reporter, and to ask his question when called upon – not to grandstand about his views on immigration before he was called to even ask a question. It was embarrassing to watch Jorge Ramos conduct himself they way he did last night. He did not wait for his turn to ask a question, and he was not respectful when he did ask.

Even when he was allowed to return to the press room, Jorge Ramos started to ask his question with his own opinion: "Here's the problem with your immigration plan. It's full of empty promises."

Jorge Ramos’ preamble to his question for Donald Trump showed us all how he was trying to engage in debate with Donald Trump – not to be an objective news reporter. He tried to tell Donald Trump what he can do and what he cannot do.

You should know that there is a reporter by the name of Gerson Borrero who has disagreed with me on many occasions, but when he interviews me, he asks direct questions and allows me to answer his questions. He does not inject his personal views into any of his questions. THAT is the job of a reporter.

With last night’s behavior of Jorge Ramos, he made the case for many of Donald Trump’s followers and other Americans who reject immigrants, thinking that we came here to take over without regard for any rules. I have to say that I believe Jorge Ramos’ behavior may have helped Donald Trump’s poll numbers to rise.

I am State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Jorge Ramos Makes the Case for Donald Trump | New York State Senate
Video at the site
Even these libs thought the guy was a jerk and ass.

Morning Joe panel BLASTS Jorge Ramos for his crazy TIRADE against TRUMP
Posted by soopermexican on Aug 26, 2015 at 6:24 PM in Politics |

The entire panel on Morning Joe criticized Jorge Ramos and blamed him for the debacle yesterday where il Trumpollini had him kicked out of a press conference, and then later had a very touchy back and forth after letting him back in.

Watch below:

Read more:
Well, if you're not supposed to be here, whats wrong with being told to get out?

Ramos does belong here. He's a US citizen. What's wrong is that the bigoted retard saw the color of his skin and heard the accent and said, "Get out of my country."

Just more evidence of why Hispanics vote Democratic. Like I told you, every single day there is evidence right in front of your face.

And your response is like Vinne Barbarino.



no the evidence is right in YOUR FACE dummy! it is very clear to anybody not a loser deceiving himself that it is Ramo's actions and his advocacy for illegals that would inspire somebody to tell him to go back to mexico.
his policies and his views are what is tearing this country apart; the pandering for votes Democrats do, and the open border policies.

but you just want to make every thing a case of racism; because it is all you know

I'm pretty sure it's because he's brown.


I'm pretty sure left-wing nutjobs are predictable in their responses
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
Why do you think Ramos made a point of "being transparent" and telling the world that his daughter was working for the most popular Democrat.

Because it was the ethical thing to do.
Why was it ethical? What was the purpose of telling us that?

It is called full disclosure so that no one can accuse you of hiding anything.
Well, if you're not supposed to be here, whats wrong with being told to get out?

Ramos does belong here. He's a US citizen. What's wrong is that the bigoted retard saw the color of his skin and heard the accent and said, "Get out of my country."

Just more evidence of why Hispanics vote Democratic. Like I told you, every single day there is evidence right in front of your face.

And your response is like Vinne Barbarino.



no the evidence is right in YOUR FACE dummy! it is very clear to anybody not a loser deceiving himself that it is Ramo's actions and his advocacy for illegals that would inspire somebody to tell him to go back to mexico.
his policies and his views are what is tearing this country apart; the pandering for votes Democrats do, and the open border policies.

but you just want to make every thing a case of racism; because it is all you know

I'm pretty sure it's because he's brown.


I'm pretty sure left-wing nutjobs are predictable in their responses

just what we've all come to expect. Now if he had done to Hillary. WELL you know how that would have gone. they'd be calling for him to lose his job and hung from the highest tree
Why do you think Ramos made a point of "being transparent" and telling the world that his daughter was working for the most popular Democrat.

Because it was the ethical thing to do.

Hah! That only makes Ramos more a shill than he already is. Ethical? You kidding me?

So, in your republican mind, not disclosing that would have been the ethical thing to do?
Of course he had to, because of the Conflict of Interest! lol

BZZZT Wrong!

It is not a conflict of interest because he isn't working for Hillary and Univision. He disclosed it because it was the ethical thing to do.
"I am a reporter, an immigrant and a citizen. I have a right to ask a question." - Jorge Ramos
But he lectured instead.

A presidential candidate should be able to handle that with class and dignity.
He's improving. He told him to sit down repeatedly. The only offensive part was "Go back to Univision." Of course, we can both say, this would not have happened in Ramos played by the rules like everyone else. But he couldn't do that, could he?
I side with Trump on that.

Which also proves that Trump lied as he first claimed that he didn't even know it as Jorge Ramos. Of course he knew him, the two have had business dealings with each other. Then, Trump claimed that Ramos acted like a wild animal or such, which the video does not confirm.

No matter how you slice it, this hurts Trump even more among US-Latinos who are voters. Of this I have absolutely no doubt.
But he lectured instead.

So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?

Great point. :) The RWs certainly were upset when they thought the press was fawning over Obama.
And I don't think the press is fawning over Trump. I think they see him as a phenomenon.

They see him as ratings gold rather than a phenomenon.
But he lectured instead.

So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?

Great point. :) The RWs certainly were upset when they thought the press was fawning over Obama.
And I don't think the press is fawning over Trump. I think they see him as a phenomenon.

They see him as ratings gold rather than a phenomenon.
You are right. People will tune in to him and just listen to what he says. The interesting fact is they like what he says and he is the only one saying it. Many if the other candidates are essentially "done."

It's 15 months b4 the election. It's way too early to say the rest are 'done'. Trump has no answers, he has no plans. When some of the other candidates do start dropping out, & the field narrows- he will have to start giving more than stupid replies with no substance like he's been doing. Right now, he's appealing to the lowest common denominator & saying all the right things that appeal to that base, with zero solutions, starting with the word 'HOW'. HOW will he deport millions of illegals? HOW will he get that wall built? HOW? HOW? HOW? I can't wait for the more substantive debates. He's an empty cheap suit, made in China.
Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.
Because it was a conflict of interest. Ramos knew that when he pulled that stunt. Repubs don't want Trump, Dems damn sure don't. He's getting it on both sides but so far, he is doing just fine in my opinion.
He is not a politician. That's what we need now. He can't be bought.
That's how I feel, Gracie. Tired of politicians. We need another Reagan.

You do realize Reagan served 8 years as Governor of California & when he was POTUS, he gave amnesty to millions of illegals, right?
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It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.
Because it was a conflict of interest. Ramos knew that when he pulled that stunt. Repubs don't want Trump, Dems damn sure don't. He's getting it on both sides but so far, he is doing just fine in my opinion.
He is not a politician. That's what we need now. He can't be bought.

NO. It is not. What his daughter does is her own business. Geez Louise...
Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.
Let's face it. He could have called him names! Remember the debate? He's getting nicer! lol.

In one way, that's kind of funny, and yet, in another, it only shows how far deep down to the bottom of the barrel the GOP has already raced....
Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

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