Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Hmm. Interesting. Gosh. Coinkydink this guy is being an ass by speaking without being called to try to push Trumps buttons so the media gets in a frenzy, and conveniently having a daughter work for Hillary's campaign? Either a coinky dink or a planned plot.

Of course they'd stick up for the jerk. if this had been a Fox news Reporter at the old man Bernies or the old gray mare Hillarys rally. omg heads would be exploding. they are so two faced hypocrites
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.
And we know how Fox tries to manipulate debates!
Right. By asking a candidate about obnoxious things he has said about women? Or asking all of the candidates if they will support the eventual nominee? How is that manipulating anything?

I read that Trump had 38 minutes of time dedicated to him which was all negative while the others had 5-7 minutes. Does that not seem unbalanced?

HOW is he gonna build that big beautiful wall besides with 'good management'? HOW is he gonna round up & 'deport all the illegals' ? HOW is it all gonna be paid for? HOW is he gonna get 'Mexico to pay for it'? Did he answer any of that in the 38 minutes?
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This get out of my country incident is the equivalent of that time a Rand Paul stooge stomped on that protesting woman's head,

minus the actual physical assault.

you "seems" wrong, if you could show proof of broken laws, i and others would like to see your evidence.., OK ?

Sorry, guy, I forgot you like bending over for rich people like Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Rent Boy.

Your hate for the rich is noted.

Good for you


I don't hate the rich.

I hate their behavior.

I'm not sure why you don't. Do you really think it's okay to keep attacking the middle class for more money when they already have more money than they can spend in several lifetimes?

This worship of greed as a virtue by so called "Christians" (despite what Jesus said) truly fascinates me.
The only surprise here was that that Ramos didn't fall to the ground, claiming to be assaulted by racists.

Other than that, his schtick was well-planned and expertly implemented.

Yes, how dare anyone question Trump on the ugly, racist things he says.
Ramos asked what would be done with the children of illegals if the parents were deported. I would say leave that up to the parents. If left behind they can be supported by increased taxes on liberals.

Excellent point, the left is constantly screaming that we should support babies that are not aborted so this is a great plan. How about it libs? Ready to step up and put your money where your mouth is?
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.
And we know how Fox tries to manipulate debates!
Right. By asking a candidate about obnoxious things he has said about women? Or asking all of the candidates if they will support the eventual nominee? How is that manipulating anything?

I read that Trump had 38 minutes of time dedicated to him which was all negative while the others had 5-7 minutes. Does that not seem unbalanced?
No. What is there positive to say about this clown?
I won't waste my typing skills on you.

Which is right wing speak for 'nothing'.
This get out of my country incident is the equivalent of that time a Rand Paul stooge stomped on that protesting woman's head,

minus the actual physical assault.

yes it's equal to an assualt, minus the assualt

left-wing morons should stop and listen to themselves sometimes
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

Do you believe a reporter should be expected to give up his livelihood if one of his children goes to work for a politician?

he isn't reporter; he's an advocate idiot

You might want to have one of your caregivers google advocacy journalism for you.

you might want to offer something that proves me wrong

I just did.

no you didnt; you just lied to yourself
Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a non-objective viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose. Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda.

ok here it is stupid; tell me what part doesnt apply to jorge ramos
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a non-objective viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose. Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda.

ok here it is stupid; tell me what part doesnt apply to jorge ramos

he's a democrat puppet. nothing more. people needs to shun him out.
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America

you're on here every day ranting about Republicans. you just look stupid accusing others of havnig a meltdown. you dont even have anything to say about your own people fool! ;)
sad little brainwashed puppet; when you embarrass yourself talking about a demographic shift you make the huge leap of logic that minorities will stay in the Democrat fold forever. obama couldnt even retain the same level of support among core voting blocs from one election to the re-election.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America

you're on here every day ranting about Republicans. you just look stupid accusing others of havnig a meltdown. you dont even have anything to say about your own people fool! ;)

what can they say? they are so Unappealing and corrupted to their core. so that's why they go back to their usual DIRTY POLITICS OF smears, lies and Dishonest dirt
Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a non-objective viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose. Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda.

ok here it is stupid; tell me what part doesnt apply to jorge ramos

Isn't advocacy journalism the perfect match for politicians who are advocating something in order to be elected?

T-Rump is advocating a crime against humanity by deporting 11 million people, some of whom are American citizens.

Ramos is advocating for these 11 million people by exercising his 1st Amendment rights.

Until someone can prove that Ramos is factually wrong he is just doing his job.
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.
all you have is the race card to play loser; because if you dont have your false narrative on the issue of illegals you simply cant defend your appalling sanctuary cities and open border policies
Uneducated, unemployed and ignorant right wingers who live in trailers think they own everything. They are so delusional.

And they don't give a damn if our infrastructure falls into rivers, science institutions are destroyed and certainly don't care about education. Sadly, they have no solutions and all cut, slash and burn!
Apparently, science is a faith.

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