Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Ramos asked what would be done with the children of illegals if the parents were deported. I would say leave that up to the parents. If left behind they can be supported by increased taxes on liberals.

Excellent point, the left is constantly screaming that we should support babies that are not aborted so this is a great plan. How about it libs? Ready to step up and put your money where your mouth is?

If they are born here, they are citizens. HOW will Trump get the 14th amendment changed. That is another thing he hasn't answered.

it doesnt have to be changed; it's being misinterpreted

these bleeding heart liberals would sell us out in heartbeat so they can pretend to be the most caring and wonderful people of all mankind on this earth. they won't take a hard stand on anything. we are being INVADED now. and the Democrat party and Obama is all for PUTTING illegal immigrants ahead of YOU the legal citizens in this country. they are SELLING us out right in front or OUR eyes.

I really doubt any Latinos would want to live in your trailer park
Ramos asked what would be done with the children of illegals if the parents were deported. I would say leave that up to the parents. If left behind they can be supported by increased taxes on liberals.

Excellent point, the left is constantly screaming that we should support babies that are not aborted so this is a great plan. How about it libs? Ready to step up and put your money where your mouth is?

If they are born here, they are citizens. HOW will Trump get the 14th amendment changed. That is another thing he hasn't answered.

it doesnt have to be changed; it's being misinterpreted

these bleeding heart liberals would sell us out in heartbeat so they can pretend to be the most caring and wonderful people of all mankind on this earth. they won't take a hard stand on anything. we are being INVADED now. and the Democrat party and Obama is all for PUTTING illegal immigrants ahead of YOU the legal citizens in this country. they are SELLING us out right in front or OUR eyes.
You're an idiot. If I had my way, I'd seal up the borders myself. But I am realistic & have a grasp on what can actually be done & what is talking out of one's ass like that Trump has been doing. How friggin' old are you? You sound like a teenager.
sad little brainwashed puppet; when you embarrass yourself talking about a demographic shift you make the huge leap of logic that minorities will stay in the Democrat fold forever. obama couldnt even retain the same level of support among core voting blocs from one election to the re-election.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

yes, that's going to leave a hell of a mark. and they think the people are back in love love love with them after two HISTORIC Midterm ass kicking elections on top of the people voting OUT THEIR PARTY of control of Congress under a DEMCORAT President.
it's a la la liberal land they reside in. I guess it's easier. I hope to have another historic election where the people KICK out that nasty progressive/dem party from our lives in 2016

Nasty....drink up, people.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

Do you believe a reporter should be expected to give up his livelihood if one of his children goes to work for a politician?

he isn't reporter; he's an advocate idiot

OK then, do you think an advocacy journalist should have to give up his job in broadcasting if one of his children goes to work for a politician?
The international press is still painting Ramos as a bullied reporter that cornered Trump on his unworkable immigration policy proposals and Trump as the crude bully. This is another example where that small faction of right wingers stands alone and lives in a bubble of delusion from what the rest of the country and world see. They convince themselves of something and no amount of reality and truth can change their minds. It is what happens when cult members are brainwashed.

Think about this. Trump keeps saying that immigration was not even being talked about until he brought it up at his announcement to run for the nomination speech. His followers don't believe he is lying about that. They are convinced his lie is fact. It is like the debate about a fence never happened. The discussion about terrorist crossing the southern border didn't exist and the daily news about children being deposited on the US side of the border never happened. We didn't really see those protest marches in Arizona. The ebola scare of immigrants bringing the disease into the US is only in our imagination.
If we only had some old news clips, videos, etc. we could show the brainwashed folks who believe Trump's claim and prove he is a liar and they are being played for suckers.
I like Trump because he refuses to pander to illegals.

And he verbally beat down Ricky Ricardo Ramos the fake white hispanic agitator. ....... :thup:

yep, it's refreshing to watch him knock down these BIASED lowdown so called, reporters. we are sick of them as we are the left/democrats
Donald took good counsel and let Mr. Ramos back in to have a two-way dicussion.

Univision will send several big men to surround him next time and stare security down.

Feral whites days of stopping the speech of minorities is long gone.

again, guy. Trump knew exactly what he was doing, and this played very well with the bigots who make up the GOP base.

Ramos knew exactly what he was doing, disrupting at the request of his handlers. Ramos represents a faction that says "fuck you" to US autonomy and border protection. He and his handlers have no interest in legalized immigration... It's open borders or bust. Makes it easier to restore Aztlan.
He has no respect for nativists and anti-Americanism that disrespects the immigrant native. He contributed significantly to Trump's coming downfall.
"nothing" is what you have to say about your own Democrat candidates
"nothing" is what you have to say about your own Democrat candidates

I'm waiting for the first & subsequent debates to get answers, however I personally haven't seen any one on one interviews yet either. The whole slew of networks is focused on Trump. But, I'm pretty certain as time goes on--- there will be. Trump HAS been interviewed & given the chance to give a little peek into what he would DO, & so far there has been nothing.
He has no respect for nativists and anti-Americanism that disrespects the immigrant native. He contributed significantly to Trump's coming downfall.
Fakey...what is an immigrant native?

Are they part of the Far Right?
He has no respect for nativists and anti-Americanism that disrespects the immigrant native. He contributed significantly to Trump's coming downfall.

what is an "immigrant native" nutcase?

this ought to be good.............

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