Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

and you are an idiot. The guy got what he deserved. He tried to give a speech rather than ask a question. Trump handled it correctly.
Yes, he got what he wanted: publicly dissing Trump and revealing him to the Hispanic voter for what Trump is: a xenophobic person.

your left wing idiocy is on full display this morning. Ignore facts, post talking points and lies. We get it. Everyone knows who and what you are--------------------a left wing idiotic parrot.
Once again you use words the meaning of which you know not. I watched the press conference. Ramos came with a purpose to confront Trump, out his deportation and wall nonsense, make him look xenophobic, and he succeeded beyond his wildnest dreams.

Wrong, the only thing Ramos succeeded in was making himself look like an idiot. Trump won that exchange and got more support from legal hispanics as a result of it. Ramos helped Trump.
Only in the mind of a loon is any of that true. You are giving your opinion not facts.
Poll Shows Trump Is By Far The Least Favorable GOPer Among Hispanics

Despite Donald Trump's insistence that he will win the Hispanic vote in the 2016 presidential election, a Gallup poll released on Monday shows that Trump's favorability among Hispanics lags far behind the rest of the Republican field.

Since Gallup began surveying Hispanics in early July, just 14 percent viewed Trump favorably while 65 percent viewed him unfavorably, leaving the real estate mogul with a net -51 percent favorability rating with Hispanics. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) tied for the next most unpopular presidential candidate among Hispanics with net -7 percent favorability ratings, according to Gallup.

ooooo..a POLL should call mr trump and let him know he's wasting his time since you've decided he can't win...
Trump seriously injured his campaign.

The polls show he is the least liked of all the GOP candidates by Hispanics, then he cuts off his nose to spite his face.
Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!
In 25 years, hundreds of deals four fell through. He is a multi-billionaire...he must be a screaming success.
I don't know why it's hard for you to see that he is a success. He has had a failure rate of approximately .02%. I think you can say that is great.
Of course they'd stick up for the jerk. if this had been a Fox news Reporter at the old man Bernies or the old gray mare Hillarys rally. omg heads would be exploding. they are so two faced hypocrites
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.
And we know how Fox tries to manipulate debates!
Right. By asking a candidate about obnoxious things he has said about women? Or asking all of the candidates if they will support the eventual nominee? How is that manipulating anything?

I read that Trump had 38 minutes of time dedicated to him which was all negative while the others had 5-7 minutes. Does that not seem unbalanced?

HOW is he gonna build that big beautiful wall besides with 'good management'? HOW is he gonna round up & 'deport all the illegals' ? HOW is it all gonna be paid for? HOW is he gonna get 'Mexico to pay for it'? Did he answer any of that in the 38 minutes?
No. He was busy answering to negative questions like calling Rosie McDonald pig, and would you support the nominee. Never a question about issues.
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.
And we know how Fox tries to manipulate debates!
Right. By asking a candidate about obnoxious things he has said about women? Or asking all of the candidates if they will support the eventual nominee? How is that manipulating anything?

I read that Trump had 38 minutes of time dedicated to him which was all negative while the others had 5-7 minutes. Does that not seem unbalanced?

HOW is he gonna build that big beautiful wall besides with 'good management'? HOW is he gonna round up & 'deport all the illegals' ? HOW is it all gonna be paid for? HOW is he gonna get 'Mexico to pay for it'? Did he answer any of that in the 38 minutes?
No. He was busy answering to negative questions like calling Rosie McDonald pig, and would you support the nominee. Never a question about issues.

He's been interviewed ONE ON ONE several times & could have easily answered any number of policy questions. Just the other day George Stephanopoulos from ABC sat down with Trump & asked him directly ONE ON ONE 3-4x about HOW he was gonna build that wall & Trump's answer was 'great management' each time. He has NO answers.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.
And we know how Fox tries to manipulate debates!
Right. By asking a candidate about obnoxious things he has said about women? Or asking all of the candidates if they will support the eventual nominee? How is that manipulating anything?

I read that Trump had 38 minutes of time dedicated to him which was all negative while the others had 5-7 minutes. Does that not seem unbalanced?

HOW is he gonna build that big beautiful wall besides with 'good management'? HOW is he gonna round up & 'deport all the illegals' ? HOW is it all gonna be paid for? HOW is he gonna get 'Mexico to pay for it'? Did he answer any of that in the 38 minutes?
No. He was busy answering to negative questions like calling Rosie McDonald pig, and would you support the nominee. Never a question about issues.
It was the Republican primary. HE was not asked if he would support the nominee; all ten were asked that. And he was not just asked about Rosie; he was asked about numerous comments where he resorted to rude, misogynistic comments to women. Character is always relevant in a Presidential race.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.
Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!
In 25 years, hundreds of deals four fell through. He is a multi-billionaire...he must be a screaming success.
I don't know why it's hard for you to see that he is a success. He has had a failure rate of approximately .02%. I think you can say that is great.
You want someone who is successful as President? How about Bill Gates? He became the richest man in the world without a 200 million headstart from his daddy.
he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)
he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!
In 25 years, hundreds of deals four fell through. He is a multi-billionaire...he must be a screaming success.
I don't know why it's hard for you to see that he is a success. He has had a failure rate of approximately .02%. I think you can say that is great.
You want someone who is successful as President? How about Bill Gates? He became the richest man in the world without a 200 million headstart from his daddy.
Last I heard, he's not interested.
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)

Because what his daughter does is no one's goddamned business, because he himself is not his daughter and her work has no impact on him and his work has no impact on her.

She wants to work for the Clinton campaign? Good for her! But she is not her father.

What a shame that Conservatives obviously cannot comprehend this easy to comprehend fact.
One thing for sure, Ramos's girlfriend is hotter than Trump's wife:

maría chiquinquirá delgado díaz - Google Search

Ooh, la la...



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