Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)

Because what his daughter does is no one's goddamned business, because he himself is not his daughter and her work has no impact on him and his work has no impact on her.

She wants to work for the Clinton campaign? Good for her! But she is not her father.

What a shame that Conservatives obviously cannot comprehend this easy to comprehend fact.
Then why did Ramos say anything about it except to say, in the interest of "transparency?"
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.

No, and not always. He did not specify "illegals" at his kickoff speech. Nosiree.
the democrats are so crapping their pants over Trump for ONE reason: he has his OWN money and isn't BEHOLDEN to a bunch of Billionaires who runs the Democrats and lobbies them for FAVORS.

How anyone can vote for a party who LIES to you all the time. beats me
No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)

Because what his daughter does is no one's goddamned business, because he himself is not his daughter and her work has no impact on him and his work has no impact on her.

She wants to work for the Clinton campaign? Good for her! But she is not her father.

What a shame that Conservatives obviously cannot comprehend this easy to comprehend fact.
Then why did Ramos say anything about it except to say, in the interest of "transparency?"

As I just said, it's a courtesy. Had he not done it, Righties would be screaming that he is hiding something, when in reality, there is nothing to hide.

When we are so far along that our familial relationships are used against us for political purposes, then we are no better than any banana republic out there. Because that's how banana republics work.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)
Because it is important for these connections to be revealed so that that can be taken into account in evaluating the credibility or bias of the reporter.
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.
Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!
In 25 years, hundreds of deals four fell through. He is a multi-billionaire...he must be a screaming success.
I don't know why it's hard for you to see that he is a success. He has had a failure rate of approximately .02%. I think you can say that is great.
You want someone who is successful as President? How about Bill Gates? He became the richest man in the world without a 200 million headstart from his daddy.
Last I heard, he's not interested.
So, we are stuck with this clown?
One thing for sure, Ramos's girlfriend is hotter than Trump's wife:

maría chiquinquirá delgado díaz - Google Search

Ooh, la la...



lol, what dreams of wealth and fame are really all about.
So here we have the same crowd of RWnuts defending some Trump thug demanding that Ramos leave 'his' country,

and it's the same crowd of RWnuts who rant on and on about how it's LIBERALS who are intolerant of anyone who happens to disagree with them.
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.
I totally agree. Trump should continue to stay the course on immigration. No reason to believe that his comments and conduct will have any affect on the willingness of Hispanic Americans to vote for him. He is going to totally win the black vote, the woman vote, the gay vote. Everyone loves him and knows that he can be the savior of this nation. After all, what is being President but the world's oldest and best reality show? And he is the king of those.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.

It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)

Because what his daughter does is no one's goddamned business, because he himself is not his daughter and her work has no impact on him and his work has no impact on her.

She wants to work for the Clinton campaign? Good for her! But she is not her father.

What a shame that Conservatives obviously cannot comprehend this easy to comprehend fact.
Then why did Ramos say anything about it except to say, in the interest of "transparency?"

As I just said, it's a courtesy. Had he not done it, Righties would be screaming that he is hiding something, when in reality, there is nothing to hide.

When we are so far along that our familial relationships are used against us for political purposes, then we are no better than any banana republic out there. Because that's how banana republics work.
Why would anyone think he was hiding something if he didn't, in the interest of transparency, tell us?
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.
I totally agree. Trump should continue to stay the course on immigration. No reason to believe that his comments and conduct will have any affect on the willingness of Hispanic Americans to vote for him. He is going to totally win the black vote, the woman vote, the gay vote. Everyone loves him and knows that he can be the savior of this nation. After all, what is being President but the world's oldest and best reality show? And he is the king of those.
I think he should stay the course on immigration, too. Thank you for your post.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

No, it's not.

That is just plain old bullshit.

What Jorge Ramos' daugher does with her own life is her damned business, not yours or mine.

Jesus, for Righties who claim to be so much for personal freedom and personal liberty, when you all see someone you don't like, you go all nanny-state in about a microsecond.

It's quite a phenomenon to watch.

If Jorge Ramos' daughter wants to work for Hillary or likes her, that's her business. It has nothing to do with what Jorge Ramos does, nothing at all.

I know of countries where associations are used for guilt and vengeance. They are former communist countries.

Are you going communist on us, or what?


What Jorge Ramos said was a courtesy. Nothing less, and nothing more.
I disagree, Stat. I believe it could easily be seen as a Conflict of interest. However, I do agree that she has her own life to lead and what we think should not interfere with that. Ramos did the right thing in disclosing it. It would have been far more suspicious if it came out by another party.

But even the liberal I was talking admitted it could be seen as a conflict of interest. Saying it was merely a courtesy is perplexing.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!
In 25 years, hundreds of deals four fell through. He is a multi-billionaire...he must be a screaming success.
I don't know why it's hard for you to see that he is a success. He has had a failure rate of approximately .02%. I think you can say that is great.
You want someone who is successful as President? How about Bill Gates? He became the richest man in the world without a 200 million headstart from his daddy.
Last I heard, he's not interested.
So, we are stuck with this clown?
It appears so, at least for the time being.
It is a courtesy. Sorry to have to disagree with you.

Being a journalist does not mean that you have to make an accounting for what any member of your family does, ever.

That's a simple to understand part of the concept of personal liberty.

Then, letting people know that his daughter works for the primary candidate opposing the Republicans was a courtesy because...____________________________ (Fill in the blank.)

Because what his daughter does is no one's goddamned business, because he himself is not his daughter and her work has no impact on him and his work has no impact on her.

She wants to work for the Clinton campaign? Good for her! But she is not her father.

What a shame that Conservatives obviously cannot comprehend this easy to comprehend fact.
Then why did Ramos say anything about it except to say, in the interest of "transparency?"

As I just said, it's a courtesy. Had he not done it, Righties would be screaming that he is hiding something, when in reality, there is nothing to hide.

When we are so far along that our familial relationships are used against us for political purposes, then we are no better than any banana republic out there. Because that's how banana republics work.
Why would anyone think he was hiding something if he didn't, in the interest of transparency, tell us?
Right. Right wingers never claim that democrats are hiding things without any basis in fact to make such claims. Never heard a right winger demand that the President release his educational records. He released the statement revealing his daughter's employment for the same reason every time Good Morning America talks about a Disney Park or Disney Movie they remind everyone that Disney is their parent company. It is about ethics. Not funny that conservatives have a hard time understanding the requirement that people act ethically.
The demographic shift in part is caused by illegals entering the country. They need to be sent home. That issue is worth melting down over.

The math says otherwise.

Illegals make up less than 4% of the population and only half of those are Hispanic and at least half of them are male so less than 1% might be contributing to the demographic shift.

In the meantime the Hispanic population is at 17% (as of 2013) so there are 8 times as many legal Hispanic women contributing to the demographic shift.

You are focusing on the wrong area if you are melting down about the demographic shift. You can't stop it happening so the smart thing to do is to adapt your policies to appeal to the changing demographics so that you can still be a relevant political party.

Your choice.

Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.
I totally agree. Trump should continue to stay the course on immigration. No reason to believe that his comments and conduct will have any affect on the willingness of Hispanic Americans to vote for him. He is going to totally win the black vote, the woman vote, the gay vote. Everyone loves him and knows that he can be the savior of this nation. After all, what is being President but the world's oldest and best reality show? And he is the king of those.
I think he should stay the course on immigration, too. Thank you for your post.
I would imagine we see that playing out differently in the election.
I love watching the white rightwing meltdown, As if they can do anything about the demographic shift in America

Racial and ethic minorities children under the age of five are now the majority as non-Hispanic white children make up an ever-smaller slice of the population, according to the Census Bureau.

New population estimates released Thursday reveal a striking shift in the composition of America’s population as racial and ethnic minority births are also outpacing minority deaths.

Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites are experiencing negative population growth, seeing 61,841 more deaths than births between 2013 and 2014.

The Census reports that in the past decade, the population has become more diverse, with the percentage of ethic and racial minorities growing from 32.9 percent to 37.9 percent over the last decade.

This from a rightwing news source , looks like they are realizing their time is coming to an end and trump has pulled the toilet lever for them , now watch them circle the drain desperately clinging to the used toilet paper
Census: White People Quickly Dying Off in the USA
Why kick out illegal immigrants when the lack of jobs has the same effect? In some ways, obamas no job policy is doing the same thing he accuses conservatives of doing.
The wetbacks have work, it's whitey who doesn't. But then again, he was never big on actually working...

Actually, African Americans are the ones who suffer from the highest unemployment rates in the country. It is the low income and poor who suffer the effects of illegal immigration.
For all you liberals that are having a holy fit over Trump, think about how Trump became popular in the first place. I never thought a moment about supporting Trump, but what caught my attention and obviously others who had a sense of right and wrong, was that first debate.

Fox News manipulated that first debate trying to railroad Trump with negative questions throughout the debate. They even called on other candidates to, not talk about their own issues, but to comment on something negative about Trump! It was so obvious they were trying to derail Trump in the "best interests" of the Republican Party.

So that naturally caught my attention and I was furious with the Establishment Republicans to manipulate this debate. Don't tell me the Ailes wasn't a contributor to the idea.

So I, with a good portion of viewers paid attention to Trump and listened to what he answered. The anti-PC was great. So what if he called Rosie a pig and he was honest about possibly doing a third party run. But he was the underdog! Until the next morning and then he was the rock star, standing up to the immensely popular Fox News. Media reports on the unfairness of the debate flourished and I posted 8 articles condemning Fox and boosting the defiled candidate, Trump.

So people wanted to hear more from him. And they liked what he stood for and his ideas. Look what Fox begat!! If they would have ignored him as much as they did others, he may not have been the front runner. But liberals are keeping him in the news with their temperamental journalists and talk show hosts to talk about "The Donald." Few of the other candidates are getting the press they really deserved.

So, look at the threads about Trump and threads about his rival, Clinton. There is the irony, liberals as well as conservatives are giving Trump the exposure leaving other candidates in the shadows. So the talk is about how dishonest Clinton is and brutally honest Trump is.

Then the posters on the fence have to make a decision. Who do you think they will select?

Just my 2 cents.
He is a professor at the University of Texas. Says it right there in the post.
Since when has fox worried about a conflict? It's what they do.

what is this fixation on fox with you guys?'s show biz...just like every other "news" organization. show biz. get over it...

No.It's not show biz. It's political biz. They use show biz techniques to manipulate politics, but never forget that politics is their goal, and they will do or say anything to advance that goal.

keep watching tv, then and don't bother with thinking

That's what has been so successful for fox and the right wing.

the fox obsession is comical...grabbing at straws..LMAO..

I think the Fox obsession is rather silly as well. It's not like they are really much different from MSNBC. Cable news channels are really only good to watch when something big happens, like shootings or natural disasters, etc. If you want reliable accurate news that isn't "designed" to piss you off, then you are probably best off watching your local news channels. :)
Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

Well, to be fair, that is where most of our illegal immigrants are coming from. Mexico is a shit hole. Canada is not. :D

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