Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.

We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D

You know, that sounds like a "socialist" kind of comment. :D


But it just happens to be true too.

So I guess that makes me a socialist even though I am actually fiscally conservative. I just happen to believe that Oliver Wendell Holmes was right when he said "Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society".
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.

We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.

We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.
Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

Wow! Really? That's harsh.
We could talk about the time an airlines would not allow a little girl who needed medical care fly on their planes. The mother wrote Trump and told him their daughter needed the special care and would he fly her there. The little girl and her mother were on his plane the very next day. No I won't bring that up. I'll just talk about a little old lady who didn't have to move. She must have had dementia. A terrific price for her house and now she is surrounded by gamblers every day and every night.

Oh geepers!

Now we get the meaningless anecdotes about how generous T-Rump is. Remember when they came up with the BS that Bush jr took the time to go and pray with some kid and that turned out to be false?

This is all just window dressing for the gullible.
Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.

We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.
So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.

We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?
We do have the resources. We just need to get them out of the greedy clutching hands of the 1%. :D
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.
So you are a supporter of Bernie, the socialist...

Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.

Republicans? Or republicans and democrats? :D
Trump, who is an American citizen, told a foreigner to get out of his country.

I fail to see the problem?? ...... :dunno:

For our Latin friends...


Go to Mexico and pull that shit.. you'll languish in a Mexican jail cell for quite a while.
Yep, no one pays attention to Mexico's immigration laws. Ours are a joke compared to theirs. Shit, I'd like to see an American try and pull a stunt like over staying their Visa in Mexico. I'd pay to see that :)
Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.

Republicans? Or republicans and democrats? :D
It seems to be it is both of them. Obama is actively pursuing TPP !

I’ve Read Obama’s Secret Trade Deal. Elizabeth Warren Is Right to Be Concerned.
Trump's campaign is being fed by bigotry and hatred, regardless of how much his supporters want to deny that. With this kind of constant rhetoric coming from conservatives, it's really quite mind boggling how they can't figure out why even legal Hispanics won't support their party.

Ramos came here on a student visa and stayed ILLEGALLY. He did become a citizen but refuses to give up his Mexican citizenship.

He's a big mouth, libtard egotist,.
Trump, who is an American citizen, told a foreigner to get out of his country.

I fail to see the problem?? ...... :dunno:

For our Latin friends...


Go to Mexico and pull that shit.. you'll languish in a Mexican jail cell for quite a while.
Yep, no one pays attention to Mexico's immigration laws. Ours are a joke compared to theirs. Shit, I'd like to see an American try and pull a stunt like over staying their Visa in Mexico. I'd pay to see that :)
That's quite common. Hundreds of thousands of retirees just do that, but since they are US citizens they just get a slap in the wrist.
They are a lot harsher with people from central and south america.
For all you liberals that are having a holy fit over Trump, think about how Trump became popular in the first place. I never thought a moment about supporting Trump, but what caught my attention and obviously others who had a sense of right and wrong, was that first debate.

Fox News manipulated that first debate trying to railroad Trump with negative questions throughout the debate. They even called on other candidates to, not talk about their own issues, but to comment on something negative about Trump! It was so obvious they were trying to derail Trump in the "best interests" of the Republican Party.

So that naturally caught my attention and I was furious with the Establishment Republicans to manipulate this debate. Don't tell me the Ailes wasn't a contributor to the idea.

So I, with a good portion of viewers paid attention to Trump and listened to what he answered. The anti-PC was great. So what if he called Rosie a pig and he was honest about possibly doing a third party run. But he was the underdog! Until the next morning and then he was the rock star, standing up to the immensely popular Fox News. Media reports on the unfairness of the debate flourished and I posted 8 articles condemning Fox and boosting the defiled candidate, Trump.

So people wanted to hear more from him. And they liked what he stood for and his ideas. Look what Fox begat!! If they would have ignored him as much as they did others, he may not have been the front runner. But liberals are keeping him in the news with their temperamental journalists and talk show hosts to talk about "The Donald." Few of the other candidates are getting the press they really deserved.

So, look at the threads about Trump and threads about his rival, Clinton. There is the irony, liberals as well as conservatives are giving Trump the exposure leaving other candidates in the shadows. So the talk is about how dishonest Clinton is and brutally honest Trump is.

Then the posters on the fence have to make a decision. Who do you think they will select?

Just my 2 cents.
Just my 2 cents. Yeah, that is about what that analysis was worth.
Ramos knew exactly what he was doing, disrupting at the request of his handlers. Ramos represents a faction that says "fuck you" to US autonomy and border protection. He and his handlers have no interest in legalized immigration... It's open borders or bust. Makes it easier to restore Aztlan.

Meh, so what? A border is just an imaginary line on a map.

Here's the reality. White people are declining, hispanics are increasing. Deal with it.
Ramos knew exactly what he was doing, disrupting at the request of his handlers. Ramos represents a faction that says "fuck you" to US autonomy and border protection. He and his handlers have no interest in legalized immigration... It's open borders or bust. Makes it easier to restore Aztlan.

Meh, so what? A border is just an imaginary line on a map.

Here's the reality. White people are declining, hispanics are increasing. Deal with it.

stop trying to make it about race.
Yepp. And once again, US-Citizens of Latino descent see themselves being demonized by one party and then that party wonders why it is getting clobbered in the Latino vote, because once again, the GOP is making absolutely no distinction between illegal immigrants of Latino descent and legal US-American citizens of Latino descent. A party really cannot get much more stupid than this.
Ignoring your insults, I would disagree again. Trump is definitely separating the two. He keeps saying "illegals" and I think that is true about the other candidates as well...except maybe Bush.
I totally agree. Trump should continue to stay the course on immigration. No reason to believe that his comments and conduct will have any affect on the willingness of Hispanic Americans to vote for him. He is going to totally win the black vote, the woman vote, the gay vote. Everyone loves him and knows that he can be the savior of this nation. After all, what is being President but the world's oldest and best reality show? And he is the king of those.
I think he should stay the course on immigration, too. Thank you for your post.
I would imagine we see that playing out differently in the election.
Who knows, really. But I do think he's going to stay the course on illegals. He sees it is important to citizens.
And yet, he has trouble understanding what the term "citizens" means. He may stay the course. The rational folks in office will, hopefully, address this problem based on what is best for the United States. A path to citizenship will mean billions in increased economic activity and billions in taxes paid. Trump's version of "operation wetback" will cost us billions in economic activity; billions in lost taxes; hundreds of billions in additional enforcement expense and the inability of this nation to ever once again claim the moral high ground as we round up ii million "undesirables" and ship them to camps and then out of the country. Maybe we can do it on trains and set up barbed wire encampments. We could even sew gold symbols on the clothes of illegals so we can keep track of them and then round them up when the camps are ready.
Trump's campaign is being fed by bigotry and hatred, regardless of how much his supporters want to deny that. With this kind of constant rhetoric coming from conservatives, it's really quite mind boggling how they can't figure out why even legal Hispanics won't support their party.

Ramos came here on a student visa and stayed ILLEGALLY. He did become a citizen but refuses to give up his Mexican citizenship.

He's a big mouth, libtard egotist,.

Let me translate what the faux soldier means: "He is an American citizen but the wrong color one."

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