Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Bernie might be a socialist but he is also an Independent and so am I.

Bernie and I agree on doing what is in the best interests of We the People first and foremost.

We tried that BS trickle down nonsense and giving massive taxcuts to "job creators" who didn't create a single job.

So now it is time to get back to what worked so well before St Reagan screwed everything up.

Capitalism thrived when the top rate was 70% because the "job creators" actually had to work for their money and create real jobs. Giving them taxcuts has been a massive welfare disincentive for them. We need to get them back to work as soon as soon as possible.

But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.

Republicans? Or republicans and democrats? :D

Republicans only. They have admitted to obstructing Obama in every way they can.
How would you feel if T-Rump told you to get out of America?
I was born in America......Ricky Ricardo Ramos wasn't......big difference. ..... :cool:

Last time I checked it wasn't Mexicans who took down the WTC and kidnapped 4 planes... sunni boy.
And I wonder how those Muslims came into the US.
Why would you wonder that? Is there some sort of quota on how many Muslims can emigrate here?
I hear him. I wish Ramos would go too. He's an Anti-American Globalist asshole. He's one of Obama's boys. Anyone who supports not securing our border and not restoring the law, can go straight to hell as far as i'm concerned.
Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
But what about those that would leave the country to get cheaper labor and taxes?? This is a problem. If you over tax these big companies, they will just leave the US and then we lose jobs and money too. That is a conundrum.

Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.

Republicans? Or republicans and democrats? :D

Republicans only. They have admitted to obstructing Obama in every way they can.

Well which democrats have proposed such a thing regarding taxing China on imports?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
Too late! They already left years ago and took all those jobs out of the country. That horse has bolted so it is no longer a bogeyman.

Time to reset the tax code and make those overseas jobs equal to jobs here in this nation. If an iPhone costs $10 to make in China and $50 to make in the USA then we just impose a $40 import tariff on the Chinese made iPhone.

Corporations soon figure out that it makes no sense to have to deal with the headaches over in China and open up their factories here in America and all the jobs come back again.

Well why haven't we done that yet? What's the hold up?


They have been obstructing this kind of common sense tax reform.

Republicans? Or republicans and democrats? :D

Republicans only. They have admitted to obstructing Obama in every way they can.

Well which democrats have proposed such a thing regarding taxing China on imports?

Sanders has come closest but if he uses that tariff terminology he will be shot down.
Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.
So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.
It's a myth that most illegals are all out in the fields picking vegetables.

The majority of them don't work and live in free Section 8 housing while using EBT cards to feed themselves. ..... :cool:
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
Do they live in the agricultural regions of California?
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.
It's a myth that most illegals are all out in the fields picking vegetables.

The majority of them don't work and live in free Section 8 housing while using EBT cards to feed themselves. ..... :cool:
You just make shit up. To fucking lazy to actually support anything you post with anything resembling facts or evidence.
So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
Do they live in the agricultural regions of California?

Irrelevant. There are construction workers there too. The agricultural business is paying these illegals slave wages and sometimes abuse occurs, such as poor working conditions, overworking them, giving them no breaks, amongst other things. These employers sometimes pay their workers under the table and less than minimum wage, and the illegals are intimidated by these employers because of their illegal status. It is almost like a form of slavery. Yes, American workers DO in fact work hard (many of them) and would take these jobs if the pay and benefits was right.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?
strawman attempt to distract and change the subject...doesn't work..
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?
strawman attempt to distract and change the subject...doesn't work..

Thank you for admitting that it went over your head at Mach 3.
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Really? it did? many crossed yesterday?
Last week?
Last month?
you have no idea, do's ok..nobody does...We're going to fix that.

close the border.

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