Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?
strawman attempt to distract and change the subject...doesn't work..

Thank you for admitting that it went over your head at Mach 3.

that's your're trying to change the subject...THAT is a fact....there are differences...
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Really? it did? many crossed yesterday?
Last week?
Last month?
you have no idea, do's ok..nobody does...We're going to fix that.

close the border.

I don't think "deporting all illegals" is a logical solution here. How would you go about doing it?
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Really? it did? many crossed yesterday?
Last week?
Last month?
you have no idea, do's ok..nobody does...We're going to fix that.

close the border.

I don't think "deporting all illegals" is a logical solution here. How would you go about doing it?

catch, hold, deport...Not a big deal...
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Really? it did? many crossed yesterday?
Last week?
Last month?
you have no idea, do's ok..nobody does...We're going to fix that.

close the border.

I don't think "deporting all illegals" is a logical solution here. How would you go about doing it?

catch, hold, deport...Not a big deal...

That is a very poor explanation. How would you go about "catching" them?
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?

Yes, sending jobs overseas is depressing wages. Which is why Trump is saying we should do something about it. The best way is using tariffs. Liberals were always ranting about jobs to China during Bush years, but won't actually do anything to prevent it.
Trump's gonna at least try to dispel the myth that 'Nothing can be done' about the endless Illegal Invasion. The Status Quo alternative is no longer acceptable. He's the only Candidate proposing actually doing something. That's good enough for me.
The "endless illegal invasion" ended about 8 years ago.
Really? it did? many crossed yesterday?
Last week?
Last month?
you have no idea, do's ok..nobody does...We're going to fix that.

close the border.

I don't think "deporting all illegals" is a logical solution here. How would you go about doing it?

catch, hold, deport...Not a big deal...

That is a very poor explanation. How would you go about "catching" them?
there are any number of ways an illegal can be exposed...
e verify is one, routine traffic stops is roadblocks.I know how you guys "think" the course of a routine stop if they don't have their documents, we look closer... What is your premise?.."it'll be hard"? going to the moon was hard...enforcing our borders is easy...
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?

Yes, sending jobs overseas is depressing wages. Which is why Trump is saying we should do something about it. The best way is using tariffs. Liberals were always ranting about jobs to China during Bush years, but won't actually do anything to prevent it.

The obstruction is all coming from the GOP.

T-Rump won't do anything about jobs either because he lacks the diplomatic skills necessary to make it happen.
I hear him. I wish Ramos would go too. He's an Anti-American Globalist asshole. He's one of Obama's boys. Anyone who supports not securing our border and not restoring the law, can go straight to hell as far as i'm concerned.

Believe me : if anyone would benefit from a truly safe border , it would be Mexicans. Do you have any idea of how many of them have been killed by "illegaly" imported weapons ?

No more illegal crossings fair enough , but also no more illegal weapons
So how do you feel personally about illegal immigration? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think we have the resources to support anyone and everyone, or do you think our resources are limited and perhaps that is a good reason why we need to curb illegal immigration? In Sweden, they are currently in the midst of a huge housing crisis. Some immigrants (who immigrated LEGALLY to Sweden) arrive there to find themselves homeless and jobless.
Illegal immigration is a bad thing. Enforce the laws at the border. But, with regard to the 11 million here who have been here, some for decades, they are not a bad thing. They cause no harm. They live among us, pay taxes, own homes, hold jobs, raise their kids. They do not commit crime at any rate greater than other groups. Allowing them to become legal residents and, eventually, citizens, will benefit this nation greatly.
Jobs should go to American citizens FIRST. It isn't as though they can't come back legally. That's fine. But don't usurp our resources when you are illegal.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.
Indeed, but the same happens with machinery and offshoring production .
I really wonder what percent of wage depression is due to illegals.
Even if all illegal workers disapeared overnight I wouldnt expect a sudden rebound of salaries.
For all you liberals that are having a holy fit over Trump, think about how Trump became popular in the first place. I never thought a moment about supporting Trump, but what caught my attention and obviously others who had a sense of right and wrong, was that first debate.

Fox News manipulated that first debate trying to railroad Trump with negative questions throughout the debate. They even called on other candidates to, not talk about their own issues, but to comment on something negative about Trump! It was so obvious they were trying to derail Trump in the "best interests" of the Republican Party.

So that naturally caught my attention and I was furious with the Establishment Republicans to manipulate this debate. Don't tell me the Ailes wasn't a contributor to the idea.

So I, with a good portion of viewers paid attention to Trump and listened to what he answered. The anti-PC was great. So what if he called Rosie a pig and he was honest about possibly doing a third party run. But he was the underdog! Until the next morning and then he was the rock star, standing up to the immensely popular Fox News. Media reports on the unfairness of the debate flourished and I posted 8 articles condemning Fox and boosting the defiled candidate, Trump.

So people wanted to hear more from him. And they liked what he stood for and his ideas. Look what Fox begat!! If they would have ignored him as much as they did others, he may not have been the front runner. But liberals are keeping him in the news with their temperamental journalists and talk show hosts to talk about "The Donald." Few of the other candidates are getting the press they really deserved.

So, look at the threads about Trump and threads about his rival, Clinton. There is the irony, liberals as well as conservatives are giving Trump the exposure leaving other candidates in the shadows. So the talk is about how dishonest Clinton is and brutally honest Trump is.

Then the posters on the fence have to make a decision. Who do you think they will select?

Just my 2 cents.

But this is where your logic falls apart. Liberals aren't having a "holy fit" over Trump.

We are laughing about this, watching your new-found messiah destroy the GOP.

Please, by all means, continue.

the democrats are so crapping their pants over Trump for ONE reason: he has his OWN money and isn't BEHOLDEN to a bunch of Billionaires who runs the Democrats and lobbies them for FAVORS.

How anyone can vote for a party who LIES to you all the time. beats me

When he announced his candidacy, he also bragged that he's 'very rich' & will be using his own $$$ to finance his campaign. LOL, since then, he's changed his mind & is seeking donations. AND, during that FOX debate, Trump admitted to donating to most (if not all) the other candidates (fellow REPUBLICANS)standing alongside him, & he said he did so- so he can collect 'favors' from them when he wanted. Are you actually saying that only (D)s take Big Corp $ both publicly & dark $??? You are quite the foolish one aren't you.

Bernie Sanders is not taking Big Corp money for his campaign & is a true grass roots campaign. He's against Citizen's United & will propose legislation again level the playing field for all who want to run for public office when Congress re-convenes. Try learning something instead of just ranting & being ignorant.
Sanders Proposes Public Funding of Elections to Replace ‘Corrupt’ System of ‘Legalized Bribery’
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
In a Senate floor speech Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders said he would introduce legislation to provide public funding of elections to replace a “corrupt” system of “legalized bribery’ with candidates “begging for contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.”

“We are talking about a rapid movement in this country toward oligarchy, toward a government owned and controlled by a handful of extremely wealthy families,” Sanders said.

Sanders agreed with former President Jimmy Carter’s description of the current campaign funding system in the United States as “unlimited political bribery.” In a July 28 radio interview on The Thom Hartmann Program, Carter spoke of “a complete subversion of our political system, as a payoff to major contributors who want, and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election is over.”

Sanders said he will formally introduce legislation when Congress returns in September to provide public funding of campaigns to make elections more competitive and allow candidates to spend more time discussing issues with voters and less time raising campaign funds.

So far in this campaign, 35 individuals have donated more than $1 million to Super PACs, according to The Associated Press. Sanders also cited a Sunlight Foundation analysis which found more than two-thirds of all the money raised by presidential candidates so far in this campaign has gone to super PACs, not to candidates’ own campaign committees. Super PACs are the new fundraising vehicles created after the Supreme Court, in a 2010 case known as Citizens United, voided decades-old limits on campaign funding by corporations and wealthy individuals.

Just one family, the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, plan to invest some of their fossil-fuel fortune and, along with other wealthy donors, bankroll a $900 million political operation this election cycle. That’s more than either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party will each spend on the 2016 campaigns, Sanders noted.

“I will be introducing legislation which calls for public funding of elections, which will enable any candidate, regardless of his or her political views, to run for office without being beholden to powerful special interests,” Sanders said.

Sanders Proposes Public Funding of Elections to Replace ‘Corrupt’ System of ‘Legalized Bribery’
Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

Perhaps you are right, but only perhaps, for Donald Trump is really obsessed with only one border, namely, the southern border to Mexico. He has made no sounds about the northern border to Canada nor has he said a word about the many seaports/airports on the East or West coast where many, many illegal aliens have their first point of entry in the United States. Many Latinos may be indeed among those who come through those seaports and airports, but practically only Latinos come through the southern border - and far fewer of them since Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009, an uncomfortable fact that Conservatives continue to ignore.

So, by being so totally obsessed with the southern border and the southern border alone, it is painfully obvious exactly which group of people Trump is talking about. And the white supremacists out there have noticed this as well..

And that is the problem.

Well, to be fair, that is where most of our illegal immigrants are coming from. Mexico is a shit hole. Canada is not. :D

Again, that is not factually correct.
If every illegal in California up and left tomorrow, it would devastate that state's economy. There are not millions of unemployed Americans just itching to get out in those fields and pick produce.

I've known many a construction worker who has worked just as hard (some my family members). They WILL do it . . . just not for the slave wages that such employers are willing to offer!
We know that illegals depress the wages.


Sending all those jobs offshore had nothing at all to do with depressing wages?

Are illegals also responsible for global climate change, gay marriage, abortion, taking down the confederate flag, etc, etc?

Yes, sending jobs overseas is depressing wages. Which is why Trump is saying we should do something about it. The best way is using tariffs. Liberals were always ranting about jobs to China during Bush years, but won't actually do anything to prevent it.

The obstruction is all coming from the GOP.

T-Rump won't do anything about jobs either because he lacks the diplomatic skills necessary to make it happen.

I agree that the GOP has obstructed any attempts to tax overseas goods, especially from China, but Dems haven't done anything either. Both parties have been complacent in using China for virtual slave labor. I've been saying for years we need to put tariffs on countries like China. Because if we don't, we are just rewarding them for human rights violations as well as destroying the environment. Until China gives its workers the same benefits we have to give our workers, and until they follow the same strict environmental laws we do, they should be taxed. Otherwise it isn't fair for US companies to compete with overseas companies and goods that don't comply to the same standards.

Trump is the only one that might just change that. No other Repub will, and Dems certainly will not.
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

Wow! Really? That's harsh.

You don't think so? Using eminent domain for personal reason is unethical to say the least. 'Jackson' thinks it's funny.
Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

Wow! Really? That's harsh.
We could talk about the time an airlines would not allow a little girl who needed medical care fly on their planes. The mother wrote Trump and told him their daughter needed the special care and would he fly her there. The little girl and her mother were on his plane the very next day. No I won't bring that up. I'll just talk about a little old lady who didn't have to move. She must have had dementia. A terrific price for her house and now she is surrounded by gamblers every day and every night.

He tried to STEAL HER HOME. Flying someone cost himself nothing. It was a nice gesture, but I'm sure he did it for PR. HE TRIED TO STEAL SOMEONE'S HOME.

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