Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

come on folks, don't buy into this little mans act. he's trying to take the HEAT away from his master, old lady Hillary.

he should be banned from now on to ANY Republican rally's. serves him right
Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.

I couldn't agree more. I almost feel sometimes as if DT thinks this is some kind of a joke or something. I don't know. There is just something about him.

Studies have shown that CEOs tend to have more psychopathic tendencies that the rest of the general population. Just sayin'.
I've been told that "most" legal immigrants agree with Trump's positions on immigration.

I wonder if they also support being told to "get out of my country"?

I am sure you you have a link to that source....

Cause my source says that's full of crap

View attachment 48389

Is the pool 'legal' residents or were criminals included as well?

And people are surprised by the results?

Of course the criminals are against Trump. They want to continue to break the law.

Same reason Obama was elected. Voters wanted the free 'gear'

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.
Let's face it. He could have called him names! Remember the debate? He's getting nicer! lol.
In a way, he reminds me of my father, whpo was president of an international corporation. He was very impatient and I sometimes didn't want to ask him a question because of that look on his face of impatience with me. But, was he ever brilliant. I could ask him anything in literature, history or latin and he never missed a question. And of course he was a great business man. But, tempermental.

Do we want someone who is temperamental in the White House though? When running your business, that's one thing, but it really does take a certain finesse to be the POTUS, IMO.

Exactly. When you are at the top in business, YOU get to say & do what you want, & the underlings follow orders. Trump does not know what it's like to be a 'team player'. He will have Congress to answer to.
It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.
Let's face it. He could have called him names! Remember the debate? He's getting nicer! lol.
In a way, he reminds me of my father, whpo was president of an international corporation. He was very impatient and I sometimes didn't want to ask him a question because of that look on his face of impatience with me. But, was he ever brilliant. I could ask him anything in literature, history or latin and he never missed a question. And of course he was a great business man. But, tempermental.

Do we want someone who is temperamental in the White House though? When running your business, that's one thing, but it really does take a certain finesse to be the POTUS, IMO.

Thanks for touching on some of the traits contributing to Obama's epic fail

these are the Hispanics/Mexicans, the republicans want to attract. and there are probably more of them than these Illegals wailing about how WE THE PEOPLE want IMMIGRATION slowed down and ILLEGAL immigration brought to a STOP
Don't fall for all these polls saying how they all hate you. this is propaganda coming from the lamestream leftwing and their media lapdogs

VIDEO at the site

A Mexican immigrant explains why she supports Trump

  • Aug. 26, 2015, 9:44 AM
  • 36,851
This woman was born in Mexico and legally immigrated to the US. At a panel hosted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, she explained why she supports Donald Trump and his proposed wall.

snippet from the video:
> She feels illegals are criminals, stealing from America, stealing her tax money, destroying society, and are being allowed in to purposely create political division

That’s it right there. And they contribute nothing back and are bankrupting us as a nation on many fronts overwhelming our welfare and healthcare resources while spitting out babies and driving our population up exponentionally faster causing housing issues and possibly a shortage of food in the future. And to top it off many join the hostile activist organizations funded by Soros and La Raza and spit in our faces thinking they are falsely entitled to “everything” being emboldened by a lawless president who’s playing for the other team that only wants them for their vote and locust like ability to use up our resources and Cloward-Piven us into failure. No more. We need to build that damn wall and deport the illegals so Americans who pay taxes have jobs.

Produced by Adam Banicki

Follow BI: On Facebook

Read more:
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.

I couldn't agree more. I almost feel sometimes as if DT thinks this is some kind of a joke or something. I don't know. There is just something about him.

Studies have shown that CEOs tend to have more psychopathic tendencies that the rest of the general population. Just sayin'.
How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath

What's common to both (AKA Trump)
  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
Hmm. Interesting. Gosh. Coinkydink this guy is being an ass by speaking without being called to try to push Trumps buttons so the media gets in a frenzy, and conveniently having a daughter work for Hillary's campaign? Either a coinky dink or a planned plot.

Of course they'd stick up for the jerk. if this had been a Fox news Reporter at the old man Bernies or the old gray mare Hillarys rally. omg heads would be exploding. they are so two faced hypocrites
Cause we know how respectfully Trump treats Fox News reporters.

Not just at the debate, but thru social media, UNPROVOKED in the middle of the night, almost 2 weeks after the initial confrontation. That's mature.
He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.
Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

To big to fail

these are the Hispanics/Mexicans, the republicans want to attract. and there are probably more of them than these Illegals wailing about how WE THE PEOPLE want IMMIGRATION slowed down and ILLEGAL immigration brought to a STOP
Don't fall for all these polls saying how they all hate you. this is propaganda coming from the lamestream leftwing and their media lapdogs

VIDEO at the site

A Mexican immigrant explains why she supports Trump

  • Aug. 26, 2015, 9:44 AM
  • 36,851
This woman was born in Mexico and legally immigrated to the US. At a panel hosted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, she explained why she supports Donald Trump and his proposed wall.

snippet from the video:
> She feels illegals are criminals, stealing from America, stealing her tax money, destroying society, and are being allowed in to purposely create political division

That’s it right there. And they contribute nothing back and are bankrupting us as a nation on many fronts overwhelming our welfare and healthcare resources while spitting out babies and driving our population up exponentionally faster causing housing issues and possibly a shortage of food in the future. And to top it off many join the hostile activist organizations funded by Soros and La Raza and spit in our faces thinking they are falsely entitled to “everything” being emboldened by a lawless president who’s playing for the other team that only wants them for their vote and locust like ability to use up our resources and Cloward-Piven us into failure. No more. We need to build that damn wall and deport the illegals so Americans who pay taxes have jobs.

Produced by Adam Banicki

Follow BI: On Facebook

Read more:

The soup Nazi claimed they aren't Americans anyway, so their opinons mean nada.
Indeed. If he can't stand up to Jorge Ramos how is he going to stand up to Ahmadinejad?
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.

I couldn't agree more. I almost feel sometimes as if DT thinks this is some kind of a joke or something. I don't know. There is just something about him.

Studies have shown that CEOs tend to have more psychopathic tendencies that the rest of the general population. Just sayin'.
How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath

What's common to both (AKA Trump)
  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
I would think the word would be sociopath, but they are using 'psychopath' when describing CEOs: (with tribblehead, just substitute the word & deeds of 'business' & replace with 'candidacy')

The Disturbing Link Between Psychopathy and Leadership

Certain psychopathic qualities can also help one get ahead in business.

Posted Apr 23, 2013

It is not the image we like to have when we think of business leaders. But troubling research indicates that in the ranks of senior management, psychopathic behavior may be more common than we think – more prevalent in fact than the amount such seriously aberrant behavior occurs in the general population.

At first blush this may seem counterintuitive, even outrageous. We tend to think of psychopathy as the province of criminals, with leadership qualities that may land someone atop a fringe religious cult, say - not in a boardroom. But before discussing the research, let’s consider for a moment why this possibility is actually less bizarre than it may initially seem.

The hallmarks of the psychopathic personality involve egocentric, grandiose behavior, completely lacking empathy and conscience. Additionally, psychopaths may be charismatic, charming, and adept at manipulating one-on-one interactions. In a corporation, one’s ability to advance is determined largely by a person’s ability to favorably impress his or her direct manager. Unfortunately, certain of these psychopathic qualities – in particular charm, charisma, grandiosity (which can be mistaken for vision or confidence) and the ability to “perform” convincingly in one-on-one settings – are also qualities that help one get ahead in the business world.

Snakes in Suits - An excellent book, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work(link is external), by Paul Babiak, Ph.D., and Robert Hare, Ph.D., published in 2006, is the foundational work on the subject and offers a comprehensive look at how psychopaths operate effectively in the workplace. To quote a few portions:

“Several abilities – skills, actually – make it difficult to see psychopaths for who they are. First, they are motivated to, and have a talent for, ‘reading people’ and for sizing them up quickly. They identify a person’s likes and dislikes, motives, needs, weak spots, and vulnerabilities… Second, many psychopaths come across as having excellent oral communication skills. In many cases, these skills are more apparent than real because of their readiness to jump right into a conversation without the social inhibitions that hamper most people… Third, they are masters of impression management; their insight into the psyche of others combined with a superficial – but convincing – verbal fluency allows them to change their situation skillfully as it suits the situation and their game plan.”

The authors also note that many psychopaths, of course, are not suited for the business environment. “Some do not have enough social or communication skill or education to interact successfully with others, relying instead on threats, coercion, intimidation, and violence to dominate others and to get what they want. Typically, such individuals are manifestly aggressive and rather nasty, and unlikely to charm victims into submission, relying on their bullying approach instead. This book (Snakes in Suits) is less about them than about those who are willing to use their ‘deadly charm’ to con and manipulate others.”

How prevalent are psychopaths in the ranks of senior management? Exact counts are impossible to obtain. (It is humorously difficult to imagine a researcher approaching a head of Human Resources and asking, “We’d like to do some research to assess just how many psychopaths your organization has among its leadership.”) In 2010, however, Paul Babiak, Robert Hare and Craig Neumann had the opportunity to examine psychopathy in a sample of 203 individuals from numerous companies’ management development programs. While these individuals were not yet at the top rungs of their organizations, they were on track potentially to get there.

The study’s findings(link is external) were disturbing, bearing out the large amount of anecdotal evidence the researchers had long been gathering. The research showed that approximately 3% of those assessed in this management development program study appeared to score in the psychopath range – well above the incidence of 1% in the general population. By comparison, the incidence of psychopathy in prison populations is estimated around 15%.

* * *
I was drawn to this topic at the end of a long career in business, as I tried to make sense of what I’d observed over the years, the many executives (and characters) I’d known, and the types of personalities that occasionally excelled in leadership roles. Am I saying that vast numbers of executives appear to possess such qualities? No, certainly many business leaders are among the most accomplished, admirable people I’ve had the privilege to know. But I’d also note that to get to the highest levels of an organization there are sometimes – naturally not always, but sometimes – elements of egocentrism and ruthlessness that can aid in one’s rise… and this makes me believe that the work of Babiak and Hare is, unfortunately, insightful and accurate.

In my own entirely unscientific estimation do I personally think business leadership is comprised of 3% psychopaths? I have no way of knowing, but an instinctive reaction is that just in my own experience (given the strict standards for true clinical psychopathy) 3% feels a bit high to me. But would I guess the incidence exceeds the 1% level of the general population? For the points mentioned earlier, that seems entirely reasonable...'
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

To big to fail


He failed with the court case.
When did he refuse to answer his questions? Is that standing up or did he have to take him out?

Isn't it both? If you want to be president you need to be seen as a problem solver taking care of the country not administering to partisan hacks. If you don't have the finesse to deal with problems all you are going to do is light fires.
Absolutely, uhhuh. He did stand up to Ramos and he is a problem solver. Just look at his business finesse.

Yes, let's look at his business finesse:

fucking over his VERY FIRST partner in a big real estate deal.
Filing bankruptcy four times.

Yes, that is some fine business finesse.

Let's talk more about Trump's business finesse!!!

The latest bankruptcy for Trump Enterprizes was in 2014, that makes it 5x. And he tried to use eminent domain for his personal use to steal an old woman's home, bull doze it, & pave her property over so he can have a parking lot for his casino. He FAILED.

To big to fail


Atlantic City, NJ Condemnation

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority v. Coking
The Abuse of Eminent Domain in Atlantic City


Vera Coking won her fight for her Atlantic City home against a New Jersey state agency and Donald Trump.

Trumped: The Donald, The Widow and Eminent Domain

“Individual freedom finds tangible expression in property rights.” This statement, penned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, recognizes how central property rights are to a free society.

Yet, with increasing frequency, federal, state, and local governments bow to political and economic expediency and trample the rights of property owners.

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and continues to enjoy her home of more than three decades.

Atlantic City, NJ Condemnation | The Institute for Justice

Do you support someone who has done something like that?
Ramos asked what would be done with the children of illegals if the parents were deported. I would say leave that up to the parents. If left behind they can be supported by increased taxes on liberals.
Ramos asked what would be done with the children of illegals if the parents were deported. I would say leave that up to the parents. If left behind they can be supported by increased taxes on liberals.

I'll agree to that. they want them here so they can PAY FOR THEM. they want all of us to pay for them to kill their offspring by abortion through PP. so lets TAKE only from them for a change
With a daughter that works for the competition.
I asked a liberal on this thread not long ago , "Why did Ramos come out and say "for the sake of transparency, I would like to say my daughter is working at the Clinton campaign."

I never got a response from the liberal. Answer: He knew that it could be seen as a conflict of interest.

Do you believe a reporter should be expected to give up his livelihood if one of his children goes to work for a politician?

he isn't reporter; he's an advocate idiot

You might want to have one of your caregivers google advocacy journalism for you.

you might want to offer something that proves me wrong

I just did.

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