Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.
St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.

Not really. Any future businessman who runs, can point to the massive, hysterical revolt by you lefties as a valid excuse for any and all failures, real or perceived.

AND of course, if the businessman is a good little lefty, the media will just, give him a pass.
St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.
And that's another damn shame about his "presidency".

While I can't say that a given businessperson would make a good President, it's not helpful that we summarily dismiss them, either.

Another thing that Trump has poisoned.
St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.
And that's another damn shame about his "presidency".

While I can't say that a given businessperson would make a good President, it's not helpful that we summarily dismiss them, either.

Another thing that Trump has poisoned.

Except, he hasn't.

What if Oprah ran? DO you think Mr Clean or anyone on your side will "summarily dismiss" her because of Donald Fucking Trump?

you people. ...
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

No, we don't know that. I get that you have been mislead into believing that but the opposite is true.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.

The truth of how badly Trump bungled the response to the pandemic? Yeah, that truth is already out. :lol:
St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.
And that's another damn shame about his "presidency".

While I can't say that a given businessperson would make a good President, it's not helpful that we summarily dismiss them, either.

Another thing that Trump has poisoned.
We don't have a good history as a country when we've elected businessmen as President.

Almost all of them ended up being one term I might add. It's almost like we don't learn from our mistakes.
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

No, we don't know that. I get that you have been mislead into believing that but the opposite is true.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.

The truth of how badly Trump bungled the response to the pandemic? Yeah, that truth is already out. :lol:

The CDC stated that they were A. accepting guesses, B counting deaths WITH as FROM, and C, giving increased payments for covid cases.

ANY single one of those, makes the numbers useless. Together...

Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

No, we don't know that. I get that you have been mislead into believing that but the opposite is true.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.

The truth of how badly Trump bungled the response to the pandemic? Yeah, that truth is already out. :lol:

The CDC stated that they were A. accepting guesses, B counting deaths WITH as FROM, and C, giving increased payments for covid cases.

ANY single one of those, makes the numbers useless. Together...

View attachment 453878
No they didn't. Keeping hold of a lie only makes you look the fool. Of course, as a Trump sycophant, you were already there...
Wow, you realize that Kosovo doesn't share a border with the Zionist Entity, Right?
I'm still not surprised that you don't realize that the US doesn't share a border with Russia. Or that the US doesn't share a border with China. Or that the US doesn't share a border with Iran.

But...strangely enough...those are our top three enemies.
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Poor, baby. Cheers!

Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

Forbes??? That Liberal rag?
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.
Wow, you realize that Kosovo doesn't share a border with the Zionist Entity, Right?
I'm still not surprised that you don't realize that the US doesn't share a border with Russia. Or that the US doesn't share a border with China. Or that the US doesn't share a border with Iran.

But...strangely enough...those are our top three enemies.
C'mon, Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house...

St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.
And that's another damn shame about his "presidency".

While I can't say that a given businessperson would make a good President, it's not helpful that we summarily dismiss them, either.

Another thing that Trump has poisoned.
We don't have a good history as a country when we've elected businessmen as President.

Almost all of them ended up being one term I might add. It's almost like we don't learn from our mistakes.
List the Presidents who were businessmen and don’t forget Jimmy Carter.
St Trumpy has forever laid to rest the myth of businessman as president.

I wish. that's what they said about Hoover and Bush.

The biggest problem.. The Plutocracy is very good at tooting its own horn, with magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how brilliant they are.
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Nope. You can tell yourself that to make your big feelings make sense, but it was Donnie Covidseed's response to the pandemic that led to his loss.

This may sting a little...

The numbers on the deaths were vastly inflated. We all know that. You know that. You are just pretending because you need to to defend your world view.

No, we don't know that. I get that you have been mislead into believing that but the opposite is true.

On some level, you know that eventually, the Truth will come out, but you trust that it will take long enough, that it will just be an historical oddity, to be swept under the rug.

The truth of how badly Trump bungled the response to the pandemic? Yeah, that truth is already out. :lol:

The CDC stated that they were A. accepting guesses, B counting deaths WITH as FROM, and C, giving increased payments for covid cases.

ANY single one of those, makes the numbers useless. Together...

View attachment 453878
No they didn't. Keeping hold of a lie only makes you look the fool. Of course, as a Trump sycophant, you were already there...

Yes, they did. THe numbers are garbage. I predict that when we get good numbers on the excess deaths, that the excess deaths will be far lower than expected AND turn out to be far younger than the average covid person, indicating the death was caused by the lockdown.
Studies based on garbage numbers come up with garbage conclusions.

THe fix was in, from the beginning to make sure we would have garbage numbers.

What "fix"? Seriously, what motivation is there to "fix" death totals? You can see just from the number of excess deaths recorded last year that the COVID death numbers are not inflated.

It wasn't created to hurt Donald Trump. The numbers aren't inflated to hurt Donald Trump. Trump failed in his response and it cost him the election.

1. Your pretense that you are unaware of the usefulness of covid and the shutdown for your side, politically, makes you look not credible.

2. When you accept guesses, and with as from AND give out more money for covid, the numbers cannot be trusted.

3. You claim there was no motive to do this, and in the same post use it to attack Trump politically. LOL!!!

Pointing out facts is not "attacking him politically", it's pointing out the FACT of his failed response.

How do you explain that we have roughly the same number of excess deaths as the reported number of COVID deaths? Explain that one away with one of your ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Dude. YOu gin up bad numbers, and then blame them on your enemy.

People do that with statistics all the time. THe only slight variation here, is that instead of just massaging the numbers, you are interfering with the gathering of the data.

YOur pretense that this is... out of the question, is just you being silly.

Knock it off.
What bad numbers? We have had over 400,000 excess deaths in 2020...which matches up with the COVID death total. COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is reality. You wanting to deny that fact, for what possible reason escapes normal people, is just sick.

What bad numbers?

The bad numbers I have been talking about with you for days.

That bit, where you ignore that a point has been answered, and pretend it was not, and just reassert your initial position?

That is the logical fallacy of proof by assertion, and is a tactic you use, when you know that the truth is, that you are wrong.

By using such a tactic,, you have implicitly admitted that you know that the numbers were ginned up to give you people a club to beat Trump with.
You have provide ZERO proof that the "numbers are bad".

The reported death totals are supported by the number of excess deaths we have experienced in the United States.

COVID is killing Americans at a rate of thousands per day. This is not "ginned up". You're a crackpot.
The pandemic is global.
US Blue Cities are magnets for international business and gangs so more people got sick and died.
Yes, it's a pandemic. It means it would have gotten here one way or the other. And?
And Trump is not to blame.
Nobody is blaming him for the virus...just the horrific response to it.
That’s the NEW lie.
No, just the sad and unfortunate reality.
Too bad you left a trail that proves that’s the new lie.
Prove it. Provide the names of people that blamed Trump for the virus and not his terrible response to it.
What terrible response?
The whole world responded the same way, and now Biden, who ran on having the solution, admits he has no idea what to do that hasn't already been done.
You mentally ill Liberals blamed Trump for allowing COVID into the US while wanting an open Southern border and you totally ignored the in your face fact that COVID is everywhere and no one knows why masking and distancing are accomplishing diddly squat.

Out of nearly 200 countries with a population over 100,000, The U.S. has the 4th most cases per capita. And we were told if we did everything right, we could expect between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we had about 450,000; so we did not do everything right.
It was the main reason he lost the election in 2020. Rightards still don't git it.

Lib lies are the main reason he lost.
Poor, baby. Cheers!


Thank you for not lying and denying it. Someday, Karma will be a bitch to you and yours.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

I bet if it were true, you libs would come back as diseased rats, living in the sewers of NYC.

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