Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
Florida Man
Thousands of people in New York City celebrating that Trump is leaving


That is the parade from when the Buffalo Bills won the Super Bowl...oh NVM. My bad.
Hey now! Them's fighting words!!!!

Please tell me you're a Bills fan. Please please please please please.

New York Football Giants

They ve been great recently lol
Thousands of people in New York City celebrating that Trump is leaving


That is the parade from when the Buffalo Bills won the Super Bowl...oh NVM. My bad.

You sure know history - NOT

The Bills have never won a Super Bowl, four tries, four failures (kinda like all of your posts).
That was the point of the post. LMAO hence the “oh NVM” ha ha ha idiot

NVM? Means what?
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.
I'm born and bred Brooklyn

Some of our families didn't run in the 60s and 70s but I got some big gay ****** boy from lily white Martha's vinyard telling me I'm running from blacks

I was born in Bensonhurst. We moved to NJ when I was 7. I would spend a month of the summer there until all my aunts and uncles moved out. When you come out of Brooklyn back then you were tough and street smart. These spoiled libtards have no idea about what tough is.

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They have no clue how rough it actually was ..
The murder numbers are legendary and probably still unsurpassed

I'm coming up next week ....bringin the Tennessee homeless poodle with me ...I would of just flew but I'm bringing the dog....its only a 13 hour drive
I have a friend in south Jersey ...I'm stoppinG his house for a couple days first

Nice. I’m leaving NJ soon. Can’t stand it. I’m going to a gun friendly state. Enjoy your trip. If you go back to the old neighborhood, it is nothing like it use to be. It’s like a different world.

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Priorities! :laugh:

why don’t you just buy a sports car like other small-dick men trying to compensate?
He might have to go back to a New York jail.
It wouldn't surprise me if fat donnie is so stupid he thinks moving his residency gets him off the legal hook. :71:

He shoulda moved to California, California doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S.A.

Yeah but California is it's own hell on Earth.

Although I am a democrat, I don't blame him at all. I have never lived in New York and think I would hate it. Snow, Rain, Cold, Crazy traffic, no thank you. Florida is sunny, beautiful, warm all year round, no snow, don't have the traffic like NYC. If I had the money I'd live down there too.
Yes, all the old fucks think the same way.
From your link...

“The state you claim residency in should be the state where you spend the most time. Many states require that residents spend at least 183 days or more in a state to claim they live there for income tax purposes.”

So are you saying Trump spends more time in Florida than DC or are the rules different for DC politicians?
You're mentally ill.

He's free to move anywhere he wants in the country.
No shit Sherlock. I never said he wasn’t allowed to move. I asked a question about logistics. Slow down and take off your troll glasses during your next read

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