Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
IF I had a fuk I wouldn't give it about those you mention DID your pos trump say he'd show his taxes OR NOT??
He did and decided that he wouldn't..........he has disclosed his campaign finances reports as required to run for office.

Show me under the Constitution were it orders him to do so..........Just because you say he has to do so doesn't make it necessary..........

Your side wants to dig through it looking for a crime like the last 3 years..........For 3 years got NOTHING..........

You got NOTHING now.........but a political stunt.

Ukraine says they are not a victim..........where is the crime when the victim isn't a victim........So this is BS.......we already know it........and in other threads other posters are already admitting it.........because I trolled their asses til they admitted it.

/——/ All democRATs would have to do is question a large write off like depreciation and the LSM would run with Trump is a TAX CHEAT.
They change the subject because they don't like getting it back at them.............

They are admitting on other threads after I battered them that this is revenge and not based on a crime. Golfing Gator posted Graham comments on why a crime didn't have to committed to

Rightwinger went Benghazi...........Benghazi...........proof positive that they already know this is political stunt.

Without Ukraine saying they were a victim...........they have nothing and they know it.......kinda like a woman saying I didn't get raped.....and them saying yes you shut up..........

They are PATHETIC............Biden is guilty as sin over his son and they know it........this is a smoke screen for what they have already done.
Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
IF I had a fuk I wouldn't give it about those you mention DID your pos trump say he'd show his taxes OR NOT??
He did and decided that he wouldn't..........he has disclosed his campaign finances reports as required to run for office.

Show me under the Constitution were it orders him to do so..........Just because you say he has to do so doesn't make it necessary..........

Your side wants to dig through it looking for a crime like the last 3 years..........For 3 years got NOTHING..........

You got NOTHING now.........but a political stunt.

Ukraine says they are not a victim..........where is the crime when the victim isn't a victim........So this is BS.......we already know it........and in other threads other posters are already admitting it.........because I trolled their asses til they admitted it.

Begging your pardon eagle but why do you think he won't show his taxes ?? Why do you think they don't want to show the COMPLETE transcript of his call to the Ukraine President ?? The POS doesn't have an honest bone in his body and you nitwits still support him?? Shame on you all
Oh shad up..............Dems have operatives in the IRS.............if they had anything it would already been public..................

I guess you forgot how they targeted Conservative Groups for being conservative.........That is REAL ABUSE OF POWER.............using the IRS to target and abuse U.S. citizens.

But your side I'm the one with the problem here.............those that abused the citizens of this country with the IRS should be tarred and feathered and drummed out of this country ............but your side DIDN'T CARE........LIED ABOUT IT.

Then say we are the are a demented people.

Just as you refuse to look at Biden's son.......who used daddy to get rich off of his position........You just deflect because you know he's guilty as sin.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.

Again....why do you keep moving here?
Why would leave the best state California to live in a worse state ?

Why dont you ask Californians?
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
"Loses millions in tax revenue"

Haha...I seriously doubt that. The fake billionaire is mortgaged to the eyeballs.
/——/ Apparently you never had a mortgage and filed a tax return otherwise you’d know how stupid your post is.

Know you sound like a typical NY dipshit. Go play with the rats

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/——-/ Explain how having mortgages means you don’t pay income tax. You need income to make the payments. And then you only deduct the interest. Well? BTW, if I was a Typical NY dipshit, I’d be a Trump hater like you.

Your not to bright. I love Trump. Voted for him and will again. Democrats are lying, criminal scum.

Who doesn’t pay income tax. I know President Trump does. NY turned on him when he stopped funding them became a Republican and became President.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again... You + Are = you're

Normally I simply dont care. But if you are (you're) going to keep calling people stupid and question their intelligence, it helps to not be dressed up as the court jester.
Trump's life will be infinitely better in Florida so why not move? The taxes, the people, the weather, the quality of life and the golf courses are all better. NY politicians are too stupid to realize that their socialist-communist BS is what is driving productive and wealthy people away. It's only a matter of time before there isn't enough money to support all their idiotic freebies. The smart people will be out of there before that happens. And what will the remaining slackers do then? They'll be scrounging through garbage (there will be plenty of that on the street) looking for food. Later on, after they shoot up by their sidewalk tent, they'll probably talk about how they wish Trump would make his tax returns public and how the walls are closing in on him and his impeachment and removal from office are imminent. That mentally unhinged mindset will never leave these monkey see monkey do liberal slackers until they freeze or starve to death on the sidewalk.
Trump is a rich guy, I kno
Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
None of them are setting national policy that could impact their personal wealth. The potential for a conflict of interest with Trump is greater than all previous Presidents combined

That is why he won’t release his taxes

What would Trump releasing his taxes prove? Nothing at all to me. I know he's a rich guy, with a thick tax return with many schedules and forms attached. If I had it sitting in front of me, I guess I could see that he paid $39,394,211.12 in 2018, or whatever. But I couldn't give you any reasonable interpretation if that was enough, or too much, or just right. I'm just not that savvy on tax policy.

But neither are the Democrat candidates or the media. They could comment that it "proves"he's a "crook" and would. But they don't have the bonafides to make that determination, although it wouldn't stop them.
Trump is a rich guy, I kno
Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
None of them are setting national policy that could impact their personal wealth. The potential for a conflict of interest with Trump is greater than all previous Presidents combined

That is why he won’t release his taxes

What would Trump releasing his taxes prove? Nothing at all to me. I know he's a rich guy, with a thick tax return with many schedules and forms attached. If I had it sitting in front of me, I guess I could see that he paid $39,394,211.12 in 2018, or whatever. But I couldn't give you any reasonable interpretation if that was enough, or too much, or just right. I'm just not that savvy on tax policy.

But neither are the Democrat candidates or the media. They could comment that it "proves"he's a "crook" and would. But they don't have the bonafides to make that determination, although it wouldn't stop them.
What would it prove? It'll prove those lipstick stains on the crack of his ass from Putin came with a pack of money, you simp
Trump's life will be infinitely better in Florida so why not move? The taxes, the people, the weather, the quality of life and the golf courses are all better. NY politicians are too stupid to realize that their socialist-communist BS is what is driving productive and wealthy people away. It's only a matter of time before there isn't enough money to support all their idiotic freebies. The smart people will be out of there before that happens. And what will the remaining slackers do then? They'll be scrounging through garbage (there will be plenty of that on the street) looking for food. Later on, after they shoot up by their sidewalk tent, they'll probably talk about how they wish Trump would make his tax returns public and how the walls are closing in on him and his impeachment and removal from office are imminent. That mentally unhinged mindset will never leave these monkey see monkey do liberal slackers until they freeze or starve to death on the sidewalk.
/—-/ Trump had picked up the Florida EC votes while he never would have won NY. Smart move.
Trump is a rich guy, I kno
Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
None of them are setting national policy that could impact their personal wealth. The potential for a conflict of interest with Trump is greater than all previous Presidents combined

That is why he won’t release his taxes

What would Trump releasing his taxes prove? Nothing at all to me. I know he's a rich guy, with a thick tax return with many schedules and forms attached. If I had it sitting in front of me, I guess I could see that he paid $39,394,211.12 in 2018, or whatever. But I couldn't give you any reasonable interpretation if that was enough, or too much, or just right. I'm just not that savvy on tax policy.

But neither are the Democrat candidates or the media. They could comment that it "proves"he's a "crook" and would. But they don't have the bonafides to make that determination, although it wouldn't stop them.
What would it prove? It'll prove those lipstick stains on the crack of his ass from Putin came with a pack of money, you simp
/——/ Since you’re the USMB expert on lipstick applied to men’s butts, we’ll have to take your word on it.
BAHAHAHAHA! Too bad New York, wave Bye Bye to all hose luscious tax dollars. And with any luck many more will follow Trump's sensible move.

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida
News Flash, you stupid moronic simp....99% of them rich jews in Fla...guess where they all came from? New York fuckin city, you simp

Actually, a lot of people in Florida moved from Ohio, Pennsylvania and elsewhere through Legendary Rust Belt. I-75 is an expressway taking folks straight from Dayton, Cincy, Kentucky, right into the heart of Florida.

I'm sure that there people of the Jewish faith from New York in Florida, but that is hardly everyone
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
He doesn’t pay taxes you brain dead twat
he pays taxes every time he buys something.

and if he's legally able to do his taxes and have nothing left to pay out, great. but that's up to the IRS, NO YOU AND THE DEMOCRATS, to determine that legality.

pisses off many on the left when they can't be judge jury and executioner at whim.

People don't want to see your fast assed orange buddy's taxes to see if he cheated.

They want to know where is financial interests are. In which countries does he have debt. Where is income comes from.

What if he owes billions to the Russians? That would explain a lot.
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
He doesn’t pay taxes you brain dead twat
he pays taxes every time he buys something.

and if he's legally able to do his taxes and have nothing left to pay out, great. but that's up to the IRS, NO YOU AND THE DEMOCRATS, to determine that legality.

pisses off many on the left when they can't be judge jury and executioner at whim.

People don't want to see your fast assed orange buddy's taxes to see if he cheated.

They want to know where is financial interests are. In which countries does he have debt. Where is income comes from.

What if he owes billions to the Russians? That would explain a lot.

The amount you owe isn't on your tax form, dave. Income tax forms report income, deductions,credits and taxes owed.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.
IF and when failure occurs it will be because republicans voters and the pos senators don't give a damn for our constitution and are deathly afraid of their moron in the WH IT IS against our laws to ask another country for help in bringing down an opponent
Get over it-there was nothing wrong with the call-only Schiff "creating" false evidence.
You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.
IF and when failure occurs it will be because republicans voters and the pos senators don't give a damn for our constitution and are deathly afraid of their moron in the WH IT IS against our laws to ask another country for help in bringing down an opponent
Get over it-there was nothing wrong with the call-only Schiff "creating" false evidence.

Schiff is just a worthless piece of crapola.

Although it is quite the coincidence that the man who is known around the world as the "Pencil Necked Geek" represents the hometown of the man who coined that term "pencil necked geek". Classy Freddie Blassie was known as the Hollywood Fashion Plate, from Hollywood, CA, part of the Schiff district.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.
IF and when failure occurs it will be because republicans voters and the pos senators don't give a damn for our constitution and are deathly afraid of their moron in the WH IT IS against our laws to ask another country for help in bringing down an opponent
Get over it-there was nothing wrong with the call-only Schiff "creating" false evidence.

Schiff is just a worthless piece of crapola.

Although it is quite the coincidence that the man who is known around the world as the "Pencil Necked Geek" represents the hometown of the man who coined that term "pencil necked geek". Classy Freddie Blassie was known as the Hollywood Fashion Plate, from Hollywood, CA, part of the Schiff district.
I know pole ,anyone with more than a half a brain is a Dem traitor You only worship the scum of the earth ,,trump and Republicans
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
He doesn’t pay taxes you brain dead twat
he pays taxes every time he buys something.

and if he's legally able to do his taxes and have nothing left to pay out, great. but that's up to the IRS, NO YOU AND THE DEMOCRATS, to determine that legality.

pisses off many on the left when they can't be judge jury and executioner at whim.

People don't want to see your fast assed orange buddy's taxes to see if he cheated.

They want to know where is financial interests are. In which countries does he have debt. Where is income comes from.

What if he owes billions to the Russians? That would explain a lot.

The amount you owe isn't on your tax form, dave. Income tax forms report income, deductions,credits and taxes owed.
AND taxes owed?? Have you completely lost your mind?? The amount you owe isn't on your tax form and then it is??
Hate soooo bad that they pass a law to go after Trump.........

Now they can make public people's Tax Returns ........think about that for a moment and let it set in........

Another way to attack political opponents is all it is now.
How about you Mr Eagle patriot, think about how your AH, your moron Trump said he'd release all his taxes ? The man is a degenerate liar and people like you kiss his dirty butt

The privacy of tax returns is a sacred precept here in America, ed.

If Trump's taxes were released, expect to see Soros taxes, along with those of other liberals in the private sector like Jay Fucking Z and Beyonce.
None of them are setting national policy that could impact their personal wealth. The potential for a conflict of interest with Trump is greater than all previous Presidents combined

That is why he won’t release his taxes

Actually, Soros and the others are huge liberal contributors that make like they are impartial. Further, the people would be interested in Soros' returns. Maybe he's hiding something. If he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't have a problem.

BTW, he won't have a choice if Trump's are revealed.
Soros is not President

He does not control a $4 trillion budget
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.
IF and when failure occurs it will be because republicans voters and the pos senators don't give a damn for our constitution and are deathly afraid of their moron in the WH IT IS against our laws to ask another country for help in bringing down an opponent
Get over it-there was nothing wrong with the call-only Schiff "creating" false evidence.

Schiff is just a worthless piece of crapola.

Although it is quite the coincidence that the man who is known around the world as the "Pencil Necked Geek" represents the hometown of the man who coined that term "pencil necked geek". Classy Freddie Blassie was known as the Hollywood Fashion Plate, from Hollywood, CA, part of the Schiff district.
Schiff is doing a great job

That is why Conservatives hate him
Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.
IF and when failure occurs it will be because republicans voters and the pos senators don't give a damn for our constitution and are deathly afraid of their moron in the WH IT IS against our laws to ask another country for help in bringing down an opponent
Get over it-there was nothing wrong with the call-only Schiff "creating" false evidence.

Schiff is just a worthless piece of crapola.

Although it is quite the coincidence that the man who is known around the world as the "Pencil Necked Geek" represents the hometown of the man who coined that term "pencil necked geek". Classy Freddie Blassie was known as the Hollywood Fashion Plate, from Hollywood, CA, part of the Schiff district.
I know pole ,anyone with more than a half a brain is a Dem traitor You only worship the scum of the earth ,,trump and Republicans

I didn't call Schiff a "traitor" , I called him what he is , a "pencil necked geek". Just like the President pointed out and Schiff failed to rebut.

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