Donald Trump Runs From Courthouse With His Tail Between His Legs After Epic Beat Down

I will not be bullied. And so Mr. Trump is no longer here. The Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt."

And off to Cletisville he goes
Polite discussion and crap are quite the dichotomy, aren't they. what makes you avoid polite discussion and embrace spewing crap?

Mr. Trump is as big as life and will be for many more years. He's only just begun, and he is backed up by my prayers and hundreds of thousands of other God-is-KIng people who know the truth when they hear it spoken so well as President Trump in 100% contrast to his false narrative practitioners, advocates, grab-the-Soros-and-Silicone-Valley-Johnny-come-lately-believers of the inaccurate false narratives, concealed so well by criminally insane projection atheist mobs who think there is no God, no Jesus, no truth, and no parents with orderly, truthful and accountable living for all that is correct and right, conservative lifestyles with do-unto-others-in-healing-and-kindly ways. Notice I didn't say "words." The Kingdom of God is unseen and is in worship, good book words, and good book commissioned deeds.

You should try it for a year, and then decide which is best: integrity or false accusations/false allegations. See you next year because I won't be reading your support of satanic evildoers like La-la-la-tis a Shames, for quite some time. Poor thing needs some TLC in Bellvue for a couple of decades.

And as for your projectives in critiques of President Trump, true justice will show he had never but done good for the American People who don't have a TDS bee up their butt. Furthermore, President Trump has always and will continue to stand up straight, knowing there are people in greater support of his working on prosperity, greatness, and soul-caring programs than the Biden inflation sewer programs that have impoverished, not improved the Middle Class in spite of his lying, obfuscating, and asocial words and feeeewings.

Edit: adding sense of humor stuff that is neither here nor there. :tongue:
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They know its coming, even Dimkooks aren't that dumb. They are simply in the Denial phase.
I will not be bullied. And so Mr. Trump is no longer here. The Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt."

And off to Cletisville he goes
/----/ RAWSTORY?
Polite discussion and crap are quite the dichotomy, aren't they. what makes you avoid polite discussion and embrace spewing crap?

Mr. Trump is as big as life and will be for many more years. He's only just begun, and he is backed up by my prayers and hundreds of thousands of other God-is-KIng people who know the truth when they hear it spoken so well as President Trump in 100% contrast to his false narrative practitioners, advocates, grab-the-Soros-and-Silicone-Valley-Johnny-come-lately-believers of the inaccurate false narratives, concealed so well by criminally insane projection atheist mobs who think there is no God, no Jesus, no truth, and no parents with orderly, truthful and accountable living for all that is correct and right, conservative lifestyles with do-unto-others-in-healing-and-kindly ways. Notice I didn't say "words." The Kingdom of God is unseen and is in worship, good book words, and good book commissioned deeds.

You should try it for a year, and then decide which is best: integrity or false accusations/false allegations. See you next year because I won't be reading your support of satanic evildoers like La-la-la-tis a Shames, for quite some time. Poor thing needs some TLC in Bellvue for a couple of decades.

And as for your projectives in critiques of President Trump, true justice will show he had never but done good for the American People who don't have a TDS bee up their butt.

Edit: adding sense of humor stuff that is neither here nor there. :tongue:
Trump will be a big man in prison
And the right do? I mean Trump's lies can be written in a huge novel and still have room left over for another War and Peace esc novel.

You're trying to equate something with the left that is universal.
You are a borderline Liar and cheat.The Left { Mainstream Media }
and the media in general can't go a few hours w/o crafting some
imbecilic new lie concerning Trump and his immediate family.
It's documented and History will eventually have to answer
for it.Like the perils involved in the Civil War and Vietnam.
Today's media is historically Corrupt.
During Trump's Inauguration over 200 people got arrested
for violence and riots.Dem leaders like Jamie Raskin swore he would
find a vehicle to Impeach Trump.
One newspaper of record wrote within minutes
Trump was Sworn-in that the Impeachment has started.
- The Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump
has begun -
The Washington Post { 1/2017 }
Quit proving yourself an idiot. Russia collusion has been proven a lie. This witch hunt either way is going to screw you, so keep it up!
So Manafort didn't provide internal polling data to Russia?

Again, the Mueller investigation was a republican one. Not sure why you are blaming Democrats except perhaps because you were duped by the right wing media.

You should learn to think for yourself if that is the case.
He's 'grifted' no one but you guys are so mentally ill that you believe anything the Gutter Media tells you. You don't know you're insane, but everyone else sees it. That's just the way it is.

Trump sounds like the typical criminal who cries that the system is against him, the judge is biased, the prosecutor is corrupt

Don’t you get tired of that Crybaby Loser?
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The enemy dems are partial to guns. And it gives them another reason to try to ban them.
No, just the RWNJ's that think it should be a right for a mentally defective to own one.
Guns are good in the right hands, that doesn't include teabaggers.
75% of them, don't even hunt.

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