Donald Trump Runs From Courthouse With His Tail Between His Legs After Epic Beat Down

MAGA wants to destroy America and the Democracy it stands for. I love my country, you love Orange Faced Putin Butt Boy.
You Iove the Soviet Union and you want America to become it

What country?? We have become Latin America thanks to Biden and Obama
I'm sure he has a bolt hole all set to go. The problem will be his Secret Service Detail. Will they follow him or will they rat him out.

Do they think their duty is to an ex-president, or do they think their duty is to the country? It's hard to tell with people these days.
I will not be bullied. And so Mr. Trump is no longer here. The Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt."

And off to Cletisville he goes
This is the definition of Topsy-Turvy.
The left has everything ass backwards.This James
snark is guilty of running for office { as AG } by telegraphing
all her intentions to nab Trump at any and all costs.
Whoever or whatever Republican wins the Presidency in
2024 must keep this in mind and send a strong message that
this type person { James } must pay a huge price for doing something
so Unlawful,shamefull,spiteful and Unamerican it reeks of
sheer Stalinism.
MAGA wants to destroy America and the Democracy it stands for. I love my country, you love the Orange Faced Putin Butt Boy.
And to the democracy for which it stands. Really. Did you go to school in this country? It's not a democracy.

What enemy democrats have turned this nation into needs to be destroyed.
I'm sure he has a bolt hole all set to go. The problem will be his Secret Service Detail. Will they follow him or will they rat him out.
The way enemy democrats are setting it up, the secret service will either fall asleep or be in the bathroom.
Do they think their duty is to an ex-president, or do they think their duty is to the country? It's hard to tell with people these days.
This James character is making a mockery of Due Process and what used
to be an American guaranteed pledge of ensuring for a Fair Trial.
Mark levin,if Trump runs in 2024 and wins the Presidency should
as first order of business,have Letitia James in court as often as
it takes to remove her from the Bar Association,Defrocked from ever
practicing any law and forced to pay a huge fine.Plus jail time
for abusing our legal system.
What evidence for which indictment? Be specific please.

Russia collusion? That was a republican investigation and it was t about collusion, it was about coordination by the Trump campaign and Russia...which ultimately was proven.

It's odd that the most successful republican investigation in the last 2 decades isn't touted but instead shifted to Democrats. Repubs should own it. They uncovered a lot of shit, people went to jail and the cost was almost entirely covered by the guilty.

Pro tip: Trump humpers should take pride in the Mueller investigation and try to frame Durham as a Democrat one. Talk about failure.
Quit proving yourself an idiot. Russia collusion has been proven a lie. This witch hunt either way is going to screw you, so keep it up!
This James character is making a mockery of Due Process and what used
to be an American guaranteed pledge of ensuring for a Fair Trial.
Mark levin,if Trump runs in 2024 and wins the Presidency should
as first order of business,have Letitia James in court as often as
it takes to remove her from the Bar Association,Defrocked from ever
practicing any law and forced to pay a huge fine.Plus jail time
for abusing our legal system.

"Lock her up"??? How'd it work out last time?
No, it was trump being taken to the woodshed after he had 2 days of tantrums.
No, it was her having a that time of the month tantrum. She needs to go. No entity was harmed and none complained about his valuations of his property. Time to move on. When Trump prevails and the Congress is Republican, Trump will clean house with the AG and all their liberal AG's and DA's around the country.

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