Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

The Fat Lady has sung. Trump is not guilty of anything.

It is time to put an end to all this filthy Trump Derangement Syndrome and Mueller Denial Syndrome hatefest.

Their girl lost. They need to get over it.

If they are still frustrated that Crooked Hillary lost then they should just go howl at the sky or something then just shut the fuck up.
So even tho the FBI investigation into Hillary clearly stated there was no evidence sufficient enough to charge Hillary -- she is still guilty...

but the Mueller report clearly stating that they DO NOT exonerate Trump means trump is exonerated and hillary guilty?

Comey never said the bitch wasn't guilty. In fact he said the shithead was guilty as sin. He laid out her guilt in his speech. Quite in detail.

However, he said quite clearly that because she was the filthy Democrat's Presidential nominee that he would let her off the hook with a ridiculous "no intent" excuse. One of the biggest travesties of justice in the history of the country.

Her "intent" should have been determined by a Grand Jury, not Obama's FBI Boy.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.

Wrong. McGhan was White House legal counsel, not Trumps personal attorney. He has no executive privilege. All legal decisions made on behalf of the White House are public record.
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
Trump (albeit unwittingly) already waived executive privilege when he allowed McGahn to testify to Mueller in the first place -- he can't go back and re-assert EP over something that he already waived.

But I already know Trump sycophants don't really care about the law as much as they care about trolling the libs...

As a matter of fact, 150 million more Americans could get health insurance if Trump would pass universal healthcare just to troll the libs
So, will you take the difference between Congress and the Department of Justice for $100, clown?

The Special Council is part of the Department of Justice, hence part of the Executive branch of government.

The House of Representatives are NOT.

Executive privilege can be invoked, so see

I just told you the charge, Mueller himself highlighted 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice

The fact you think there was never a crime in the first place is irrelevant to obstruction of justice -- that is not my opinion, that is what the Dept Of Justice thinks.

Here is another reason I have little respect for you trumpers.....Here is what the report summary said about evil Hillary:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” <<-- but leave it to you Trumpers, she is guilty of treason, obstruction, murder, etc, etc etc ......let's not even mention the fact that this is also the same Hillary who testified under oath for 11 hours and was investigated over Benghazi 10 different times with ZERO indictments of anybody.

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to collusion:

"While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges." <<-- according to you trumpers, its a total exoneration and also a deep-state coup witch-hunt at the same time....and it also proves Obama planned 9/11 too...

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to obstruction:

"The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does NOT exonerate him" <<-- according to you trumpers, this also totally exonerates Trump while at the same time implicates Hillary in both child sex trafficking and the Vince Foster suicide....and it also proves that Iraq did plan 9/11 -- along with Obama and Bin Laden...funded by George Soros and Black Lives by Collin Kappernick
Such a waste.. here is where your brain fails you... TRUMP COULD FIRE MUELLER ANY TIME HE WANTED! . Lol That’s not obstruction .. just because a Hillary supporter FBI agent wrote it doesn’t make it true .

Please don’t compare Hillary destroying 30 thousand emails, Bleach bit hard drives, taking hammers to cell phones,, to trump WHO IF HE WANTED to could have replaced mueller!
So what is the hold up with charging Hillary with a crime?

As you idiots get your panties in a bunch when someone says Trump committed crimes -- even tho he has not been charged...Why do you insist on the fact that Hillary committed crimes, even tho she isn't charged...

And Hillary is not president so there is no DOJ policy that prevents her from being indicted....why is your cult leader so afraid and beholden to the will of Hillary?
I think the deep state influences what the DOJ does .. I think principal players in the DOJ influence decisions .. these people are part of the deep state.. and many are worried about revenge from clinton allies .. her and her husband stacked the deck in alomost every department.
You do understand that Barr is the attorney general right?

Are you saying Barr is powerless to prosecute Hillary and Obama?

Why? The Deep State?

If the Deep State is so powerful, why didn't they just say Trump colluded with russia, committed treason, money laundering, etc -- since they are powerful enough to be blamed for everything else that makes you feel the sads -- why not do that?
Because if they over exposed them selves they would t be the deep state a any more.. your questions are ridiculous it’s almost like you can’t critically think .. sad
I just told you the charge, Mueller himself highlighted 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice

The fact you think there was never a crime in the first place is irrelevant to obstruction of justice -- that is not my opinion, that is what the Dept Of Justice thinks.

Here is another reason I have little respect for you trumpers.....Here is what the report summary said about evil Hillary:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” <<-- but leave it to you Trumpers, she is guilty of treason, obstruction, murder, etc, etc etc ......let's not even mention the fact that this is also the same Hillary who testified under oath for 11 hours and was investigated over Benghazi 10 different times with ZERO indictments of anybody.

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to collusion:

"While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges." <<-- according to you trumpers, its a total exoneration and also a deep-state coup witch-hunt at the same time....and it also proves Obama planned 9/11 too...

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to obstruction:

"The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does NOT exonerate him" <<-- according to you trumpers, this also totally exonerates Trump while at the same time implicates Hillary in both child sex trafficking and the Vince Foster suicide....and it also proves that Iraq did plan 9/11 -- along with Obama and Bin Laden...funded by George Soros and Black Lives by Collin Kappernick
Such a waste.. here is where your brain fails you... TRUMP COULD FIRE MUELLER ANY TIME HE WANTED! . Lol That’s not obstruction .. just because a Hillary supporter FBI agent wrote it doesn’t make it true .

Please don’t compare Hillary destroying 30 thousand emails, Bleach bit hard drives, taking hammers to cell phones,, to trump WHO IF HE WANTED to could have replaced mueller!
So what is the hold up with charging Hillary with a crime?

As you idiots get your panties in a bunch when someone says Trump committed crimes -- even tho he has not been charged...Why do you insist on the fact that Hillary committed crimes, even tho she isn't charged...

And Hillary is not president so there is no DOJ policy that prevents her from being indicted....why is your cult leader so afraid and beholden to the will of Hillary?
I think the deep state influences what the DOJ does .. I think principal players in the DOJ influence decisions .. these people are part of the deep state.. and many are worried about revenge from clinton allies .. her and her husband stacked the deck in alomost every department.
You do understand that Barr is the attorney general right?

Are you saying Barr is powerless to prosecute Hillary and Obama?

Why? The Deep State?

If the Deep State is so powerful, why didn't they just say Trump colluded with russia, committed treason, money laundering, etc -- since they are powerful enough to be blamed for everything else that makes you feel the sads -- why not do that?
Because if they over exposed them selves they would t be the deep state a any more.. your questions are ridiculous it’s almost like you can’t critically think .. sad
it’s almost like you can’t critically think .. sad


It is you who is way over exposed, Q-Tard.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.

Your interpretation of Mueller's conclusions, or rather those of Donald Trump and William Barr, is laughable if you read the actual report. Mueller says clear that there was collusion, and that Trump's family and staff embraced it, but there was no evidence that they knew the Russians they were dealing with were Russian government officials, and there WASN'T SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to charge anyone with Conspiracy. Mueller was very clear - there was evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence that the Trump campaign knew they were dealing with agents of the Russian government to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

As for Obstruction of Justice, William Barr was not charged with making a finding on Obstruction, MUELLER LEFT THAT TO CONGRESS, because Barr couldn't indict Trump either. The decision is up to the Democrats in the House. Mueller gave them a roadmap to impeachment. Trump is doing everything he possibly can to force them to impeach him because Trump think that makes him look like a victim. Pelosi is refusing, because she's a whole lot smarter than you give her credit for being.

Everywhere I look, I see Republicans demanding that the House do its duty and impeach Trump. Trump's refusal of House subpoenas and his claims of executive privilege are intended to goad the House into an impeachment trial, which Trump desperately wants to help his re-election chances.

Trump has never been less popular. Decent Americans are ashamed of him and that entire group of mysogynistic entitled rich assholes he hangs around with. Especially the women. Lying, cheating and treating women as disposable is an unwise strategy when there are 8 million more women voting than men.
I have not interpreted anything Mueller said because I have not read the report. There is no point to reading it because no matter what it says, you trolls are going to lie.
I have not interpreted anything Mueller said because I have not read the report. There is no point to reading it because no matter what it says, you trolls are going to lie.


That makes absolutely no sense.
It's more like you dont want to know.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...
What’s the charge??
You do understand that you can obstruct justice without there being a criminally prosecutable offense right?
Show us how you do that.


Investigations are part of the justice process, dope.
You investigate you interviewed over 500 witnesses ... YOU HAVE NOTHING.. you are now harassing the president.. move on you LOST

There actually is quite a lot. 10 clear counts of obstruction.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.

Wrong. McGhan was White House legal counsel, not Trumps personal attorney. He has no executive privilege. All legal decisions made on behalf of the White House are public record.
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

If Trump is so 'innocent' then there is nothing to hide from Congress; right?

Obviously Trump FAILED to pass his fourth grade civics class in which he was supposed to learn about the three branches of government & the concept of 'checks and balances'

The US Congress has a duty to fulfill which is keeping a check on the executive branch.

Trump can piss, and whine, and moan all he likes; the courts will NOT rule in Trump's favor.

Time is on the side of Congress so, Trumpski can just go fuck off ............
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
How many times are you going to ask him?? Are we going to call congress to testify for decisions they made or thinking to make?? Lol
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...
What’s the charge??
You do understand that you can obstruct justice without there being a criminally prosecutable offense right?
Show us how you do that.


Investigations are part of the justice process, dope.
Only when a crime has been committed.

No, dope.

Obstruction is in itself a crime regardless of what criminality is or isn't found.

The only thing Flynn was guilty of was obstruction. Lying to investigators. He's going to prison.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
How many times are you going to ask him?? Are we going to call congress to testify for decisions they made or thinking to make?? Lol

Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?

well, from reading posts here @ USMB it is obvious that Trump supporters talk a LOT OF BULLSHIT about the subject, are ill informed because they speak of what they obviously don't know, are just plain fucking stupid, or ALL of THE ABOVE.
They should just ignore all subpoenas

Just do what the democrats always do, drag things on with postponements and delays until it either drops out of the news cycle, the public tire of it or till the next election.

Kept Hillary out of prison.
Bought Obumma an extra four years.

Why do you think all this Trump shit is driving them nuts? They are not used to a republican shoving their own games down their throats.
No trump no connection to trump poor libs
Trump benefited from the Russian interference. That's why he attempted to obstruct the investigation into that interference.

All caught up now, tard?
There was no obstruction, moron.

Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:
Exoneration was never the task Muller was charged with. It is a made up outcome created by libbies-fake news. He was charged with finding Trump guilty of something, anything, but could not.
Trump benefited from the Russian interference. That's why he attempted to obstruct the investigation into that interference.

All caught up now, tard?
There was no obstruction, moron.

Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:
That's exactly right, moron. It's 400 pages of Nothing burger. 2 pages would have been sufficient. Since when did the number of pages determine when the smears of leftwing morons are valid?
Wrong. McGhan was White House legal counsel, not Trumps personal attorney. He has no executive privilege. All legal decisions made on behalf of the White House are public record.
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?

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