Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

The surplus may be borrowed but must be paid back with interest.
Fat chance of that ever happening. When there is no longer a yearly SS surplus the benefits will be cut or the payroll tax raised or both. SS is seen by the politicians as a pay as you go fund, there is no "trust fund" except in the imaginary world of financial paper. That is why the GOP want to privatize it.

What is Social Security? | National Academy of Social Insurance

Social Security is largely a pay-as-you-go program. This means that today's workers pay Social Security taxes into the program and money flows back out as monthly income to beneficiaries.

That is not exactly what the Social Security Administration says.

"The Social Security trust funds are financial accounts in the U.S. Treasury. There are two separate Social Security trust funds, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund pays retirement and survivors benefits, and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund pays disability benefits.

Social Security taxes and other income are deposited in these accounts, and Social Security benefits are paid from them. The only purposes for which these trust funds can be used are to pay benefits and program administrative costs.

The Social Security trust funds hold money not needed in the current year to pay benefits and administrative costs and, by law, invest it in special Treasury bonds that are guaranteed by the U.S. Government. A market rate of interest is paid to the trust funds on the bonds they hold, and when those bonds reach maturity or are needed to pay benefits, the Treasury redeems them.

Social Security Administration: What are the Trust Funds?
And when exactly has even one of those "special" Treasury bonds ever been paid????
Answer, never and they never will.

"New bonds are purchased every day from the revenue coming into the government, and they are credited to the trust funds. Similarly, whenever any money is expended from the trust funds, for benefits or for any administrative expenses, this comes from redeeming bonds. So, bonds are issued and redeemed all the time."
Nope, all SS benefits are pay as you go, that is why the Right call it a Ponzi Scheme. If those Treasury bonds were ever redeemed the GOP National Debt would have gone down. It never has.

Yes, it is a ponzi scheme, but the bonds are issued and redeemed all the time. The problem would be if they redeemed ALL of them at once. When a bond reaches maturity it has to be redeemed. Even a third grader knows that.

profiling is a leftist thing

everyone needs to fit into a certain box

with these cats

male or female

black white asian

upper middle or lower income

sexual preference

and on and on
police personalities love to label people, just like the actual police.

not sure police profiling is on the same footing

as the leftist profiling
have you spoken to either group in real life??

They ask those idiot police questions. They are identical personalities.

certaily not
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”
By Daily News Bin | September 13, 2016 | 8
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

So much for Donald Trump’s attempt to paint Hillary Clinton as being divisive because she referred to half of his supporters (roughly twenty percent of voters, and a far lower percentage of the overall population) as being in a “basket of deplorables.” It turns out Trump himself has thrown half the country under the bus with his own words, writing them off as being freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything” because the other half of the country is carrying them.

Whereas Mitt Romney was famously caught writing off “47%” of Americans as being lazy bums during a speech at a private event which was subsequently leaked on video, Donald Trump bizarrely made his remark on television. He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

What a nasty piece of shit this man is. I guardanfuckingtee that a lot of the lower 50% pay state taxes, sales tax and property taxes and most of them work for a goddamn living. What a scum bag! What's even nastier is the reality that parasites like Trump take most of the goddamn wealth that many of the workers in that lower 50% should be getting and fucks them over.

Please god don't do this to America! I beg of you.

I'm surprised Trump could add 3% to Romney's 47% and come up with 50%.
What a douchebag.
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”
By Daily News Bin | September 13, 2016 | 8
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

So much for Donald Trump’s attempt to paint Hillary Clinton as being divisive because she referred to half of his supporters (roughly twenty percent of voters, and a far lower percentage of the overall population) as being in a “basket of deplorables.” It turns out Trump himself has thrown half the country under the bus with his own words, writing them off as being freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything” because the other half of the country is carrying them.

Whereas Mitt Romney was famously caught writing off “47%” of Americans as being lazy bums during a speech at a private event which was subsequently leaked on video, Donald Trump bizarrely made his remark on television. He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

What a nasty piece of shit this man is. I guardanfuckingtee that a lot of the lower 50% pay state taxes, sales tax and property taxes and most of them work for a goddamn living. What a scum bag! What's even nastier is the reality that parasites like Trump take most of the goddamn wealth that many of the workers in that lower 50% should be getting and fucks them over.

Please god don't do this to America! I beg of you.

You fucking idiot, he was using a hypothetical percentage.

That's like saying "Half of Dallas Cowboy fans are conditioned to accept a bunch of losers as their team", when we all know it is more like 90% of them.

He was not going into the weeds on specific percentages, just a generic "half vrs a half".

Matthew, stop snorting the Draino, son, it is wrecking your fragile brain.

But when Hilary says it she MEANS IT!! Huugggggnnn
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”
By Daily News Bin | September 13, 2016 | 8
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

So much for Donald Trump’s attempt to paint Hillary Clinton as being divisive because she referred to half of his supporters (roughly twenty percent of voters, and a far lower percentage of the overall population) as being in a “basket of deplorables.” It turns out Trump himself has thrown half the country under the bus with his own words, writing them off as being freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything” because the other half of the country is carrying them.

Whereas Mitt Romney was famously caught writing off “47%” of Americans as being lazy bums during a speech at a private event which was subsequently leaked on video, Donald Trump bizarrely made his remark on television. He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

What a nasty piece of shit this man is. I guardanfuckingtee that a lot of the lower 50% pay state taxes, sales tax and property taxes and most of them work for a goddamn living. What a scum bag! What's even nastier is the reality that parasites like Trump take most of the goddamn wealth that many of the workers in that lower 50% should be getting and fucks them over.

Please god don't do this to America! I beg of you.

You fucking idiot, he was using a hypothetical percentage.

That's like saying "Half of Dallas Cowboy fans are conditioned to accept a bunch of losers as their team", when we all know it is more like 90% of them.

He was not going into the weeds on specific percentages, just a generic "half vrs a half".

Matthew, stop snorting the Draino, son, it is wrecking your fragile brain.

But when Hilary says it she MEANS IT!! Huugggggnnn

She was pointing out all the racist and vile assholes that support Trump. What she said was 100% True! It is true because, 50% of 40% is 20% of the electorate, which we all know match up to the description perfectly. . Trump SAID half of ALL AMERICANS which is 160 million people.
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”
By Daily News Bin | September 13, 2016 | 8
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

So much for Donald Trump’s attempt to paint Hillary Clinton as being divisive because she referred to half of his supporters (roughly twenty percent of voters, and a far lower percentage of the overall population) as being in a “basket of deplorables.” It turns out Trump himself has thrown half the country under the bus with his own words, writing them off as being freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything” because the other half of the country is carrying them.

Whereas Mitt Romney was famously caught writing off “47%” of Americans as being lazy bums during a speech at a private event which was subsequently leaked on video, Donald Trump bizarrely made his remark on television. He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

What a nasty piece of shit this man is. I guardanfuckingtee that a lot of the lower 50% pay state taxes, sales tax and property taxes and most of them work for a goddamn living. What a scum bag! What's even nastier is the reality that parasites like Trump take most of the goddamn wealth that many of the workers in that lower 50% should be getting and fucks them over.

Please god don't do this to America! I beg of you.

Yep- Trump says 50% of Americans are lazy.

He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”
Why do DT's followers always have to Trump-splain what he means?

Maybe it's because your pravda media puppets either misquote, misconstrue, or INVENT things he's never said. duh.
Haha...he could always go back onto Russia Today to defend himself against Pravda.

I know how frightening it must be for you to think Putin actually RESPECTS a US president...we all know what a weakling coward he knows Barry to be. Putin won't be buzzing our ships and aircraft with Trump in the Oval office...if they try that with Trump they'll get splashed.
Why do DT's followers always have to Trump-splain what he means?

Maybe it's because your pravda media puppets either misquote, misconstrue, or INVENT things he's never said. duh.
Haha...he could always go back onto Russia Today to defend himself against Pravda.

I know how frightening it must be for you to think Putin actually RESPECTS a US president...we all know what a weakling coward he knows Barry to be. Putin won't be buzzing our ships and aircraft with Trump in the Oval office...if they try that with Trump they'll get splashed.


If that was the case you would provide the correct quote. Instead you try to Trump splain what his words really meant in the spin zone.

What could he have ever meant? Just because we have over 94 million Americans of working age not working or looking for a job is no reason to call people lazy!
Why is it every time one of you Clinton supporters reports on what Donald Trump supposedly "said"'s never what he REALLY said?

“The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

That's what Trump said. He didn't call anyone "lazy freeloaders". That was your interpretation of what he said. He's simply pointing out that we're reaching a tipping point where more people are taking out of the system then are putting in. That's not sustainable.
Seems like a very accurate paraphrase of what Trump said. Certainly more accurate than any time the Right paraphrases Clinton!!!

No, it's a paraphrase designed to make Trump appear to call people "lazy free loaders" when what he's correctly pointing out is that our society rewards ambition less and less with each passing year and it's not sustainable.
Sorry, but lazy freeloaders was NOT in quotes!!!!!
That means it was just taken out of his ass.
No that means it is not attributed to Trump as a quote!!!

Look at the title of this string and tell me that it isn't deceptive.
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”
By Daily News Bin | September 13, 2016 | 8
Donald Trump says “fifty percent” of Americans are lazy freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything”

So much for Donald Trump’s attempt to paint Hillary Clinton as being divisive because she referred to half of his supporters (roughly twenty percent of voters, and a far lower percentage of the overall population) as being in a “basket of deplorables.” It turns out Trump himself has thrown half the country under the bus with his own words, writing them off as being freeloaders who “don’t have to do anything” because the other half of the country is carrying them.

Whereas Mitt Romney was famously caught writing off “47%” of Americans as being lazy bums during a speech at a private event which was subsequently leaked on video, Donald Trump bizarrely made his remark on television. He told Fox News host Sean Hannity back in June of last year that “The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry — and it’s unfair to them — but cannot carry the other 50 percent.”

What a nasty piece of shit this man is. I guardanfuckingtee that a lot of the lower 50% pay state taxes, sales tax and property taxes and most of them work for a goddamn living. What a scum bag! What's even nastier is the reality that parasites like Trump take most of the goddamn wealth that many of the workers in that lower 50% should be getting and fucks them over.

Please god don't do this to America! I beg of you.

The country is divided. It's the Deplorables against the Freeloaders.

Who will win?

The deplorables. They have more back bone, more moxie, and are done with the freeloaders freeloading.

LOL...I'm checking out the nice bouldering photo and suddenly see Bill Clinton's head coming around the corner...too funny!
Why do DT's followers always have to Trump-splain what he means?

Maybe it's because your pravda media puppets either misquote, misconstrue, or INVENT things he's never said. duh.
Haha...he could always go back onto Russia Today to defend himself against Pravda.

I know how frightening it must be for you to think Putin actually RESPECTS a US president...we all know what a weakling coward he knows Barry to be. Putin won't be buzzing our ships and aircraft with Trump in the Oval office...if they try that with Trump they'll get splashed.
Oh, that's right...even if they mouth bad words behind their hands at the US Navy Trump will issue the order to launch.
Putin doesn't RESPECT Trump...he has him in his pocket.
The same dumbfucks who "winnered" the OP are probably the same ones saying every person that doesn't support corrupt cankles is deplorable.
Partisanship does crazy things

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