Donald Trump Speech After Guilty Verdict

I was just able to come back now after my ban. It looks like nobody else has posted this yet. Hopefully I didn't miss anything though.

Ya knowwwww...

Donald Trump is an idiot. He thought George Washington took over the airports.

He thought we should be injected with disinfectant and very bright light.

He thinks windmill noise causes cancer.

And so forth and so on.

And now the moron is violating his still-in-force gag order, attacking the judge.

The judge who will be deciding his sentence in a few weeks.


“Millions and millions of people flowing into the country”

Yeah, those numbers check out….

And they were flowing in during his 4 years in office. Why didn’t he stop it?

“I’m under a nasty gag order, no other president’s ever been under a gag order”

Yeah, well, no other president’s been on trial for felonies either, so….

“Some of our witnesses on our side were literally crucified by this man”

Really? Literally? Does he know what “literally” means?

Kinda tuned it out after that. Some weird, rambling rant about a false news story about him grabbing those secret service men by the neck. He was saying it was fake, to be fair, but very weird how much time he spent on it, implying it was believable because he’s a “tough cookie” or something.

Uh no, you’re a flabby old man
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Trump is violating his gag order and attacking the judge. He is baiting the judge into giving him a harsh sentence.

Then Trump can do his usual whining like a little bitch and play the victim to his cult.
He has to obey a gag order just like anyone else under a gag order, or face the consequences

He’s not above the law
Trump winning an appeal would be proof our justice system works. Hillary being sent to prison would be proof our justice system works.
To these fucking Snowflakes the justice system only works when it produces outcomes they like.
It's a good thing for Trump he's not going to jail over this New York conviction.

The way he whines, some Bubba on Rikers Island would make Trump his bitch.
Interesting that not a single post in this thread says a single word about Trump’s speech….

Must have been a memorable speech….

In basic summary he was saying to screw the democrats.

“Millions and millions of people flowing into the country”

Yeah, those numbers check out….

And they were flowing in during his 4 years in office. Why didn’t he stop it?

He did stop it or at least controlled it a whole lot better. He built a wall that the Biden/Harris administration destroyed. So, who are the true idiots?

“I’m under a nasty gag order, no other president’s ever been under a gag order”

Yeah, well, no other president’s been on trial for felonies either, so….

Several years after their crimes were supposedly committed during an election year. Oh yeah and no defendant has ever been under a gag order either as that's illegal.

“Some of our witnesses on our side were literally crucified by this man”

Really? Literally? Does he know what “literally” means?

Okay, I admit that you got me there.

He has to obey a gag order just like anyone else under a gag order, or face the consequences

He’s not above the law

Again, it's illegal for defendants to be gagged.

I'll reply to this later on my laptop since it's going to take me a while.

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