Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by Pr

Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.
No dice - the media lied it's ass off, got caught, got exposed, and the shit sandwich they are eating right now is of their own making.

Meanwhile the left is completely freaking out watching so many demonstrate they do not agree with the left. The polls for years have shown the majority of the country has felt the nation has been going in the wrong direction, taken there by the left. The left didn't listen and are now shocked at what they're seeing. It's like a waking nightmare for them.

The majority of the country does not support the left - hasn't for a while. The historic record-setting loss in 2014 should have been the wake-up call - libs ignored it. The hostoric record-setting 2016 loss should be a wake-up call. Instead of 'waking up', they're freaking out and doubling down on undesirable liberal crap.
Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

The media has been caught in their lies many times. Remember Dan Rather? Just before the election?

YOU are the one being played. You have been fearmongered to believe that half of American are proto-Nazis.

Not half. But enough to get the orange clown elected, because you can bet your white ass that ever alt-right nazi out there made it to the polls. He was elected by less than 25% of eligible voters.

Many ignored his racist dog whistle words or assumed that he could be "handled" once he got into office. The religious right twisted themselves into all sorted of immoral positions to vote for a man who has committed fraud, who brags of sexually assaulting women, and who has fathered 5 children by three different wives, all of whom he has publically admitted cheating on.

Trump not only lies, he proveably lies. He says he never supported the Iraq war when he's on tape supporting the Iraq war. He claims to have seen Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers - that never happened. He brags of sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, and when 12 women come forward and confirm his story, he calls THEM liars.

There are tapes and tapes of him saying things he subsequently denied saying. His apologists go out on a daily basis to explain that he didn't really say what he really said. He's an embarassment.

His response, is always, is to call those who challenge him "liars". He's a con artist and you're the suckers. The world is laughing at you.
Meanwhile the left is completely freaking out watching so many demonstrate they do not agree with the left. The polls for years have shown the majority of the country has felt the nation has been going in the wrong direction, taken there by the left. The left didn't listen and are now shocked at what they're seeing. It's like a waking nightmare for them.

No, what's a waking nightmare is that you believe these lies. That Mexicans took your jobs. That Trump will bring them back. That he's going to lock up Hillary. That he's going to rip up trade deals, and you're going to win, win, win.

Racists are attacking immigrants in broad daylight in the streets. People are justifiably frightened. And they're not going to stand by and let it happen. You live in a country of laws. A country of checks and balances. And you better pray to God that they work.

Because you asshats have really stepped in it this time.
The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

The media has been caught in their lies many times. Remember Dan Rather? Just before the election?

YOU are the one being played. You have been fearmongered to believe that half of American are proto-Nazis.

Not half. But enough to get the orange clown elected, because you can bet your white ass that ever alt-right nazi out there made it to the polls. He was elected by less than 25% of eligible voters.

Many ignored his racist dog whistle words or assumed that he could be "handled" once he got into office. The religious right twisted themselves into all sorted of immoral positions to vote for a man who has committed fraud, who brags of sexually assaulting women, and who has fathered 5 children by three different wives, all of whom he has publically admitted cheating on.

Trump not only lies, he proveably lies. He says he never supported the Iraq war when he's on tape supporting the Iraq war. He claims to have seen Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers - that never happened. He brags of sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, and when 12 women come forward and confirm his story, he calls THEM liars.

There are tapes and tapes of him saying things he subsequently denied saying. His apologists go out on a daily basis to explain that he didn't really say what he really said. He's an embarassment.

His response, is always, is to call those who challenge him "liars". He's a con artist and you're the suckers. The world is laughing at you.
Enough of your 'Nazi' fear-mongering bullshit already. Hitler is dead, the Nazis are only in the minds of snowflakes, and libs are freaking out because an archaic, corrupt, criminal, self-serving globalist elitist did not win the Presidency. Take some valium, and chill out snowflake.
The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

The media has been caught in their lies many times. Remember Dan Rather? Just before the election?

YOU are the one being played. You have been fearmongered to believe that half of American are proto-Nazis.

Not half. But enough to get the orange clown elected, because you can bet your white ass that ever alt-right nazi out there made it to the polls. He was elected by less than 25% of eligible voters.

Your racism is noted. YOur post in invalid.

You don't know what the Alt right is. Hint: It's not nazis.

Your game with voting percentages is noted and dismissed.

Many ignored his racist dog whistle words or assumed that he could be "handled" once he got into office.

"Dog whistle" is Code for, "There is no real racism, so I must make some up".

The religious right twisted themselves into all sorted of immoral positions to vote for a man

The Religious Right didn't win this time around. Your pretense that the RR was the whole or the primary core of the Republican Party has confused you. Don't believe your own lies.

who has committed fraud,

Says the woman that voted for Hillary. LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL.

who brags of sexually assaulting women,

This is one of those lies the media tells. Unless you believe that the reporters are actually so stupid that they don't understand the meaning of the word "let".

I, personally don't think they are that stupid. They are STUPID, but not that stupid. That's wearing a helmet and don't let them have forks stupid.

and who has fathered 5 children by three different wives, all of whom he has publically admitted cheating on.

LOL!!! Like you care.

Trump not only lies, he proveably lies. He says he never supported the Iraq war when he's on tape supporting the Iraq war.

Another lie.

He claims to have seen Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers - that never happened.

Actually, it's been verified that Muslims were seen celebrating the Fall of the Towers. Trump merely exaggerated the number. YOu just repeated a media lie.

He brags of sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, and when 12 women come forward and confirm his story, he calls THEM liars.

He bragged of the way that women are attracted to wealth and fame. He bragged about his sexual conquests of willing women. The women in question did lie.

There are tapes and tapes of him saying things he subsequently denied saying. His apologists go out on a daily basis to explain that he didn't really say what he really said. He's an embarassment.

NOt sure what you are referring to. He is from New York City, a culture that embraces hyperbole. You seem strangely unwilling to tolerate different cultures.

His response, is always, is to call those who challenge him "liars". He's a con artist and you're the suckers. The world is laughing at you.

The portion of the world that agrees with you isn't laughing. They lost. They tried to shut down, smear and marginalize Middle America, but we won this time.

And now, we are going to change things.
The portion of the world that agrees with you isn't laughing. They lost. They tried to shut down, smear and marginalize Middle America, but we won this time.

And now, we are going to change things.

No they didn't. They tried to warn you that Trump was a dangerous demogogue, but you were so busy playing "fuck you" to the career policiticians, for selling you out, that you elected the guy they sold you out to. He's eliminated the middle man and he's preparing to fuck you over personally.

But first he has to destroy the media by calling them liars so that he completely controls what you see and hear. So that you listen to him and only him as he continually lies to you. Read George Orwell's 1984 you idiot.

Trump is preparing to line his own pockets at your expense. Question is, what are YOU going to do when you realize you've been played?

I didn't vote for Clinton. I'm not an American. People outside the US watched the media build up Trump for the ratings, and then pander to him when he won the nomination. We wondered why they let him get up and tell lies and never call him on them. By the time they did, it was too late.

Trump's base believe every word he says. They don't question, they don't fact check, they go on their "feelings" of how things are. Trump could tell you the sky was pink and the clouds were green, and you'd never even question it. Every time he changes his position like - I'm gonna build that wall, which is now "I'm going to secure the borders". Good luck with that. As long as tourists can get a visa to enter the country, you're going to have an illegal immigration problem. How many politicians in Washington got into hot water having undocumented nannies and gardeners, and these legislators knew these staff people were in the country illegally when they hired them?

Beside, keeping them around gives you assholes someone to hate on and blame, so you don't notice the man behind the curtain.
Last edited:
And none of you have even addressed the elephant in the room, which is the involvement of Russian hackers in fake news websites, and in planting fake news stories detrimental to Hillary Clinton, all of which ceased the moment she was elected.

And then there's the firing from the Trump transition team of the son of General Flynn, your soon to be National Security Advisor, from the Trump Transition Team, and who was being pegged for being part of the NSA, after the fake news story which lead to the family pizza restaurant was planted from his Transition Team email address. This information came from a Russian hacker, whose server General Flynn's son routed the fake Podesta child molester story through.

These hackers are prepared to talk to the FBI, now their guy is going into the White House. As for the FBI, the Senate Oversight Committee is going to have some very pointy questions for Director Comey about the so-called Pro-Trump Faction of the FBI, because the agency is SUPPOSED to be apolitical.

Of course Trump wants the media discredited. Shit's about to get real bucko.
And none of you have even addressed the elephant in the room, which is the involvement of Russian hackers in fake news websites, and in planting fake news stories detrimental to Hillary Clinton, all of which ceased the moment she was elected.

And then there's the firing from the Trump transition team of the son of General Flynn, your soon to be National Security Advisor, from the Trump Transition Team, and who was being pegged for being part of the NSA, after the fake news story which lead to the family pizza restaurant was planted from his Transition Team email address. This information came from a Russian hacker, whose server General Flynn's son routed the fake Podesta child molester story through.

These hackers are prepared to talk to the FBI, now their guy is going into the White House.

Of course Trump wants the media discredited. Shit's about to get real bucko.
More conspiracy theories and insanity...

The Russians stole the election

The GOP was behind the fake news sites

The GOP actually rigged the DNC Primary for Hillary

The GOP fed Hillary debate questions

The GOP rigged the machines for Trump by having them change votes for him to her

Trump was evil for suggesting he might challenge the election results but Hillary doing it is ok

Trump is a Democrat and fooled the GOP

Trump is Hitler reincarnate

Trump is a member of the KKK

Trump is a Putin-puppet

Trump is forming a military Junta


Hillary LOST!

Deal with it already and STOP freaking out!
The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

The media has been caught in their lies many times. Remember Dan Rather? Just before the election?

YOU are the one being played. You have been fearmongered to believe that half of American are proto-Nazis.

Not half. But enough to get the orange clown elected, because you can bet your white ass that ever alt-right nazi out there made it to the polls. He was elected by less than 25% of eligible voters.

Many ignored his racist dog whistle words or assumed that he could be "handled" once he got into office. The religious right twisted themselves into all sorted of immoral positions to vote for a man who has committed fraud, who brags of sexually assaulting women, and who has fathered 5 children by three different wives, all of whom he has publically admitted cheating on.

Trump not only lies, he proveably lies. He says he never supported the Iraq war when he's on tape supporting the Iraq war. He claims to have seen Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers - that never happened. He brags of sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, and when 12 women come forward and confirm his story, he calls THEM liars.

There are tapes and tapes of him saying things he subsequently denied saying. His apologists go out on a daily basis to explain that he didn't really say what he really said. He's an embarassment.

His response, is always, is to call those who challenge him "liars". He's a con artist and you're the suckers. The world is laughing at you.

You sound like a bitter old liberal and a sore loser. Your hate of those that voted for him is pretty disgusting. Sad that you let people control your emotions that way.
And none of you have even addressed the elephant in the room, which is the involvement of Russian hackers in fake news websites, and in planting fake news stories detrimental to Hillary Clinton, all of which ceased the moment she was elected.

And then there's the firing from the Trump transition team of the son of General Flynn, your soon to be National Security Advisor, from the Trump Transition Team, and who was being pegged for being part of the NSA, after the fake news story which lead to the family pizza restaurant was planted from his Transition Team email address. This information came from a Russian hacker, whose server General Flynn's son routed the fake Podesta child molester story through.

These hackers are prepared to talk to the FBI, now their guy is going into the White House.

Of course Trump wants the media discredited. Shit's about to get real bucko.
More conspiracy theories and insanity...

The Russians stole the election

The GOP was behind the fake news sites

The GOP actually rigged the DNC Primary for Hillary

The GOP fed Hillary debate questions

The GOP rigged the machines for Trump by having them change votes for him to her

Trump was evil for suggesting he might challenge the election results but Hillary doing it is ok

Trump is a Democrat and fooled the GOP

Trump is Hitler reincarnate

Trump is a member of the KKK

Trump is a Putin-puppet

Trump is forming a military Junta


Hillary LOST!

Deal with it already and STOP freaking out!

It is not a conspiracy theory when the FBI says it is true...
And none of you have even addressed the elephant in the room, which is the involvement of Russian hackers in fake news websites, and in planting fake news stories detrimental to Hillary Clinton, all of which ceased the moment she was elected.

And then there's the firing from the Trump transition team of the son of General Flynn, your soon to be National Security Advisor, from the Trump Transition Team, and who was being pegged for being part of the NSA, after the fake news story which lead to the family pizza restaurant was planted from his Transition Team email address. This information came from a Russian hacker, whose server General Flynn's son routed the fake Podesta child molester story through.

These hackers are prepared to talk to the FBI, now their guy is going into the White House.

Of course Trump wants the media discredited. Shit's about to get real bucko.
More conspiracy theories and insanity...

The Russians stole the election

The GOP was behind the fake news sites

The GOP actually rigged the DNC Primary for Hillary

The GOP fed Hillary debate questions

The GOP rigged the machines for Trump by having them change votes for him to her

Trump was evil for suggesting he might challenge the election results but Hillary doing it is ok

Trump is a Democrat and fooled the GOP

Trump is Hitler reincarnate

Trump is a member of the KKK

Trump is a Putin-puppet

Trump is forming a military Junta


Hillary LOST!

Deal with it already and STOP freaking out!

It is not a conspiracy theory when the FBI says it is true...
The FBI has not said the Russians hacked the machines and said there was NO connection between Putin and Trump.
The portion of the world that agrees with you isn't laughing. They lost. They tried to shut down, smear and marginalize Middle America, but we won this time.

And now, we are going to change things.

No they didn't. They tried to warn you that Trump was a dangerous demogogue, but you were so busy playing "fuck you" to the career policiticians, for selling you out, that you elected the guy they sold you out to. He's eliminated the middle man and he's preparing to fuck you over personally.

We were not playing "fuck you games" with career politicians. There were serious issues that we, Middle America, had been concerned about for decades, that the career politicians had been ignoring, or pushing the opposite way.

Trump gave our concerns a voice. The more he won, the more the Establishment tried to rig the system.

THAT'S when we started saying "Fuck you" to the politicians that wouldn't respect the system or their own voters.

But first he has to destroy the media by calling them liars so that he completely controls what you see and hear. So that you listen to him and only him as he continually lies to you. Read George Orwell's 1984 you idiot.

THe media destroyed themselves. They've completely shit canned their professional ethnics in favor of the progressive agenda LONG before Trump hit the scene.

Trump is preparing to line his own pockets at your expense. Question is, what are YOU going to do when you realize you've been played?

Your assumption that Trump will not give his supporters what they want is unsupported.

I didn't vote for Clinton. I'm not an American. People outside the US watched the media build up Trump for the ratings,

THe media here gave him a lot of press. A lot of bad press. They were constantly attacking him, and lying about him, and declaring him doomed.

They were too stupid to realize that the audience Trump was playing to, was the voters that realized LONG BEFORE that the media had nothing but contempt for them.

The more the media vilified Trump, the more Middle America felt Common Ground between US.

and then pander to him when he won the nomination.

Whatever your sources are, dump them.

We wondered why they let him get up and tell lies and never call him on them. By the time they did, it was too late.

A term that has been going around over here is that "the media didn't take Trump seriously, but they took him literally, while his supporters took him seriously but not literally."

The Culture of New York City is big on bluster and hyperbole. I've seen it with other new yorkers. Trump plays that, and played the buttons of the media.

BUT, the media was constantly not only attacking every little exaggeration, BUT, often outright lying.

Trump's base believe every word he says. They don't question, they don't fact check, they go on their "feelings" of how things are. Trump could tell you the sky was pink and the clouds were green, and you'd never even question it. Every time he changes his position like - I'm gonna build that wall, which is now "I'm going to secure the borders". Good luck with that. As long as tourists can get a visa to enter the country, you're going to have an illegal immigration problem. How many politicians in Washington got into hot water having undocumented nannies and gardeners, and these legislators knew these staff people were in the country illegally when they hired them?

Take it from A Trump supporter in touch with several other Trump supporters. None of us are like that.

Your sources are telling you what you want to hear.

Beside, keeping them around gives you assholes someone to hate on and blame, so you don't notice the man behind the curtain.

Supply and demand applies to labor and thus wages. If someone told you otherwise, they are the ones lying to you.

NOt to mention crime.

And your "hate"? We don't hate illegals. Many of us hate the asshole libs who insist on importing them.
And none of you have even addressed the elephant in the room, which is the involvement of Russian hackers in fake news websites, and in planting fake news stories detrimental to Hillary Clinton, all of which ceased the moment she was elected.

And then there's the firing from the Trump transition team of the son of General Flynn, your soon to be National Security Advisor, from the Trump Transition Team, and who was being pegged for being part of the NSA, after the fake news story which lead to the family pizza restaurant was planted from his Transition Team email address. This information came from a Russian hacker, whose server General Flynn's son routed the fake Podesta child molester story through.

These hackers are prepared to talk to the FBI, now their guy is going into the White House.

Of course Trump wants the media discredited. Shit's about to get real bucko.
More conspiracy theories and insanity...

The Russians stole the election

The GOP was behind the fake news sites

The GOP actually rigged the DNC Primary for Hillary

The GOP fed Hillary debate questions

The GOP rigged the machines for Trump by having them change votes for him to her

Trump was evil for suggesting he might challenge the election results but Hillary doing it is ok

Trump is a Democrat and fooled the GOP

Trump is Hitler reincarnate

Trump is a member of the KKK

Trump is a Putin-puppet

Trump is forming a military Junta


Hillary LOST!

Deal with it already and STOP freaking out!

It is not a conspiracy theory when the FBI says it is true...
The FBI has not said the Russians hacked the machines and said there was NO connection between Putin and Trump.

The Russians did hack emails and created fake news in support of Trump... There is enough evidence for that...

We have no clue of Trump's business interests... So we are in the unprecedented area of having a president who is unvetted...
The Russians did hack emails and created fake news in support of Trump... There is enough evidence for that...
Ted, please post the link and the information showing Trump had any involvement.

The fact is YOU HAVE NONE.

According to you and other snowflakes Trump is responsible for everyone else's actions:

The Russians hack Hillary, who made it easy for them - 'Trump is involved'.

The KKK supported and donated to Trump...AND HILLARY...but TRUMP is Evil and encouraged it.

Julian Assange hacked Hillary and doing so helped Trump - 'Trump was involved'.

Voting machines were hacked to help Trump win by changing votes for him to Hillary - Trump stole the election'.

And it keeps going over and over and over again.....

The FBI said there was no link between Putin and Trump - NONE!
There is no connection between Trump and the KKK.
There is no direct connection between Assange and Trump.
Trump had no access to voting machines other than to vote.
Trump did not kill JFK.

Enough of the wildly-insane snowflake conspiracies, lies, and fear-mongering. Geesh!
The Russians did hack emails and created fake news in support of Trump... There is enough evidence for that...
Ted, please post the link and the information showing Trump had any involvement.

The fact is YOU HAVE NONE.

According to you and other snowflakes Trump is responsible for everyone else's actions:

The Russians hack Hillary, who made it easy for them - 'Trump is involved'.

The KKK supported and donated to Trump...AND HILLARY...but TRUMP is Evil and encouraged it.

Julian Assange hacked Hillary and doing so helped Trump - 'Trump was involved'.

Voting machines were hacked to help Trump win by changing votes for him to Hillary - Trump stole the election'.

And it keeps going over and over and over again.....

The FBI said there was no link between Putin and Trump - NONE!
There is no connection between Trump and the KKK.
There is no direct connection between Assange and Trump.
Trump had no access to voting machines other than to vote.
Trump did not kill JFK.

Enough of the wildly-insane snowflake conspiracies, lies, and fear-mongering. Geesh!

Most of what you said there is false....

We said there was outside forces (Russia) , enemies of the US helping Trump win the election.

The Trump campaign first said they were in no contact with them and then said there were in contact them.

Trump Organisation first said they had no business interests in Russia or have Russian backers and then admitted the did...

Couple that together with no Tax Returns, this clearly makes him unvetted...

No accusations just questions should be answered...

Can you honestly say if the same situation and questions where around Hillary you wouldn't want answers?
Most of what you said there is false....
PROVE IT! Don't talk me to death with your OPINIONS - provide me with links / evidence!

Give me the evidence to show that Donald Trump was directly involved in threatening a Union Boss and his family. If you can't, STFU about this false claim.
Most of what you said there is false....
PROVE IT! Don't talk me to death with your OPINIONS - provide me with links / evidence!

Give me the evidence to show that Donald Trump was directly involved in threatening a Union Boss and his family. If you can't, STFU about this false claim.


Look at your own posts... You never give evidence , I have done it exhaustively... How about you actually use a news source that has won a pulitzer and not the fake news sites you love so much...

Bretibart and Info Wars are not sources for information... Leading factcheckers had Trump lying at a rate of 3 lies to one true statement...

I never said he threatened the boss, you did.... I said he pointed the figure and said nothing... I will point out Hitler in the early 1930s didn't order attacks either he pointed the finger and said nothing...

Yeah a union boss on NBC claimed that. Any proof?
I saw an interview with this guy and he is full of shit. Brought up Trumps other business and unions, which has zero to do with this deal. Just another union democrat useful idiot.

Again this guy just wants to be political, what a jackass.

Exactly what the NAZIs said about the Jewish community complainants....

Yeah a union boss on NBC claimed that. Any proof?
I saw an interview with this guy and he is full of shit. Brought up Trumps other business and unions, which has zero to do with this deal. Just another union democrat useful idiot.

Again this guy just wants to be political, what a jackass.

Exactly what the NAZIs said about the Jewish community complainants....

Really they crushed a Carrier union boss?

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