Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by Pr

many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!


In northern Ireland there was a minister who was a firebrand loyalist (believed Northern Ireland should be under British rule) and Protestant and everyday proclaimed false statements about catholics and nationalists. He was voted into parliment as a MP.

Ian Paisley - Wikipedia
"They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin" - talking about Catholics at a loyalist rally in 1969.

"Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners" - at a loyalist rally in 1968 following attacks on Catholic homes.

"This Romish man of sin is now in hell! - on the death of Pope John XXIII.

"The IRA's bishop from Crossmaglen" - describing the then head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Tomás Ó Fiaich.

"Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust."

Young men heard what he said and set up paramillitary organisations some of which used to grab innocent Catholics off the street, torture them for hours and then kill them. When they were interviewed years later and asked why they did such horrible acts they said they were listens to Ian Paisley and he words that convinced them that catholics where animals that needed to be culled.

Trump did not directly but has surrogates who have dehumanised the opposition and certain groups, just like you did in your post...
Liberals dehumanize people by trying to make them wards of the state. They also want abortion on demand, the baby isn't human until it leaves the hospital.
Hillary Clinton's campaign DIRECTLY PAID groups - HIRED 'aggitators' to engage in violence - to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Her surrogates engaged in attacking US citizens in an attempt to intimidate voters in an attempt to effect the outcome of an election. Her rhetoric and her actions have incited the subversive, seditious activities Liberals have engaged in...yet you have not condemned or railed against Hillary Clinton.

You keep declaring that claiming Trump is responsible for the indoctrination of and radicalization of these people who are making these threats by you / those like you defend Obama when he says terrorist organizations providing the propaganda and material used to indoctrinate Americans and inciting them to commit terrorist attacks in their name can not be held responsible or blamed...and Liberals defend this massively contradictory hypocritical message!

You can NOT have it both ways.

Either Hillary is just as 'guilty' - even more so - for inciting violence and threats or neither is responsible for what their unstable followers do.

Either sources who provide the propaganda that radicalizes / indoctrinates / incites people to commit violence and threats ARE to be held responsible or, as Barry said, you can't blame anyone except the individuals who commit the violence and make the threats.

You can't embrace and defend both arguments when it suits your desire. PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT.
Hillary Clinton's campaign DIRECTLY PAID groups - HIRED 'aggitators' to engage in violence - to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Her surrogates engaged in attacking US citizens in an attempt to intimidate voters in an attempt to effect the outcome of an election. Her rhetoric and her actions have incited the subversive, seditious activities Liberals have engaged in...yet you have not condemned or railed against Hillary Clinton.

You keep declaring that claiming Trump is responsible for the indoctrination of and radicalization of these people who are making these threats by you / those like you defend Obama when he says terrorist organizations providing the propaganda and material used to indoctrinate Americans and inciting them to commit terrorist attacks in their name can not be held responsible or blamed...and Liberals defend this massively contradictory hypocritical message!

You can NOT have it both ways.

Either Hillary is just as 'guilty' - even more so - for inciting violence and threats or neither is responsible for what their unstable followers do.

Either sources who provide the propaganda that radicalizes / indoctrinates / incites people to commit violence and threats ARE to be held responsible or, as Barry said, you can't blame anyone except the individuals who commit the violence and make the threats.

You can't embrace and defend both arguments when it suits your desire. PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT.

you said there is a video show it.... where is your proof? I see unfounded allegations and no proof...
you said there is a video show it.... where is your proof? I see unfounded allegations and no proof...
I already posted the link to it numerous times - even in this thread already. I'm getting tired of spoon-feeding your lazy ass:

Obama's Attendance of Daily Security Briefings Shows He's Out-to-Lunch, Often Quite Literally

Undercover Videos Allegedly Expose DNC, Hillary Collaborating to Incite Violence At Trump Rallies

UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Democrats Admit To Inciting Violence And 'Anarchy' At Trump Rallies | The Sean Hannity Show

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence

Undercover Video Catches Clinton Operatives Admit to "Starting Sh*t" Inciting "Anarchy" at Trump Rallies

And don't puss out by using the same old liberal excuse that the videos aren't believable because the sites they are on are not credible. The videos spek for themselves.
No arrests?????? Prolly another fake episode libs love theater where they can make themselves the victim
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..

IF some Trump supporter actually made those calls, I condemn it.

I find it more likely that the man is lying.

We are not "Scapegoating" the Press. We are holding the press responsible for their actions.

YOu are a fearmonger.

I will point out that Jews were called liars when they complained... But Megan Kelly has plenty of proof of death threats...
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!


In northern Ireland there was a minister who was a firebrand loyalist (believed Northern Ireland should be under British rule) and Protestant and everyday proclaimed false statements about catholics and nationalists. He was voted into parliment as a MP.

Ian Paisley - Wikipedia
"They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin" - talking about Catholics at a loyalist rally in 1969.

"Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners" - at a loyalist rally in 1968 following attacks on Catholic homes.

"This Romish man of sin is now in hell! - on the death of Pope John XXIII.

"The IRA's bishop from Crossmaglen" - describing the then head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Tomás Ó Fiaich.

"Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust."

Young men heard what he said and set up paramillitary organisations some of which used to grab innocent Catholics off the street, torture them for hours and then kill them. When they were interviewed years later and asked why they did such horrible acts they said they were listens to Ian Paisley and he words that convinced them that catholics where animals that needed to be culled.

Trump did not directly but has surrogates who have dehumanised the opposition and certain groups, just like you did in your post...
Liberals dehumanize people by trying to make them wards of the state. They also want abortion on demand, the baby isn't human until it leaves the hospital.

Would please learn what dehumanize means...

Abortion is a discussion for a different thread...
[Your argument against Obama and Clinton as having done the same thing is inaccurate. They didn't hire anyone to bomb a GOP HQ or overthrow the government, just as Trump hasn't hired anyone to paint swastikas or make death threats against the union boss.
Sorry, but there is video footage of several liberal groups admitting how they received money from the Hillary campaign to hire 'aggitators' to incite 'chaos and violence' at Trump Rallies. That is undeniable. The WH Visitor Logs show Obama met with the organizer of these activities a large number of times, so you can not simply dismiss videos and logs by claiming 'it didn't happen'

Supporters of all stripes can go overboard, outside the control of the party machine.
On this you and I 100% agree, and thus you agree with me that this entire moronic OP argument that Trump should be held responsible for what some nut jobs have done is just a pointless, baseless liberal attack.
Don't be using lawyerly cross-examination tricks on me, Easy, trying to put words in my mouth. No, it is not an entirely moronic, pointless or baseless argument. And I believe there are probably plenty of thoughtful Republicans who agree that what is beginning to happen COULD be dangerous, so don't dismiss it as purely "liberal" butthurt. Again, I repeat, we need to be careful here not to take the path the fascists took prior to WWII.
you said there is a video show it.... where is your proof? I see unfounded allegations and no proof...
I already posted the link to it numerous times - even in this thread already. I'm getting tired of spoon-feeding your lazy ass:

Obama's Attendance of Daily Security Briefings Shows He's Out-to-Lunch, Often Quite Literally

Undercover Videos Allegedly Expose DNC, Hillary Collaborating to Incite Violence At Trump Rallies

UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Democrats Admit To Inciting Violence And 'Anarchy' At Trump Rallies | The Sean Hannity Show

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence

Undercover Video Catches Clinton Operatives Admit to "Starting Sh*t" Inciting "Anarchy" at Trump Rallies

And don't puss out by using the same old liberal excuse that the videos aren't believable because the sites they are on are not credible. The videos spek for themselves.

Your scandal is a
[Your argument against Obama and Clinton as having done the same thing is inaccurate. They didn't hire anyone to bomb a GOP HQ or overthrow the government, just as Trump hasn't hired anyone to paint swastikas or make death threats against the union boss.
Sorry, but there is video footage of several liberal groups admitting how they received money from the Hillary campaign to hire 'aggitators' to incite 'chaos and violence' at Trump Rallies. That is undeniable. The WH Visitor Logs show Obama met with the organizer of these activities a large number of times, so you can not simply dismiss videos and logs by claiming 'it didn't happen'

Supporters of all stripes can go overboard, outside the control of the party machine.
On this you and I 100% agree, and thus you agree with me that this entire moronic OP argument that Trump should be held responsible for what some nut jobs have done is just a pointless, baseless liberal attack.
Don't be using lawyerly cross-examination tricks on me, Easy, trying to put words in my mouth. No, it is not an entirely moronic, pointless or baseless argument. And I believe there are probably plenty of thoughtful Republicans who agree that what is beginning to happen COULD be dangerous, so don't dismiss it as purely "liberal" butthurt. Again, I repeat, we need to be careful here not to take the path the fascists took prior to WWII.

I agree with you, there is an awfully lot of Republicans who would be concerned about this type of behaviour and the similarities with fascist regimes...

There seems to be an almost complete lack of concern for the man who received the death threats on his children... Trump helped enable this...

On this thread Right wing posters have said to:
  • Jail Political Opposition
  • Told undesirables(Liberals) to leave the country
  • Accused the people who complain as liars
  • Accused a proportion of the as murders and rapists (undocumented workers, this is a lie)
  • Dehumanized even liberals
This is the actions of a fascist regime... If they don't see liberal and minorities as actually humans they go for their rights next... That is the Fascists playbook...
Don't be using lawyerly cross-examination tricks on me, Easy, trying to put words in my mouth. No, it is not an entirely moronic, pointless or baseless argument. And I believe there are probably plenty of thoughtful Republicans who agree that what is beginning to happen COULD be dangerous, so don't dismiss it as purely "liberal" butthurt. Again, I repeat, we need to be careful here not to take the path the fascists took prior to WWII.
I agree with you that what is happening is dangerous, but I cited Barak Obama himself arguing how Trump can NOT be held accountable for persons 'self-radicalizing' and carrying out / committing dangerous threats or acts.

Obama declared that even though foreign Islamic terrorist organizations had provided terrorist indoctrination propaganda and incited would-be self-radicalized individuals to violence they could not be held accountable / blamed because they did not personally take part in those attacks or threats. The same argument MUST be permitted in defense of Trump. HE DID NOT PERSONALLY THREATEN THE UNION BOSS OR HIS FAMILY.

If Barry said it, it has to be true! :p
On this thread Right wing posters have said to:
  • Jail Political Opposition
  • Told undesirables(Liberals) to leave the country
  • Accused the people who complain as liars
  • Accused a proportion of the as murders and rapists (undocumented workers, this is a lie)
  • Dehumanized even liberals
This is the actions of a fascist regime... If they don't see liberal and minorities as actually humans they go for their rights next... That is the Fascists playbook...
1. I have not said any of those things.
- I have not called for the jailing of any opposition just because they do not have the same views as I do. If I have called for the jailing of anyone it has been based o criminal activity.

- I have not suggested liberals should leave the country...unless we are talking about idiot celebrities who promised to leave, and then I only suggested - IN JEST - they leave to honor their word.

- I have not accused any 'proportion' of illegals of crimes but have pointed out that illegals are pouring into the country through open borders and suggesting that even 1 crime committed by illegals and ignored / protected by our government - which is happening - is too many.

- 'Dehumanized liberals' - you mean calling them 'butt-hurt snowflakes' because they are losing their minds and making all kinds of insane accusations and conspiracy theories simply because their crooked candidate lost? YES, I HAVE done that. It has been DESERVED in many, many cases so far.

"This is the actions of a fascist regime..."
NO REGIME HAS DONE ANY OF THIS! Are you suggesting that the nut jobs who threatened the Union Boss is part of the 'Trump Regime'? Are you suggesting the seditious, subversive assholes burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the US govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, and calling for the assassination of Trump is part of some 'fascist Liberal Regime'?

The only official government/party affiliated person or group that has directly been involved, as proven by video evidence, has been Hillary's campaign hiring / paying for groups to hire thugs / arsonists / bombers to blow up GOP HQs, beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, etc....
Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

Not to mention that sending people HOME is not the same as sending them to the OVENS.
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..

IF some Trump supporter actually made those calls, I condemn it.

I find it more likely that the man is lying.

We are not "Scapegoating" the Press. We are holding the press responsible for their actions.

YOu are a fearmonger.

I will point out that Jews were called liars when they complained... But Megan Kelly has plenty of proof of death threats...

The Press are actual liars.

I understand that reality means little to you as you are a lib.
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.
Riots break out after the election, Obama and Clinton did said nothing.

Yet Trump is the one we need to worry about?

A man said he would not cater a gay wedding, he gets death threats. Obama stayed silent.

Yet Trump is the one we need to worry about?
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

Do you know drama!!!! I didn't vote for Trump but I am not going off unhinged like the extreme left wing nutters are. I'll give him the same chance as Obama, I give all liberals the benefit of a couple months.
Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

You see you are starting on step one, you are first dehumanizing the undocumneted workers, accusing them falsely of having a higher crime rate than average....

Keep it going give youa few months and you will convince yourself that your dogs life is more important than undocumented workers....

This is the way it goes....

Excuse me form learning from history...

GTFO they are illegals..they broke our laws....

They are fucking criminals no matter how you want to say other wise.

Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.

I see that you can't defend the press. Good for you for having some shame.

No, she's right. Trump has shifted into propaganda mode. "Only I am telling you the truth. The media lies".

No, it's Trump who's lying. He wants to bypass the media because, unlike when he started, the media are calling him on his lies. So he's playing you. He's lying through his teeth. He's done more flip flops than a fish out of water, and yet you defend every one of them.

It's scary watching this unfold. Right down to the plans for Nationwide Rallies for Der Trumpfuhrer.

People around the world are horrified, and rightfully so. He's vilifying the media so that useful idiots like you won't listen to the truth. Welcome to Germany, 1931.

The media has been caught in their lies many times. Remember Dan Rather? Just before the election?

YOU are the one being played. You have been fearmongered to believe that half of American are proto-Nazis.

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