Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by Pr

Undercover Footage Shows Clinton Operatives Admit To Inciting "Anarchy" At Trump Rallies | Zero Hedge

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events

Fact-Check: Yes, the Hillary Clinton Campaign Used Activists to Disrupt Trump Rallies - Breitbart

Direct Links from The President of the United States and the DNC's hand-picked Presidential Candidate to Violence Organizer and Hired violent thugs, arsonists, and subversives....but hey, forget all that - some nut-job Trump supporters threatened a Union Boss. "Crucify' Trump!"

Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

"After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Nazi Terror Begins

Just saying that this kind of stuff has a history... First Pizzagate and now this....

Are we threatening Journalists next?
Megyn Kelly blames member of Trump transition team for death threats

Too late.....

So you equate twitter posts to auxiliary police and Nazis.
This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.

Your words have no connection to reality.

I hear you, more than that, I understand you. I know why you will welcome fascism with open arms. Quit being so easily frightened into doing stupid things.

I want US government policy designed for the benefit of AMERICAN citizens.

Your words still have not connection to reality.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..

IF some Trump supporter actually made those calls, I condemn it.

I find it more likely that the man is lying.

We are not "Scapegoating" the Press. We are holding the press responsible for their actions.

YOu are a fearmonger.
NY, Have noticed they now want to purge the land of undesirables.
Hitler asked the Jews to leave Germany peacefully in 1938...They get all upset when people point out they are acting like NAZIs and then go and re-enforce the image...

When you have violent illegals in your country that have violated your laws, hurt innocent Americans, come back into your country after being deported numerous times and killed Americans, when you have the worst people a nation has to offer - not all of them - pouring into your country and overburdening your social programs, your economy, and sucking up millions of hard-working tax payer dollars...are you just supposed to continue to allow them to come in, accept the violent illegals who are here causing harm? If someone breaks into your house do you not 'ask' them to get out?

If securing our borders, exercising our right to know and approve of who is coming into this country, getting the violent, criminal illegals out of our country, stopping cities from lawlessly breaking federal law by harboring violent illegals is 'acting like Nazis' then maybe I am for this new definition liberals have of being a 'Nazi'.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..

Go fuck yourself punk...i see you didnt want to address my post of Union thugs mother fucker..again there are thousands and thousands of storys on how corrupt and dirty Union bosses are and how he throws his thugs at you.

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This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.
You don't even understand what's going on. Trump was the guy to say what many were thinking and saying for a long time. Jobs, getting business going, protecting our borders and who we let in, etc.

The fact that you leftists can only combat that with minimizing all those people as Trumpbots, cults, etc. demonstrates just how vacuous you people really are. You run on bullshit and have nothing else to offer. People want to clean the barn out and get some grownups running the stable.

I can't wait for Jan 20th when you snowflakes WILL go completely mad and all the marches, effigies, banners and other childish shit really gets going.
Go fuck yourself punk...i see you didnt want to address my post of Union thugs mother fucker..again there are thousands and thousands of storys on how corrupt and dirty Union bosses are and how he throws his thugs at you.
you are so pitiful when you wave your widdle fists.

Trump supports union workers, and that's the end of it.
Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?
There are no charges for being an incompetent government official, otherwise the prison population would double. However, the investigation is how they found out about her email/server situation and may well have been what did her in. So I wouldn't be so dismissive.

Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..

Go fuck yourself punk...i see you didnt want to address my post of Union thugs mother fucker..again there are thousands and thousands of storys on how corrupt and dirty Union bosses are and how he throws his thugs at you.

As opposed to corrupt corporate bosses? I'll take unions.
of course, in my opinion, the electors really need to do their jobs as the constitution dictates and select someone else as president, anyone else as president... :D
NY, Have noticed they now want to purge the land of undesirables.
Hitler asked the Jews to leave Germany peacefully in 1938...They get all upset when people point out they are acting like NAZIs and then go and re-enforce the image...

When you have violent illegals in your country that have violated your laws, hurt innocent Americans, come back into your country after being deported numerous times and killed Americans, when you have the worst people a nation has to offer - not all of them - pouring into your country and overburdening your social programs, your economy, and sucking up millions of hard-working tax payer dollars...are you just supposed to continue to allow them to come in, accept the violent illegals who are here causing harm? If someone breaks into your house do you not 'ask' them to get out?

If securing our borders, exercising our right to know and approve of who is coming into this country, getting the violent, criminal illegals out of our country, stopping cities from lawlessly breaking federal law by harboring violent illegals is 'acting like Nazis' then maybe I am for this new definition liberals have of being a 'Nazi'.

Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...

Thanks for making it easy to re-enforce the arguement...
Nazis? Like, the National Socialist Party in Germany?

Maybe Bernie Sanders was their leader.

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