Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by Pr

Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

"After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Nazi Terror Begins

Just saying that this kind of stuff has a history... First Pizzagate and now this....

Are we threatening Journalists next?
Megyn Kelly blames member of Trump transition team for death threats

Too late.....
Obama threatened journalists who dared to look into his effort to arm Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?
This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.

Your words have no connection to reality.

I hear you, more than that, I understand you. I know why you will welcome fascism with open arms. Quit being so easily frightened into doing stupid things.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?

No, I don't remember, and when Obama and his corrupt DOJ leave office, then the real Nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity can begin. Cuba is open and anyone who has supported the overthrow of the constitution in the attempt to fundamentally transform America, will be put on trial and executed for treason. Leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise or face the consequences.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..
This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.

It is literally a cult. These people adore Trump as just the symbol of the enemy of everything they hate.
School lesson portrays Obama as messiah
A new lesson plan for American school students, offered on an open marketplace for educators, is reprising what some devout followers have called Barack Obama for several years already – a messiah.

Created by Sherece Bennett, it’s based on the book “Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope” by Nikki Grimes.
When a liberal says something bad about a Republican, you can sure bet that it is the liberals who are actually the bad ones.

Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.


I was just waiting to see and we are three pages in....

Not one of the RW condemned the action of threatening the mans kids... They tried to disassociate Trump and questioned the mans honesty...

I am sorry but this is exactly what NAZI sympathizers did in the 1930s too. They ignored it, blamed the jews, said Hitler didn't order it and said the jews made this all up..
First off, I think it is nothing but a big lie. And you lefttards want to keep that LIE going. If you feel that this is insulting you, then leave for Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradises awaits you. The Citizens of the US have spoken and we don't like you here.

This cult of personality you Trumpbots built is an embarrassment to America. Are you making enemies lists yet? That's the next step.
Cult of Personality?

You Obamazombies have praised Barry like some 'Messiah', defending him as he armed Mexican Drug Cartels, supplied/financed/trained/armed/supported/defended terrorists, dragged the US into 2 personal, Un-Authorized Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists - to include the group that killed 3,000 Americans, protected Democrats from Prosecution, violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law, and ran the LEAST Transparent and MOST lawless administration in US history...and now, butt-hurt at your criminal corrupt candidate lost the election you want to hyper-hypocritically make the statement that Conservatives have created a 'cult of Personality' for Trump?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Gawd, you people aren't just 'partisan''re NUTS!
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?

No, I don't remember, and when Obama and his corrupt DOJ leave office, then the real Nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity can begin. Cuba is open and anyone who has supported the overthrow of the constitution in the attempt to fundamentally transform America, will be put on trial and executed for treason. Leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise or face the consequences.

Put the political opposition in jail.... Check...

You would a proud little brown shirt right now...
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?

No, I don't remember, and when Obama and his corrupt DOJ leave office, then the real Nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity can begin. Cuba is open and anyone who has supported the overthrow of the constitution in the attempt to fundamentally transform America, will be put on trial and executed for treason. Leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise or face the consequences.

Put the political opposition in jail.... Check...

You would a proud little brown shirt right now...

No, not a brown shirt, but someone who loves his country and will defend it against Socialists/Communists/Fascists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives/wallflowers like you. The Constitution and you don't work together, and once again, now that Obama has open Cuba , you can cordially go there and live your free healthcare and equality through misery, as Raul Castro will accept you with open arms(Ak-47s) and take all of what you have. That is the Socialist way, and we don't want you here anymore..
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?

No, I don't remember, and when Obama and his corrupt DOJ leave office, then the real Nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity can begin. Cuba is open and anyone who has supported the overthrow of the constitution in the attempt to fundamentally transform America, will be put on trial and executed for treason. Leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise or face the consequences.

Nice meltdown. Go clean the bunker.
Pretty sad to see the RW'ers here defending this. But that's who they are.
Pretty sad to see LW'rs defend the HRC when she said "At this point what difference does it make" when 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi. Cant get more stupid than a liberal.

It didn't make a difference. Hillary Clinton was exonerated from all wrongdoing over Benghazi, remember?

No, I don't remember, and when Obama and his corrupt DOJ leave office, then the real Nuremburg trials for crimes against humanity can begin. Cuba is open and anyone who has supported the overthrow of the constitution in the attempt to fundamentally transform America, will be put on trial and executed for treason. Leave for your Socialist Utopian Paradise or face the consequences.

Put the political opposition in jail.... Check...

You would a proud little brown shirt right now...

No, not a brown shirt, but someone who loves his country and will defend it against Socialists/Communists/Fascists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives/wallflowers like you. The Constitution and you don't work together, and once again, now that Obama has open Cuba , you can cordially go there and live your free healthcare and equality through misery, as Raul Castro will accept you with open arms(Ak-47s) and take all of what you have. That is the Socialist way, and we don't want you here anymore..


Have noticed they now want to purge the land of undesirables.

Hitler asked the Jews to leave Germany peacefully in 1938...

They get all upset when people point out they are acting like NAZIs and then go and re-enforce the image...

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