Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by Pr

Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

You need serious help...

You need help because there hasnt been one incident you didnt defend and this shit isnt funny
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

"After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Nazi Terror Begins

Just saying that this kind of stuff has a history... First Pizzagate and now this....

Are we threatening Journalists next?
Megyn Kelly blames member of Trump transition team for death threats

Too late.....
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!
No, Easy, our brains aren't fried, although I DO think the argument is somewhat exaggerated. The fascist shadow is definitely there, and it is growing with each Trump supporter who denies the MSM can report any true news, with each Trump supporter who defends violence against individuals who oppose him. Your argument against Obama and Clinton as having done the same thing is inaccurate. They didn't hire anyone to bomb a GOP HQ or overthrow the government, just as Trump hasn't hired anyone to paint swastikas or make death threats against the union boss. Supporters of all stripes can go overboard, outside the control of the party machine. I recognize that. The "blackout" on the media, though, is a serious problem that was used by Hitler in order to pacify the German people and eventually to control them. We need to be careful here.
I'm not going to argue the Wikileaks stuff with you -- it's old news and neither Obama nor Clinton denied that those things happened, and they arrested the ones they could find who did it. They didn't urge their supporters to deny that those things ever happened.

You need serious help...

He indoctrinated them, just like in 1930s Germany. The violence that was done to intimidate people could not be linked to Hitler, he ignored the violence and highlighted any violence that was done by the opposition. His surrogates are constantly talking about protests against Trump while not talking about violence from there own side....

I am just saying this is how it starts...

How what starts?
Are you nutters actually equating Nazism with this stupid shit? You're all positively mental.
If you want the press to tell the truth, you are a nazi. If you fight against attacks by illegal aliens or islamic terrorists, you are a nazi.

Democrats are remaking nazis into being reasonable and acceptable.
No, Easy, our brains aren't fried, although I DO think the argument is somewhat exaggerated. The fascist shadow is definitely there, and it is growing with each Trump supporter who denies the MSM can report any true news, with each Trump supporter who defends violence against individuals who oppose him. Your argument against Obama and Clinton as having done the same thing is inaccurate. They didn't hire anyone to bomb a GOP HQ or overthrow the government, just as Trump hasn't hired anyone to paint swastikas or make death threats against the union boss. Supporters of all stripes can go overboard, outside the control of the party machine. I recognize that. The "blackout" on the media, though, is a serious problem that was used by Hitler in order to pacify the German people and eventually to control them. We need to be careful here.
I'm not going to argue the Wikileaks stuff with you -- it's old news and neither Obama nor Clinton denied that those things happened, and they arrested the ones they could find who did it. They didn't urge their supporters to deny that those things ever happened.
Ooops, looks like your brains are fried after all. No one made the exaggerated wildass claims you assigned to them.
Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

You see you are starting on step one, you are first dehumanizing the undocumneted workers, accusing them falsely of having a higher crime rate than average....

Keep it going give youa few months and you will convince yourself that your dogs life is more important than undocumented workers....

This is the way it goes....

Excuse me form learning from history...
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

Facism, you nit wit. You don't fact check, you don't read history, and you want us to do ALL of the work for you, because you're intellectually lazy, as well as stupid.

Read the history of how Adolf Hilter subverted the German democracy, and used it to destroy anyone he disliked. He started by calling the press liars, and anyone who publically criticized him got beaten up, or "disappeared".

Sound familiar?

The press are liars. It is their fault they are being called liars.
I see you are being played easily.
[Your argument against Obama and Clinton as having done the same thing is inaccurate. They didn't hire anyone to bomb a GOP HQ or overthrow the government, just as Trump hasn't hired anyone to paint swastikas or make death threats against the union boss.
Sorry, but there is video footage of several liberal groups admitting how they received money from the Hillary campaign to hire 'aggitators' to incite 'chaos and violence' at Trump Rallies. That is undeniable. The WH Visitor Logs show Obama met with the organizer of these activities a large number of times, so you can not simply dismiss videos and logs by claiming 'it didn't happen'

Supporters of all stripes can go overboard, outside the control of the party machine.
On this you and I 100% agree, and thus you agree with me that this entire moronic OP argument that Trump should be held responsible for what some nut jobs have done is just a pointless, baseless liberal attack.
NY, Have noticed they now want to purge the land of undesirables.
Hitler asked the Jews to leave Germany peacefully in 1938...They get all upset when people point out they are acting like NAZIs and then go and re-enforce the image...

When you have violent illegals in your country that have violated your laws, hurt innocent Americans, come back into your country after being deported numerous times and killed Americans, when you have the worst people a nation has to offer - not all of them - pouring into your country and overburdening your social programs, your economy, and sucking up millions of hard-working tax payer dollars...are you just supposed to continue to allow them to come in, accept the violent illegals who are here causing harm? If someone breaks into your house do you not 'ask' them to get out?

If securing our borders, exercising our right to know and approve of who is coming into this country, getting the violent, criminal illegals out of our country, stopping cities from lawlessly breaking federal law by harboring violent illegals is 'acting like Nazis' then maybe I am for this new definition liberals have of being a 'Nazi'.

Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...

Thanks for making it easy to re-enforce the arguement...

Were they the ones that cling to guns and religion?
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!
Got your Sam Browne belt yet?
Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

You see you are starting on step one, you are first dehumanizing the undocumneted workers, accusing them falsely of having a higher crime rate than average....

Keep it going give youa few months and you will convince yourself that your dogs life is more important than undocumented workers....

This is the way it goes....

Excuse me form learning from history...

considering they are criminals just for being here, the crime rate for them is 100%.

and if you actually paid attention, it's their status people don't like, not their race. If that were the case there would be pushes to end ALL immigration.
Link to the reference to the comment about the 1930s, unless we should just take your word for it. BTW, 'this is how WHAT started', specifically?

"After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Nazi Terror Begins

Just saying that this kind of stuff has a history... First Pizzagate and now this....

Are we threatening Journalists next?
Megyn Kelly blames member of Trump transition team for death threats

Too late.....
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

Who has Trump "recruited"? Who has Trump given a "license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons"?
You see you are starting on step one, you are first dehumanizing the undocumneted workers, accusing them falsely of having a higher crime rate than average....
I am not accusing criminal illegals in this country committing crimes, hurting and killing Americans, overburdening our economy, of 'having a higher crime rate than average' - I am saying the fact that they are doing it AT ALL - ILLEGALLY - is Unacceptable and needs to be stopped!

Again, if a criminal breaks into your house he may not be raising the crime rate higher but he sure as hell is still in your house illegally and you want him gone, right? THAT is all that matters to you! Screw the crime rate - you have a criminal in your house!
many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to arbitrarily beat or kill persons they deemed to be opponents. In addition, Nazi party faithful, in individual spontaneous acts of violence or in locally organized waves of persecution, assaulted those they perceived to be enemies of the regime."
Sounds a lot like the Phillipines right now. Which plan, according to Duterte, Trump said was "doing it right."

NOT just picking on you, OL....

Obama says there has been no successful terrorist attack on US soil during his administration...because he does not believe that a source (terrorist organizations) can be held responsible for helping indoctrinate anyone and inciting them to commit violence - and liberals defend him on this....yet they then immediately turn around and want to attack Trump by claiming he is responsible for 'indoctrinating' these jut jobs and inciting them to violence.

The conflicting hypocritical message is mind-numbing. You can't have it both ways.

And again, Trump is NOT directly linked to any threat to the Union Boss or his family as opposed to the direct links between the President of the United States and Hillary Clinton to an organizer hired to incite violence against Trump supporters and the thugs, assaulters, arsonists and bombers who firebombed a GOP HQ, destroyed property, called for the overthrow of the govt, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, and has called for Trump's assassination.....which the libs see no problem with.

Good lord this lost election has fried all yo' poor ol' butt-hurt snowflake minds!


In northern Ireland there was a minister who was a firebrand loyalist (believed Northern Ireland should be under British rule) and Protestant and everyday proclaimed false statements about catholics and nationalists. He was voted into parliment as a MP.

Ian Paisley - Wikipedia
"They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin" - talking about Catholics at a loyalist rally in 1969.

"Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners" - at a loyalist rally in 1968 following attacks on Catholic homes.

"This Romish man of sin is now in hell! - on the death of Pope John XXIII.

"The IRA's bishop from Crossmaglen" - describing the then head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Tomás Ó Fiaich.

"Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust."

Young men heard what he said and set up paramillitary organisations some of which used to grab innocent Catholics off the street, torture them for hours and then kill them. When they were interviewed years later and asked why they did such horrible acts they said they were listens to Ian Paisley and he words that convinced them that catholics where animals that needed to be culled.

Trump did not directly but has surrogates who have dehumanised the opposition and certain groups, just like you did in your post...
Well the NAZIs picked out a number of groups called them undesirable, illegal, thiefs and murders...Thanks for making it easier to reinforce the argument
The Nazis scapegoated the Jews, rounded them up, and cooked them in furnaces while committing genocide, you nut ball.

And you want to compare Trump to THAT?!

Violent illegals pouring across our open border, breaking our laws, hurting and killing innocent Americans, overburdening our economy - all that IS 'undesirable' based on fact and effect, not based on some whackjob opinion or scapegoating.

You see you are starting on step one, you are first dehumanizing the undocumneted workers, accusing them falsely of having a higher crime rate than average....

Keep it going give youa few months and you will convince yourself that your dogs life is more important than undocumented workers....

This is the way it goes....

Excuse me form learning from history...
They shouldn't be here so one crime is one crime too many. Especially if it's murder. Kicking them out isn't dehumanizing them, that's just libtard spittlespeak. Illegal aliens don't belong here so my dog is more important.

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