Donald Trump, Tiberius Gracchus, And America’s Imminent End


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
It took 100 years—from Gracchus’s emergence on the Roman stage until Augustus’s ascendance—for Rome to transform from a republic to an empire. It has taken less than 20 years since Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America for the country to change from a functioning but imperfect republic into a farce of a country characterized by a banana-republic-level tyranny.

With a complicit bureaucracy, Obama used the IRS to target political opponents, the Justice Department to coerce banks into blacklisting businesses he didn’t like, and Obamacare to give government unprecedented control over Americans’ health decisions while doubling the cost. He unconstitutionally opened the immigration spigot that has now become a torrent.

Within six months of taking office, Obama would set the tone for an administration that would set race relations back 50 years. His “evolution“ on gay marriage would give cover to the spineless Supreme Court to impose that travesty on the country and lay the ground for the fascist LBTQ hellscape America endures today. And finally, he weakened two of the most foundational elements of American society: The military and residential communities.

Obama set in motion a new set of rules in America, and Trump’s indictment, the Soviet-style attack on J6 attendees, and the prosecution of Douglass Mackey combine to demonstrate exactly what those new rules are: Thou shalt not oppose the Democrat party, thou shalt not speak badly of or mock the Democrat party or its minions, thou shalt not push back against the regulatory state, and thou shalt not express traditional American values.

These sham “prosecutions” are really persecution. They are nothing more than the Democrats’ regulatory state wrapping itself around American citizens’ necks like the Burmese Pythons killing most native species in the Everglades. The indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate on such a weak and preposterous theory as this one puts the lie to the idea that the Constitution limits our government. This is nothing less than the established “swamp” inventing new legal theories while ignoring existing law to crush a political opponent. That foretells the end of the Republic.

Our Republic has survived for 230 years because most Americans believe in our Constitution and respect the laws that emanate from it. But the Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper… it’s not a gun, it’s not an army, it’s not police state stormtroopers. It’s a piece of paper that states how the government should operate, limits that government’s power, and guarantees the citizens’ various inherent liberties and freedoms.

For most of our history, the Constitution’s words guided how our nation operated. Citizens had two ways to change the way the country was governed: voting and amending the Constitution. Today, however, neither works. The former has been undermined by a Democrat party that steals elections under the cover of night and calls you a conspiracy nut when you notice. The latter isn’t even a consideration because the Democrat party and the apparatchiks running the regulatory and security states are no longer constrained by its words.

America has become a tyranny where the people in power no longer feel the need to seek validation from the citizens. They decide on the outcome and manipulate the numbers to produce the result without even a fig leaf hiding their disdain for citizens. Whether it was Bernie Sanders in 2016, Donald Trump in 2020, or Kari Lake in 2022, the Democrat party and its entrenched government comrades have decided they no longer need to subject themselves to the will of the citizenry and, if anyone objects, they use the judiciary to crush that person.

America has been loosed from the anchor of the Constitution and the rule of law that kept our citizens free for two centuries. While the blood of the regime’s enemies may not yet be flowing in the streets, history very clearly tells us that, unless we change what’s happening, it will be. The question is, are there enough Americans who are familiar with history and willing to pull us out of our national death spiral before that terrible end is upon us? How Americans respond to Donald Trump’s persecution is the canary in the coal mine that will likely answer that question. Donald Trump, Tiberius Gracchus, And America’s Imminent End

I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....

And half the nation is fine with all of this. No problem for them.
Another illustration of the absolute infallibility of the "Every Republican accuastion is a confession" rule. They're corrupt partisan hacks, they weaponize government, they censor, they lie, so they accuse Democrats of doing it what they do themselves to deflect away from their own festering corruption.

Anways, good luck with your "Prosecuting criminals means the end of America!" tantrums. I can see how someone would say that if they were a criminal, or if they based their whole identity on sucking criminal asses, as the Trump cult does.

Understand that your fascist tears will have no affect on the legal system Your masters know that. They feed you the propaganda not to get results, but to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. It's fascism 101. Make up a bogeyman, then say that only an authoritarian daddy-figure can save you from the bogeyman, thus ensuring your devotion.
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....
Like every apex country that's ever existed in the past 5,000+ years.
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....

It’s pretty hard for you to claim that the Republican Party is the party which will defend the Constitution, when on January 6, 2021, the Republican Party tried to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America.

Republicans can’t claim to be the party which honours the Constitution, and then expelled duly elected members of a State Congress, who disagree with them.

The Republican Party pisses on the Constitution on a daily basis.
And half the nation is fine with all of this. No problem for them.

As if the "Other half (the supposedly good half)" has lifted a damn finger to do a damn thing about it.
It is the DUTY of good men to oppose and fight tyranny and evil where ever it raises it's ugly head.
BOTH sides guilty.
Another illustration of the absolute infallibility of the "Every Republican accuastion is a confession" rule. They're corrupt partisan hacks, they weaponize government, they censor, they lie, so they accuse Democrats of doing it what they do themselves to deflect away from their own festering corruption.

Anways, good luck with your "Prosecuting criminals means the end of America!" tantrums. I can see how someone would say that if they were a criminal, or if they based their whole identity on sucking criminal asses, as the Trump cult does.

Understand that your fascist tears will have no affect on the legal system Your masters know that. They feed you the propaganda not to get results, but to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. It's fascism 101. Make up a bogeyman, then say that only an authoritarian daddy-figure can save you from the bogeyman, thus ensuring your devotion.
Make up a bogeyman, then say that only an authoritarian daddy-figure can save you from the bogeyman, thus ensuring your devotion.
Just like Democrats
Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....
That also applies to a significant number of republicans, while most of the rest are moral cowards.

It's a team effort.
It’s pretty hard for you to claim that the Republican Party is the party which will defend the Constitution, when on January 6, 2021, the Republican Party tried to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America.

Republicans can’t claim to be the party which honours the Constitution, and then expelled duly elected members of a State Congress, who disagree with them.

The Republican Party pisses on the Constitution on a daily basis.
As though you give a hoot in hell about the Constitution.
Most of those fact free screeds tend to concentrate on the "injustice" of Trump criminals being prosecuted. Make no mistake, these writers are advocating that we no longer should be a nation of laws, but one where people like the January 6th insurrectionists, and certainly Trump himself, are free from prosecution.

That is the Trumpian line, we are innocent! We can break any laws we want!
Tiberius, by the way, is an apt description of Trump, his villa on Capri could in some way be compared to Mar a Lago. The people hated Tiberius, who loved show trials.
That is the Trumpian line, we are innocent! We can break any laws we want!
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....
This country will move forward and survive despite Republicans and conservatives attempts to turn it into a 1930's style fascist dictatorship.
Your politics of hatred and division are being slowly rejected. I understand why you might be frightened, you will shortly be a minority in your own country.
By minority, I mean leaning alt-right.

The rest of us sane, grounded individuals will attempt to focus the country on things that matter to the average voter moving this country forward. Healthcare, taxation, environment, infrastructure.

We'll let you "vocal" minority stand in the shadows and cry.
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....
What a crock of lying shit! Every point of it, based on outright lies.

Look in the mirror, and you will see who is destroying this nation.

Right wing this article.
Republicans can’t claim to be the party which honours the Constitution, and then expelled duly elected members of a State Congress, who disagree with them.
They were expelled under the rules of that body. Perfectly 'constitutional'.

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