Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he would eliminate several federal agencies if he were elected president.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" how he would cut spending, Trump named the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as potential targets.

"No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education," Trump said.

"So the Department of Education is one," he continued. "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Asked by host Chris Wallace who would protect the environment in the absence of the EPA, Trump maintained that "we'll be fine with the environment."

"We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses," he added.

Donald Trump Would Cut Department Of Education, EPA

I find this very scary. No federal standards for education? Each state can educate their way? The red Bible Belt states would love that. As for cutting the EPA - businesses would have a field day on that. Who would regulate business pollution? Themselves? Running a country is not all about business. In fact, you don't run a country like you run a business.
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

figures the BIG Government lovers at the hufferpuffer would crying over it. what do they care how much it take from you taxpayers to keep paying for the MONSTER that has gotten out of control and is now Consuming we the people
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.
Over 1 trillion in transfer payments, defence as a percentage of the budget is shrinking.....ooops
The department of education should never have been. Eliminate the EPA and put the essential services under the Dept of the Interior and the Forestry Service. We will be fine. Every Dept created under obumble can go too.
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.

That much would equate to ten EPAs and twenty Ed Departments. Easily.
Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.

Yes, to a degree..... close all foreign bases. End all military aid to foreign governments, pull all our troops back home to secure both borders and all entrance points to the US while also hunting down all the illegals.

Once the borders are secured, the citizenry purged of illegals and criminals on the run THEN we can cut back to just enough military to secure our boders, points of entry and ports while leaving enough of a force to eradicate any nation that dares to fuck with us by reestablishing our Nuckear arsenal.
Excellent. just two of the worthless agencies that we have to pay for. He could also cut funding for PBS, NEA, and sky's the limit . Just think of all the money that would saved. Also a few of these agencies has gotten out of control in making up their own rules without we the people having any Representation of our Congress members. especially under the tyrant Obama

Just think of all the money we could save by cutting defense in half.

Half? we could cut 80% and still be ahead of everyone else.
In fact, we don't even need a Department of Defense - because all the NRA gun nutters will protect us. Plus, Putin is their hero - so no problem with Russia.
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You can leave a little bit but can't destroy business? What does that mean?

The EPA is primarily about preventing businesses from poisoning the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Preserving land areas as nature sanctuaries is not the EPA.
It's always been my opinion that the two greatest threats to our freedom are bureaucracies and lifelong appointed judges. That's because these two entities have no accountability.

I'm for anybody willing to get rid of all bureaucracies; or at the very least, as many as we can.

Our laws should not be coming from bureaucrats, they should be coming from Congress only, because we can have redress with them. Bureaucrats are nameless, faceless people that run our lives.
In fact, we don't even need a Department of Defense - because all the NRA gun nutters will protect us. Plus, Putin is their hero - so no problem with Russia.

--- until they inevitably turn on each other....

In fact, we don't even need a Department of Defense - because all the NRA gun nutters will protect us. Plus, Putin is their hero - so no problem with Russia.

Your hatred of our military service is noted, that's typical of the left.

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