Donald Trump's appeal

He appeals to those on the ridiculous right who have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
He appeals to Americans who are sick-and-tired of our wussified, pussified approach to dealing with an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
his approach is unconstitutional and unfeasible. it's overly simplistic and ignores reality. it's the type of solution a 14 year old would come up with - just like a 14 year old would use words like "wussified" and "pussified" to describe opponents.
You can blow the thinly veiled personal insults straight out your ass, Shirley.

Now, if we're done with that...
i'm sorry, i didn't mean to veil anything. i will say it plainly - as i stated in the op, trump's supporters seem to be suffering from arrested development, one in which they never really progressed past the maturity of a 14 year old having a school yard fight. you seem to fit that description.

the rest of your post is silly and further proves my point. the only thing you seem to like about trump is the machismo and insults, to the point that you consider actual details to be 'shit' and unimportant.

i should be thanking you for providing such a clear example and proving the point of the op.
Irony ^
i support reality. nothing he said pointed to him talking about her persona and not her face - and most specifically his use of the word 'face' and absence of the word 'persona'

but let's let that one slide. how do you square his lie about carson being involved with abortions and only being an 'okay' doctor?
I see so him saying what he meant is not context for he said... ROFL pulese Admit it you are just a piece of shit.. so when he said look at that face.. you projected your piece of shit thoughts on what he said.. Then later on you proved you are a piece of shit by lying and taking out the context. Then you have the balls to call your lying piece of shit view point reality. ROFL no... your opinion is not reality.. your opinion is just an opinion, and clearly that of a piece of shit liar.

On to your next lie. What the fuck is wrong with saying someone is an ok doctor? The point is he's a doctor... ok so what.. why should we vote for him? What does being a doctor have to do with being President? Why should we follow Carson, cause he was doctor?

As for your goal post move... abortions? huh? You trying to add yet another lie on top of all your other bull shit lies? Carson was most certainly involved in using aborted fetuses.

Ben Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses -
no wonder you believe him - you appear to have at best a tentative grasp of the english language
Where did I say I believe him? Are you a complete moron or just a liar that makes up bullshit about what other people say?
if you don't believe him why are you concerned about 'context'?
Why does context matter? Did you really ask that?

Is he lying? who knows... are you lying? Yes. That's a fact.

If you want to say in your opinion he's lying.. ok that's not a lie. But deleting context then calling him a liar... no... That is you lying not him. Or are you claiming you are a god or can read minds?
what i'm claiming is that words have meaning and trump's words are not an exception to that. he has said what he said, there is no context that changes that. there is no reasonable context that changes his words about fiorina's face into words about her persona.
Trump scares you Liberals because 1 He can't be bought and 2 He is the opposite of PC. He says what he thinks, it's raw unfiltered, sometimes off-color but it is real. It isn't scripted, like what we see in career politicians like Jeb and Hillary.
Well said... I won't vote for him but I like what he's bringing to the process. In particular, forcing a more open discussion on topics that matter to the voters.
...Changing birthright citizenship through an act of congress is unconstitutional
Not if We The People get SCOTUS to take another look at it, subdivide the definition of 'jurisdiction', and override an old SCOTUS ruling or two, with a fresh spin and a fresh interpretation of the INTENT of the 14th, as well as is present (and soon-to-be-changed? interpretation). And, if it's successfully re-interpreted, the real fun will begin...
that's not going to happen. the language of the 14th is clear, there will be no re-interpretation that contradicts that language.
Yes, we've all heard that before. There are two angles: (1) jurisdiction and (2) intent. Either (or both) will prove to be a viable approach-vector for the (legal) attack.
you're kidding yourself if you consider either viable. the intent is for birthright citizenship, and jurisdiction is an even longer shot.
...i'm sorry, i didn't mean to veil anything. i will say it plainly - as i stated in the op, trump's supporters seem to be suffering from arrested development, one in which they never really progressed past the maturity of a 14 year old having a school yard fight. you seem to fit that description...
Whatever floats your boat, Shirley.

...the rest of your post is silly and further proves my point. the only thing you seem to like about trump is the machismo and insults, to the point that you consider actual details to be 'shit' and unimportant...
Oh, I think Donald Trump would be a frigging disaster as President.

I'm just enjoying-the-hell out of watching you Liberal Pissants, shitting your pants, over his resurrecting of Tough Talk about Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.

As to the rest of the post being 'silly'... whatever... it's meant to be an Op-Ed over the value of Trump, in connection with the Illegal Aliens issue.

If you have evidence to counterpoint my contention that he has resurrected such Tough Talk and thrown Political Correctness out the window, have at it.

Otherwise, your falling back upon simplistic brickbats is noted, laughed-over, and dismissed.

...i should be thanking you for providing such a clear example and proving the point of the op.
Good thing for me that I'm not a Trump supporter then, eh?
...what i'm claiming is that words have meaning and trump's words are not an exception to that. he has said what he said, there is no context that changes that. there is no reasonable context that changes his words about fiorina's face into words about her persona.


He called Carly a Horse-Face.

What of it?

Next slide, please.
I see so him saying what he meant is not context for he said... ROFL pulese Admit it you are just a piece of shit.. so when he said look at that face.. you projected your piece of shit thoughts on what he said.. Then later on you proved you are a piece of shit by lying and taking out the context. Then you have the balls to call your lying piece of shit view point reality. ROFL no... your opinion is not reality.. your opinion is just an opinion, and clearly that of a piece of shit liar.

On to your next lie. What the fuck is wrong with saying someone is an ok doctor? The point is he's a doctor... ok so what.. why should we vote for him? What does being a doctor have to do with being President? Why should we follow Carson, cause he was doctor?

As for your goal post move... abortions? huh? You trying to add yet another lie on top of all your other bull shit lies? Carson was most certainly involved in using aborted fetuses.

Ben Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses -
no wonder you believe him - you appear to have at best a tentative grasp of the english language
Where did I say I believe him? Are you a complete moron or just a liar that makes up bullshit about what other people say?
if you don't believe him why are you concerned about 'context'?
Why does context matter? Did you really ask that?

Is he lying? who knows... are you lying? Yes. That's a fact.

If you want to say in your opinion he's lying.. ok that's not a lie. But deleting context then calling him a liar... no... That is you lying not him. Or are you claiming you are a god or can read minds?
what i'm claiming is that words have meaning and trump's words are not an exception to that. he has said what he said, there is no context that changes that. there is no reasonable context that changes his words about fiorina's face into words about her persona.
The english language is not as simple as you think it is. Words have multiple definitions. You can't discern context from a sound bite. You need the author to provide context and answer questions about intent and actual meaning. Only then do you have the full meaning of a statement like look at her face... He provided the context.. whether he was lying or not ... only he knows. What he said he meant is certainly a reasonable explanation.

I read faces.. and so do you. Discerning persona from someone's face is what humans do. Are you human?
Most presidential candidates promise to restore America to its former greatness, whenever or whatever that was.
Trump is the great white hope. He explains America's frustrations with living in a democracy and how he will, like most candidates, solve those frustrations minutes after being elected. The great Trump-wall and trainloads of immigrants being returned to Mexico solves immigration, a short war with Iran, not only solves that problem, but restores our manhood. Sounds good and with some that's all that counts.
Ha ... y'all are fools. All our problems will be solved before Trump is even elected.

...Changing birthright citizenship through an act of congress is unconstitutional
Not if We The People get SCOTUS to take another look at it, subdivide the definition of 'jurisdiction', and override an old SCOTUS ruling or two, with a fresh spin and a fresh interpretation of the INTENT of the 14th, as well as is present (and soon-to-be-changed? interpretation). And, if it's successfully re-interpreted, the real fun will begin...
that's not going to happen. the language of the 14th is clear, there will be no re-interpretation that contradicts that language.
Yes, we've all heard that before. There are two angles: (1) jurisdiction and (2) intent. Either (or both) will prove to be a viable approach-vector for the (legal) attack.
you're kidding yourself if you consider either viable. the intent is for birthright citizenship, and jurisdiction is an even longer shot.
No you dumb shit the intent was for slaves, duh!
Most presidential candidates promise to restore America to its former greatness, whenever or whatever that was.
Trump is the great white hope. He explains America's frustrations with living in a democracy and how he will, like most candidates, solve those frustrations minutes after being elected. The great Trump-wall and trainloads of immigrants being returned to Mexico solves immigration, a short war with Iran, not only solves that problem, but restores our manhood. Sounds good and with some that's all that counts.
Americans are frustrated, living in a democracy?

Step away from the bong, son.
...Changing birthright citizenship through an act of congress is unconstitutional
Not if We The People get SCOTUS to take another look at it, subdivide the definition of 'jurisdiction', and override an old SCOTUS ruling or two, with a fresh spin and a fresh interpretation of the INTENT of the 14th, as well as is present (and soon-to-be-changed? interpretation). And, if it's successfully re-interpreted, the real fun will begin...
that's not going to happen. the language of the 14th is clear, there will be no re-interpretation that contradicts that language.
Yes, we've all heard that before. There are two angles: (1) jurisdiction and (2) intent. Either (or both) will prove to be a viable approach-vector for the (legal) attack.
you're kidding yourself if you consider either viable. the intent is for birthright citizenship, and jurisdiction is an even longer shot.
No you dumb shit the intent was for slaves, duh!
I'm sorry, but the intent was not just for former slaves or their children.
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
by all means, tell us what context changes those
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?

Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
please. no thinking person believes that his walk-back of trying to claim he was talking about 'persona' when saying 'face'

maybe you should have gone with the secondary excuse that he's 'an entertainer'

Why, didn't you believe John Kerry when he said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
by all means, tell us what context changes those
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?

Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
please. no thinking person believes that his walk-back of trying to claim he was talking about 'persona' when saying 'face'

maybe you should have gone with the secondary excuse that he's 'an entertainer'

Why, didn't you believe John Kerry when he said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
he definitely could have explained that better, no doubt about it.
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?

Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
please. no thinking person believes that his walk-back of trying to claim he was talking about 'persona' when saying 'face'

maybe you should have gone with the secondary excuse that he's 'an entertainer'

Why, didn't you believe John Kerry when he said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
he definitely could have explained that better, no doubt about it.

And THAT is supposed to be a POLISHED politician, and once ran as YOUR PARTIES Presidential candidate.... think before you start throwing stones, you might get hit back!
Trump might even get the black vote, everyone is tired of the spics.

Spanish Lady Caught Stealing Out of A Car
Nahhhhh... Hispanics are just as welcome as anyone else... but Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies? Well... not so much.
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?

Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
please. no thinking person believes that his walk-back of trying to claim he was talking about 'persona' when saying 'face'

maybe you should have gone with the secondary excuse that he's 'an entertainer'

Why, didn't you believe John Kerry when he said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
he definitely could have explained that better, no doubt about it.

And THAT is supposed to be a POLISHED politician, and once ran as YOUR PARTIES Presidential candidate.... think before you start throwing stones, you might get hit back!
yep. you got him. one time in the middle of hundreds of appearances he said something less than articulate.
so how does that excuse the no substance but insults campaign of trump?
Trump might even get the black vote, everyone is tired of the spics.

Spanish Lady Caught Stealing Out of A Car
Nahhhhh... Hispanics are just as welcome as anyone else... but Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies? Well... not so much.
Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
please. no thinking person believes that his walk-back of trying to claim he was talking about 'persona' when saying 'face'

maybe you should have gone with the secondary excuse that he's 'an entertainer'

Why, didn't you believe John Kerry when he said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
he definitely could have explained that better, no doubt about it.

And THAT is supposed to be a POLISHED politician, and once ran as YOUR PARTIES Presidential candidate.... think before you start throwing stones, you might get hit back!
yep. you got him. one time in the middle of hundreds of appearances he said something less than articulate.
so how does that excuse the no substance but insults campaign of trump?

Real easy answer, and think about this for awhile.... IT'S WORKING..... I would say that over 50% of America is FED UP with PC crap, and being polite, when someone says something negative about another political candidate. There is NO MORE being above the fray, you get down with whoever offends you, and you hit back! People WANT someone with the balls to do it, and if it's a woman involved, so much the better as she is getting equal treatment as a male responder would.

Now you can argue all you want about what he said, BUT you, along with myself, have no idea if his answer was a great rebound, or is exactly what he meant.

I see your perverts have tried to pin Trumps love of his daughter as incest also. We all know it's not, but SOME of the real douchebags on your side play it up.... Now it's only fair game if we find something said by the left that can also be played up, such as CREEPY JoJo "The world's Dumbest Politian and WOMAN MOLESTER" Biden fondling your female children, along with any other female he can get his hands on!.....LOADS of pictures and YouTubes on it, and even that LEFT OF LEFT clown at "Young Turks" Has made a video of JoJo saying he's REALLY CREEPY!... would you like me to post that again for you?

I think I covered everything, but I'm sure you'll let me know if I haven't! :biggrin:
I see your perverts have tried to pin Trumps love of his daughter as incest also. We all know it's not,
Actually according to the pathological liar's "favorite book," committing the sin in your mind is the same as actually doing it.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

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