Donald Trump's appeal

I hope the hell he get's the nomination IF HE MAKES IT THAT FAR?, but he will probably tank by next summer, to many people hate his ass..

The last old white rich guy with a high Unapproval rating got beaten into a pulp in 2012, only he hated poor people and not Mexicans..

This clown is fatter, with uglier hair, and a much worse speaker than Romney was, he WON'T get any of the Black or Hispanic vote, just angry old whites, that failed Miserbly in 12, and he will get beaten down worse in 2016, than Romney did..

Talking shit about Carly Fiorina, and making fun of her looks when he is much uglier than her, just shows what a complete Asshole this turd is...

Old rich white people?

Like Joe Biden?

The crook Hillary?

Comrade Bernie?


There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

Romney accidentally blew it while he didn't know he was being taped. That brought him down.

Trump will tell it to your face, this is why he is up in the numbers.
Right if he were EVER SOMEHOW win the WH, i would love to see him try to bully Putin when they meet..

Trump would get his teeth kicked down his throat, i wouldn't mind that at all:eusa_clap:
And so far, not a word about actual policies, not one answer to a direct question.

Just childish name calling, running away from journalists' questions, "I don't want to brag" followed by bragging and his used car salesman chat "trust me".

He's perfect for low-info tee potties but he WILL quit. He really has no other choice.
And that's where I think you may end-up being proven wrong.

I believe the same thing earlier this summer, but now, I'm nowhere near as certain.

There is nothing in the US Constitution saying that a Egoistic Braying Jackass cannot become president.

I'm sure we've had a few in the past, on both sides of the aisle.

Now, it may very well be that any others in the past might have hidden those attributes from the voters a bit better, however..

In this day-and-age of real-time observation and imagery- and information-access and the powerful attraction of no-pulled-punches and transparency, well...

I'm glad he's online, because he's re-energized the American National Conversation about dealing more harshly with this invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies, and he's close to making Political Correctness a 'bad word' in the 2016 campaign lexicon, but, I don't think I'd want him to actually win the Presidency...

Then again, I'm only one vote.
who gives a rat's ass what mark levin has to say? and of course he likes trump, he's suffering from the same arrested development that trump is.

Apparently you do or you would not have DRAWN ATTENTION to you being a subversive :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
who gives a rat's ass what mark levin has to say? and of course he likes trump, he's suffering from the same arrested development that trump is.

Apparently you do or you would have NOT DRAWN ATTENTION to you be a subversive :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
try that sentence again.
who gives a rat's ass what mark levin has to say? and of course he likes trump, he's suffering from the same arrested development that trump is.

Apparently you do or you would have NOT DRAWN ATTENTION to you be a subversive :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
try that sentence again.

Early Sat. No coffee yet!
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
He appeals to those on the ridiculous right who have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
He appeals to Americans who are sick-and-tired of our wussified, pussified approach to dealing with an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
his approach is unconstitutional and unfeasible. it's overly simplistic and ignores reality. it's the type of solution a 14 year old would come up with - just like a 14 year old would use words like "wussified" and "pussified" to describe opponents.
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
by all means, tell us what context changes those
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
by all means, tell us what context changes those
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
Fiorina's face
Carson an 'okay' doctor
Meghan Kelley's menstruation
Jeb Bush should speak english
his claim that he doesn't have time for p.c.
and the dozens of times he's called people dumb or essentially said 'scoreboard'

He's suffering from arrested development, just like his supporters. Bumper sticker solutions like 'deport them all' and 'make mexico build a fence' are without any real thought. the claim that he doesn't have time to be pc is simply saying he doesn't have the time to think about what he's saying or respect for the people and issues he's talking about. He's stuck in the mindset of a 14 year old, and for the republicans out there that suffer from the same lack of maturity he's speaking their language. for decades they'e listened and cheered on as Rush and Hannity have done the same thing. When Palin winked at the vice-presidential debate that was all they needed to see. Obama will always be a muslim to them, and no matter what happens here or abroad it's his fault.

when i was 14 i thought i knew everything and that all problems were simple. i grew up. Trump and his supporters never did.
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
by all means, tell us what context changes those
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?
ROFL says the lying piece of shit moron on an internet board quoting Trump out of context from the anonymity of his keyboard. Hey pussy... why don't you run for office.
what have i lied about? what context changes his words?
Quoting people out of context is a lie.
by all means, tell us what context changes those
THE CONTEXT of his statements makes your post one lie after another. That makes you a lying piece of shit Troll. Any more questions?
what context makes his comments about fiorina's face something other than comments about fiorina's face?

Perhaps his clarification of what he meant by her persona! Seems everyone jumped on his Mexican remarks from the left and press when anyone with a working brain knew he was talking about illegals!
He appeals to those on the ridiculous right who have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
He appeals to Americans who are sick-and-tired of our wussified, pussified approach to dealing with an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
his approach is unconstitutional and unfeasible. it's overly simplistic and ignores reality. it's the type of solution a 14 year old would come up with - just like a 14 year old would use words like "wussified" and "pussified" to describe opponents.

His approach is NOT unconstitutional. Won't he have a pen and a phone too? You people opened the door, and like I always said, you would one day regret it.
People are liking him because he is outspoken about what americans are pissed off about. The other candidates are all about the same old shit that will never happen.
People's eyes are opening to the bullshit lies and $$$$ running the country in the background.
This is including our Food, Medications, Medical care prices , Taxes. They are poisoning and fucking us anyway they can for more money in their pockets.

Trump may need to tone it down a bit, but in order to play in this corrupt playground , you have to be tuff.

trump is just as corrupt as any politician you can name...

Donald Trump just bought the Miss Universe contest from NBC and settled all law suits with them regarding his hateful rhetoric toward Hispanics.

I would sure like just ONE of these ignorant supporters to describe to me--how they think he plans on being POTUS while at the same time doing 2 "not so reality shows" and running the Miss Universe Contest.

Do you suppose he could interview the contestants from the Oval office?
Trump Buys NBCUniversal's Stake in Miss Universe

WHAT A FREAKIN JOKE--at least this is to Trump, I hope he is laughing his hair off to about all you IGNORANT supporters.


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He appeals to those on the ridiculous right who have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
He appeals to Americans who are sick-and-tired of our wussified, pussified approach to dealing with an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
his approach is unconstitutional and unfeasible. it's overly simplistic and ignores reality. it's the type of solution a 14 year old would come up with - just like a 14 year old would use words like "wussified" and "pussified" to describe opponents.

His approach is NOT unconstitutional. Won't he have a pen and a phone too? You people opened the door, and like I always said, you would one day regret it.
Changing birthright citizenship through an act of congress is unconstitutional
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