Donald Trump's Lone Surrogate On TV Struggled To Defend Him

Even rudy is about to jump ship

When moderator George Stephanopoulos pressed Guiliani that what Trump was describing in the video – kissing women and grabbing their genitals without their consent – was sexual assault, Giuliani conceded the point.

Donald Trump's Lone Surrogate On TV Struggled To Defend Him

Donald John Trump can not be defended nor should anyone attempt to defend his words. It matter not what Bill Clinton did in his past ( directed for those that will point their crooked little finger at William Jefferson Blythe III ) because it does not excuse Donald John Trump comments or philandering ways.

In the end those that are still voting for Trump need to remind themselves they no longer have no right to discuss Bill Clinton past because if they do they it just show what a hypocrite they are.

Blast me all you want Trump voters but Trump dug this hole and two wrongs never make it right!
nope, but it shows that Hitlery has no women values either. That's all. It is undefendable. Everyone has said it. Everyone. Even the guy who said it. So move on, let's talk about things in 2016 and moving forward. 11 year old conversations by a private citizen don't mean squat to many many many folks. It is just a cry for help from the Clinton camp. Get him out at all costs. Well I think this one backfires on old Hitlery.
I guess push come to shove, I'd rather vote for business man who talks about molesting women to a lifelong politician that actually has.

The sad part is I actually am forced into that choice, unless I want to vote for a 3rd party that has no hope of winning, thus my vote be wasted.

Or perhaps all of us voting inside the lines the system provides are wasting our votes and have been for about a half century, thus granting our consent.
What happened in the 60's that suddenly blew the system, in your eyes?

Wasn't really the 60s in my eyes, and I'm primarily focused upon the rerigging of the economic system, the redistribution of societal wealth out of society and the concentration of that societal wealth into fewer and fewer "private" hands thus concentrating corporate wealth and power and corporate power over the political system and media machine ultimately, thanks to Bill Clinton’s deregulation of the FCC in the 1990s. That’s when this all began to shift in our lifetime, the 1970s or so. There has indeed been a vast redistribution of wealth, just not in the direction everyone is always blathering on about. It wasn’t so much a single event, thing, or bill, but rather an inflection point within which, over time, the will of the unsubstantial people became insignificant in any meaningful way. And it was utterly bipartisan. Ours simply become over time an authoritarian system masquerading as a democratic republic with a “capitalist” economic system.
but again, you miss the point, the top 1% can't save the country if they all turned in all of their money. What is it you don't get? The country needs middle class tax payers, they are the majority of the population and need to be paying into the tax system not all receiving from it. wow. the economic ignorance of libturds is amazing.
I guess push come to shove, I'd rather vote for business man who talks about molesting women to a lifelong politician that actually has.

The sad part is I actually am forced into that choice, unless I want to vote for a 3rd party that has no hope of winning, thus my vote be wasted.

Or perhaps all of us voting inside the lines the system provides are wasting our votes and have been for about a half century, thus granting our consent.
What happened in the 60's that suddenly blew the system, in your eyes?

Wasn't really the 60s in my eyes, and I'm primarily focused upon the rerigging of the economic system, the redistribution of societal wealth out of society and the concentration of that societal wealth into fewer and fewer "private" hands thus concentrating corporate wealth and power and corporate power over the political system and media machine ultimately, thanks to Bill Clinton’s deregulation of the FCC in the 1990s. That’s when this all began to shift in our lifetime, the 1970s or so. There has indeed been a vast redistribution of wealth, just not in the direction everyone is always blathering on about. It wasn’t so much a single event, thing, or bill, but rather an inflection point within which, over time, the will of the unsubstantial people became insignificant in any meaningful way. And it was utterly bipartisan. Ours simply become over time an authoritarian system masquerading as a democratic republic with a “capitalist” economic system.
but again, you miss the point, the top 1% can't save the country if they all turned in all of their money. What is it you don't get? The country needs middle class tax payers, they are the majority of the population and need to be paying into the tax system not all receiving from it. wow. the economic ignorance of libturds is amazing.

I see you utterly and completely misunderstood what I wrote, the middle class got murdered in the process.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street/bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system.

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