Donate Now! Trump needs a new Jet Plane

I don't know yet. I'll have an answer for ya after I graduate from Trump U.
Well everyone else is paying more than double for a gallon of gas today due to Biden's dumb energy policy which has US buying gas from Russia and OPEC (mostly U.S. enemies) instead of buying it from the U.S. itself. I don't think you need to graduate from a university of figure that out.
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Well everyone else is paying more than double for a gallon of gas today due to Biden's dumb energy policy which has UYS buying gas from Russia and OPEC (mostly U.S. enemies) instead of buying it from the U.S. itself. I don't think you need to graduate from a university of figure that out.
University of figure that out? Wow! You must have been Magna Cum Lately!!
University of figure that out? Wow! You must have been Magna Cum Lately!!
Yeah, you don't need to go to a university TO figure out why you are paying more than double for gas now than with Trump. What about that confuses you? That you pick on a typo tells volumes about your highly estimable intellect.
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At least he's asking, unlike Biden who illegally used American foreign policies to get that Ukranian prosecutor fired who was going after Hunter who was grifting money on his dad's VP position.
You mean the Putin puppet that he installed? The one that Trump's campaign manager worked for? That guy? Time to wake up Leo!
Yeah, you don't need to go to a university TO figure out why you are paying more than double for gas now than with Trump. What about that confuses you? That you pick on a typo tells volumes about your highly estimable intellect.
I do know why gas prices are where they are and it has nothing to do with Biden other than him refusing to let the US finance Russia's Invasion of a sovereign nation. And that is the right decision.
You mean the Putin puppet that he installed? The one that Trump's campaign manager worked for? That guy? Time to wake up Leo!
Shokin was investigating Bursima. Hunter Biden, with absolutely no experience, was seated on the board of Burisma because his dad (Joe Biden) was VP. Hunter was funneling money to 'the big guy' which is Joe Biden. Shokin was leading a wide ranging corruption investigation into the company when Joe Biden bribed then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Biden threatened to withhold 1 billion in US loan guarantees.
I do know why gas prices are where they are and it has nothing to do with Biden other than him refusing to let the US finance Russia's Invasion of a sovereign nation. And that is the right decision.
It's pretty obvious....gas prices were high before the invasion because Biden strangled US oil production. The US went from a major exporter to a major importer. That also emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine. You are believing left wing Democrat talking point propaganda. BTW, initially, Biden actually refused to stop buying Russian crude even though Putin was bombing innocent Ukrainians.
It's pretty obvious....gas prices were high before the invasion because Biden strangled US oil production. The US went from a major exporter to a major importer. That also emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine. You are believing left wing Democrat talking point propaganda. BTW, initially, Biden actually refused to stop buying Russian crude even though Putin was bombing innocent Ukrainians.

Covid is the major reason for high prices of everything right now.
The truth about gas prices is that 1) OPEC manipulates prices simply because they can. 2) The US sells 75% of oil and natural gas that we produce,overseas. The truth is that we could be oil independent tomorrow if Politicians on both sides of the issue would break ranks with BIG OIL and forego the loot that flows into their campaigns. 3) NO President including Biden has ever done what actually needs to be done at times like this. With the stroke of a pen he could issue an Exec. Order to US oil companies not to export oil. period. We would be immediately independent. But since US oil and it's production is privately owned by giant corporations, no one dares to even suggest that. That's how owned we are by Big oil. Those Corps would take it on the chin profit-wise until prices are forced downward and they would still turn enormous profits. That can't happen as long as our so-called representatives take corporate money. And that isn't just true of oil and gas. That's true of ANY action to free ourselves of the addiction to fossil fuels. Just watch how they fight to protect the interests of their true owners. Of our true owners. Biden is in negotiations now with Venezuela and he still has the option of ordering US oil companies to stop exporting. If he did that it would be an historic first.
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Shokin was investigating Bursima. Hunter Biden, with absolutely no experience, was seated on the board of Burisma because his dad (Joe Biden) was VP. Hunter was funneling money to 'the big guy' which is Joe Biden. Shokin was leading a wide ranging corruption investigation into the company when Joe Biden bribed then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Biden threatened to withhold 1 billion in US loan guarantees.

False. Shokin actually spent two years protecting Burisma.
Covid is the major reason for high prices of everything right now.
The truth about gas prices is that 1) OPEC manipulates prices simply because they can. 2) The US sells 75% of oil and natural gas that we produce,overseas. The truth is that we could be oil independent tomorrow if Politicians on both sides of the issue would break ranks with BIG OIL and forego the loot that flows into their campaigns. 3) NO President including Biden has ever done what actually needs to be done at times like this. With the stroke of a pen he could issue an Exec. Order to US oil companies not to export oil. period. We would be immediately independent. But since US oil and it's production is privately owned by giant corporations, no one dares to even suggest that. That's how owned we are by Big oil. Those Corps would take it on the chin profit-wise until prices are forced downward and they would still turn enormous profits. That can't happen as long as our so-called representatives take corporate money. And that isn't just true of oil and gas. That's true of ANY action to free ourselves of the addiction to fossil fuels. Just watch how they fight to protect the interests of their true owners. Of our true owners. Biden is in negotiations now with Venezuela and he still has the option of ordering US oil companies to stop exporting. If he did that it would be an historic first.
OPEC couldn't manipulate gas prices during Trump because we were virtually energy independent as well as an exporter. Biden stopped our energy independence by summarily choking off oil exploration. There is no such company as 'big oil' the oil market is driven by market forces. We were energy independent despite the fact that oil companies are privately owned. Oil companies cannot pump oil until they verify there is oil on the lease and get a permit which Biden has made even harder to get. Biden is trying to claim that those companies have 900 oil leases but are not using them. The fact is, they cannot develop them until they know there is enough oil to make it profitable then, they have to beg for permits. We already know that there are huge oil fields in Anwar and Texas on public land and other places but Biden has held back Trump's policies that freed up those oil reserves because "climate change." Venezuela is our enemy as is most of OPEC. If we were again energy independent we could be sending oil to Euros who now depend on the Russian crude in the Nordstream pipeline. That would all but break Putin's economy.
Nobody is as educated as Trump. Just ask him! He even invented invisible jet aircraft. Guy's a stable genius! Decent? Even with his gigantic brain, he can't spell decent. But I've gotta hand it to him because he learned, "Person, woman, man, camera, TV. The doctors were shocked that he could ace that test. They were genuflecting and yelling, "We are not worthy!"
Trump knows how to run a global corporation...he may not be Ivy league enough for some but we had 4 years of Peace and prosperity under Trump and now we are on the verge of a recession and a global war....facts do not lie....
OPEC couldn't manipulate gas prices during Trump because we were virtually energy independent as well as an exporter. Biden stopped our energy independence by summarily choking off oil exploration. There is no such company as 'big oil' the oil market is driven by market forces. We were energy independent despite the fact that oil companies are privately owned. Oil companies cannot pump oil until they verify there is oil on the lease and get a permit which Biden has made even harder to get. Biden is trying to claim that those companies have 900 oil leases but are not using them. The fact is, they cannot develop them until they know there is enough oil to make it profitable then, they have to beg for permits. We already know that there are huge oil fields in Anwar and Texas on public land and other places but Biden has held back Trump's policies that freed up those oil reserves because "climate change." Venezuela is our enemy as is most of OPEC. If we were again energy independent we could be sending oil to Euros who now depend on the Russian crude in the Nordstream pipeline. That would all but break Putin's economy.
Do your home work. We were not energy independent under Trump. Not by a long shot. Your assertions are based on GOP talking points and have no basis in reality.
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So you don't donate to mentally ill old fat men who really really want private jets?

Good for you.
I figure there a lot more people in real need that would benefit more from my donations. However I may decide to donate to conservative politicians in order to save this nation from the socialist Democrats.
Trump knows how to run a global corporation...he may not be Ivy league enough for some but we had 4 years of Peace and prosperity under Trump and now we are on the verge of a recession and a global war....facts do not lie....
It depends on what you call peace. He sowed such division and hatred that he will go down in history as the worst President ever. We already know he's the dumbest and the most dishonest. BTW he ran practically nothing. Because everything he touches dies. He's a scoundrel and a lying conman of the first order. And, those who didn't see that will go down in history as the easiest marks any grifter ever had. You have supported a traitor.
Hours after news broke that a private jet carrying former President Trump and his team was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans after shortly taking off from the city, Trump's PAC emailed supporters asking them for funds to build a new plane.

'I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone,' wrote Trump in the email.

'Do you remember Trump Force One?' the email asks. 'Before becoming the greatest President of all time, I traveled the Country in my plane, known as Trump Force One. I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One.'

The email then gives donors the option to 'see Trump Force One' by clicking on a hyperlink, which takes them to a page where they can donate between $5 and $2,000 to the Save America JFC PAC.

Trump joins a long line of other sleaze buckets that asked their flock for donations to buy a private jet….

I thought this fraud was worth 10 billion dollars. People dying in the Ukraine and the market in the tank but Trump needs a jet plane. Trump Uber Alles!
/——-/ Fake outrage . Perhaps you’d approve if President Trump just stole the money from taxpayers or took a no show job in the Ukraine like any self respecting democRAT would do.

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