Donate Now! Trump needs a new Jet Plane

Aw, crybaby boy has already started his nightly tantrum.

By the way, my post was on topic. Yours was a personal attack and off topic.

So maybe get a small child to look up the definition of trolling for you, numbnuts.
Troll boi at it again?.....
Billionaires do not need Gofundmes in order to purchase things for themselves, only fake snake oil con men do.
Maybe he should get one of those invisible jets that he talked about. It's gotta be cheaper. And parts should be free! I'm mailing my penny today!
Hours after news broke that a private jet carrying former President Trump and his team was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans after shortly taking off from the city, Trump's PAC emailed supporters asking them for funds to build a new plane.

'I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone,' wrote Trump in the email.

'Do you remember Trump Force One?' the email asks. 'Before becoming the greatest President of all time, I traveled the Country in my plane, known as Trump Force One. I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One.'

The email then gives donors the option to 'see Trump Force One' by clicking on a hyperlink, which takes them to a page where they can donate between $5 and $2,000 to the Save America JFC PAC.

Trump joins a long line of other sleaze buckets that asked their flock for donations to buy a private jet….

I thought this fraud was worth 10 billion dollars. People dying in the Ukraine and the market in the tank but Trump needs a jet plane. Trump Uber Alles!
It is sort of telling how the number of events subsided when he lost his meal-ticket/job.
It is sort of telling how the number of events subsided when he lost his meal-ticket/job.
Yeah, I love the line "Don't tell anyone!" He only sent it out to 130,000 folks. Now I guess he thinks that he's a televangelist. The most reverand Donny "the teflon Don" Trump. Can't make this shit up. It's too perfect. LOL
Yeah, I love the line "Don't tell anyone!" He only sent it out to 130,000 folks. Now I guess he thinks that he's a televangelist. The most reverand Donny "the teflon Don" Trump. Can't make this shit up. It's too perfect. LOL
Yeah, and now he has reached multiple times that many. Pretty clever really.
I guarantee that he'll get the sucker's money and never buy a jet. What a fuckin' scoundrel.
At least he's asking, unlike Biden who illegally used American foreign policies to get that Ukranian prosecutor fired who was going after Hunter who was grifting money on his dad's VP position.
Yeah, I love the line "Don't tell anyone!" He only sent it out to 130,000 folks. Now I guess he thinks that he's a televangelist. The most reverand Donny "the teflon Don" Trump. Can't make this shit up. It's too perfect. LOL
It is the same principle. I know this is an unpopular opinion but most religions are cults in my view.
So Biden is more educated and decent than Trump??? okay you are lost sad...
Nobody is as educated as Trump. Just ask him! He even invented invisible jet aircraft. Guy's a stable genius! Decent? Even with his gigantic brain, he can't spell decent. But I've gotta hand it to him because he learned, "Person, woman, man, camera, TV. The doctors were shocked that he could ace that test. They were genuflecting and yelling, "We are not worthy!"
Nobody is as educated as Trump. Just ask him! He even invented invisible jet aircraft. Guy's a stable genius! Decent? Even with his gigantic brain, he can't spell decent. But I've gotta hand it to him because he learned, "Person, woman, man, camera, TV. The doctors were shocked that he could ace that test. They were genuflecting and yelling, "We are not worthy!"
And Trump lives rent-free in your brain. Thanks for keeping his memory alive.

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