DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

Any day now?
Let's review

No charges against Ms. Clinton have been filed.

No criminal complaint against Ms. Clinton have been filed

No perp walk staring Ms. Clinton.

No Grand Jury convened regarding the mishandling/misappropriation of Classified/Secure Material/Communications by Ms. Clinton.

The emails in question were NOT Classified and/or deemed to Secure Communications until after the fact.

The U.S. Department of State has stated for the record, "there was no policy" regarding use of private servers at the time of Ms. Clinton tenure as Secretary of State.

There is no means and/or no mechanism by which Classified/Secure Material held on secure government server(s) can be transferred to, passed on to or held by private, non-government unsecured server(s).

Going on Day Number Nine.
Utter bull crap, once again....from no one "in the know" merely EX agents....with an ax to grind or needing their 15 minutes of fame.

The FBI has given one and only one OFFICIAL statement on this investigation, all else is partisan speculations, innuendo, and fabrications, and they stated specifically that Hillary was NOT the focus of this investigation, her server was, because the IG followed the regulations which stated that the must notify intelligence when their is possible classified top secret material, not in their possession.

A Justice official said the department had received a "referral" on the matter, which the inspector general of the intelligence agencies later acknowledged came from him.

The inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, said in a separate statement that he had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a "limited sample" of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the "security referral," acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.


Officials acknowledged that none of the e-mails reviewed so far contain information that was marked classified when they were sent...
[The Washington Post, 7/24/15]

IG Memo On Classified Information In Emails: "None Of The Emails ... Had Classification Or Dissemination Markings."
A memo from the ICIG clearly stated that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings".

The following is attributable to Spokesperson John Kirby:

"The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately." [, 8/11/15]

and there is this as well:

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.

While State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals' attentions, the four emails were on the unclassified .gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling classified communications. Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15

The FBI has not officially stated anything else on the investigation, just right wing HACKS pushing innuendo and making crap up....

These rags are CREATING their own News and NOT reporting the News, the FACTS.

OK. nothing happened ever. No worries. Shut it down. Chelsa for VP. Git er' done.

State Dept. Records Show John Kerry Sent Hillary A ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad

Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.

The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.

The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Hillary is the only one with the "loose as a goose" attitude about security.
the .gov unclassified email system that you wanted her to use as her official email, is hacked THOUSANDS of times a year. Try again.

Uhhh, ok. Now, who ever said that she should have been using a unclassified govt system? answer, no one. The govt has secure email systems for transmission of some classified data, highly classified data, like the 22 emails that cannot be released has much more stringent rules regarding custody transfer.

Again, you are speaking out of ignorance and making a fool of yourself trying to defend your heroine.
No, I am not speaking out of ignorance, there is a top secret system, but that is only for those specifically authorized to use it for specific things on a need to know basis, the, which all of the State Dept works off of, which all of the emails she received that are now being classified, were on this UNCLASSIFIED .gov email system.... she did not create these emails, these emails were forwarded to her...After they had been on the UNCLASSIFIED email system and in some of the cases, for over 2 years, it is the ONLY email system, that the State department employees work off of....

the email user id that you wanted Hillary to have instead of her server, was the UNCLASSIFIED, email system/server.... She did have another govt user id, with access in the Government offices for the totally separate Classified Secret and Top Secret.... And the Top Secret access, does not connect to the internet...
OK. nothing happened ever. No worries. Shut it down. Chelsa for VP. Git er' done.

State Dept. Records Show John Kerry Sent Hillary A ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad

Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.

The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.

The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Hillary is the only one with the "loose as a goose" attitude about security.
the .gov unclassified email system that you wanted her to use as her official email, is hacked THOUSANDS of times a year. Try again.

Uhhh, ok. Now, who ever said that she should have been using a unclassified govt system? answer, no one. The govt has secure email systems for transmission of some classified data, highly classified data, like the 22 emails that cannot be released has much more stringent rules regarding custody transfer.

Again, you are speaking out of ignorance and making a fool of yourself trying to defend your heroine.
No, I am not speaking out of ignorance, there is a top secret system, but that is only for those specifically authorized to use it for specific things on a need to know basis, the, which all of the State Dept works off of, which all of the emails she received that are now being classified, were on this UNCLASSIFIED .gov email system.... she did not create these emails, these emails were forwarded to her...After they had been on the UNCLASSIFIED email system and in some of the cases, for over 2 years, it is the ONLY email system, that the State department employees work off of....

the email user id that you wanted Hillary to have instead of her server, was the UNCLASSIFIED, email system/server.... She did have another govt user id, with access in the Government offices for the totally separate Classified Secret and Top Secret.... And the Top Secret access, does not connect to the internet...

IF the email/communications had been classified, said emails would not been forward or passed. The Government has very strict rules and regulations governing the dissemination of, handling of, control of ALL CLASSIFIED COMMUNICATIONS AND CLASSIFIED MATERIAL.

There is no evidence that any such material was mishandled, disseminated or not under proper control by Ms. Clinton

Emails were Classified after the fact, one to five years after fact.
There is no indictment.

There is no crime committed.

Hillary Clinton did not break the law.

There is no indictment. True, not yet.

There is no crime committed. Not true. You have no idea if a crime was committed or not. We won't know until the FBI completes it investigation and the Justice Department files charges.

Hillary Clinton did not break the law. Not true. You have no idea if The Bitch committed a crime or not. Nobody will know until the FBI completes its investigation and the evidence is presented in a court of law.

Until the FBI completes its investigation and we find out if the Justice Department is going to do its duty or if the Obama Administration is going to cover up the crimes then nobody knows anything other than what has been leaked, which doesn't look good..

In the meantime I would not be looking to vote for somebody that has a proven record of lying, incompetence and is under investigation by 100 FBI agents for possible breach of security and corruption, would you? Only an idiot would be looking to do that, don't you agree?
Let's review

No charges against Ms. Clinton have been filed.

No criminal complaint against Ms. Clinton have been filed

No perp walk staring Ms. Clinton.

No Grand Jury convened regarding the mishandling/misappropriation of Classified/Secure Material/Communications by Ms. Clinton.

The emails in question were NOT Classified and/or deemed to Secure Communications until after the fact.

The U.S. Department of State has stated for the record, "there was no policy" regarding use of private servers at the time of Ms. Clinton tenure as Secretary of State.

There is no means and/or no mechanism by which Classified/Secure Material held on secure government server(s) can be transferred to, passed on to or held by private, non-government unsecured server(s).

Going on Day Number Nine.

You know when the FBI finishes its investigation then you are going to look like a fool when we ridicule you for being so naive and trusting of the most untrustworthy person in public life.

There is no evidence that any such material was mishandled, disseminated or not under proper control by Ms. Clinton


You don't know that until the FBI completes its investigation. There are 100 agents working on the case now and I don't think you are one of them. You only believe that because you are a Moon Bat that supports the lying Bitch. The most corrupt lying incompetent piece of shit in American politics today.
Idiot... Bush signed the agreement with Iraq to withdraw ALL of our forces.

Again, our job was not to stay there forever. It was to position the Iraqis to stand up for themselves.

We did that. It's not our fault they ran from their own responsibilities to defend their own nation years later.

Obviously, Obama didn't position them to stand up for themselves. If he did, then why does ISIS control half the country?
Before Bush left office, he thought they were sufficiently positioned to stand up for themselves. He agreed at that time we could, and should, remove ALL of our troops from Iraq. Obama agreed and Iraq even agreed. There was no need at that point for our troops to remain. We did our job of standing up Iraq.

Again, it's not our fault Iraq chose to not defend their own nation years after we stood them up. It's quite revealing how you think Iraq bears zero responsibility in fighting for their own country.

Do you have some quote of Bush saying we should remove all troops the day that Obama did?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you tacitly reveal you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.


You quoted someone talking about Bush, not president Bush himself.

No banana.

Here's what the article actually says about Bush and Iraq:

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat… Bush and his generals clearly expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that deadline.”
Putz, you asked for Bush saying we should remove all the troops by the end of 2011 and I showed you the agreement he signed to do that. :mm:

ISIS taking over is not evidence of that. ISIS taking over portions of Iraq is evidence that Iraqis wouldn't fight for their own country. We stood them up. That was our job. Them remaining standing was on them.

You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Obama said that the Iraq War was a success and he was lying. He said that to the troops that fought the war.

He was lying because he didn't do the follow up work that was necessary to insure that the Iraqi would be successful.

It wouldn't have taken too much to do it. If he would have given up a few golf games and paid attention to the dynamics in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shiites he could have prevented the faction that led to poor leadership that enabled ISIS.

I don't think we should ever have invaded Iraq in the first place. I disagree with the reason that Hillary Clinton used to justify the invasion. She was wrong.

However, I also understand that Obama being a lazy affirmative action dumbass didn't complete the job that he said he did. He lied when he said that Iraq was a success and he lost the war that 3,000 Americans died for.

Obama is the most incompetent President we have ever had. He never gets anything right.

You Moon Bats need to think for a change instead of being Democrat partisan dumbshits. Hillary Clinton supported the war. She didn't have to but she did. Other Democrats didn't support the war. If she is on the ballot come November you Moon Bats need to have the courage to hold her accountable for her bad judgement. Show us that you have conviction on this hippy peacenik bullshit that you preach.
The mission, to stand Iraq up, was accomplished.

It is always amazing at the stupidity you Moon Bats exhibit when trying to defend one of your fellow Libtards.

Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq as did John Kerry and the leadership of the Democrat Party at that time.

You Moon Bats need to start taking responsibility for he stupidity and incompetence of the idiots in the Democrat Party and stop this childish game of trying to blame everything on Bush because it just makes you look like fools and immature little dickheads.

What makes somebody look like a dickhead is his or her head-in-the-sand response to the clusterfuck that was the Bush presidency.

Here's a couple of facts for you boy:
1) Clinton and Kerry may have supported the invasion but 147 Dems in the house and senate didn't. The grand whopping total of 7 GoPers in the house and senate also didn't support it. That's a ratio of more than 14-1.
2) At least Clinton had the guts to appoint a special prosecutor in the Whitewater affair, even if Fiske bailed and then Starr started his witch hunt. If only Bush would have done the same over the Iraqi WMDs. Gee, I wonder why he didn't. And he wouldn't have even gone that little step further and appointed an extreme leftie lawyer to do it......

There is no evidence that any such material was mishandled, disseminated or not under proper control by Ms. Clinton


You don't know that until the FBI completes its investigation. There are 100 agents working on the case now and I don't think you are one of them. You only believe that because you are a Moon Bat that supports the lying Bitch. The most corrupt lying incompetent piece of shit in American politics today.
I agree no one truly knows yet on what the FBI will say, but you should give that same LECTURE to your republican counterparts creating this thread and chiming in on this thread that are swearing up and down that she's a criminal and going to jail, or not going to jail because someone will let her off bull crud....
You are confused. Typical for a Moon Bat.

Are you going to say everyone is confused because you don't agree with their arguments, or don't understand them? Because that's going to get boring pretty quickly.

Obama's job as Commander in Chief was to make the hard choices and he made the wrong one.

He fought the war for three years, declared it a success and then walked away from it

Well, no, the fighting was mostly over and Americans WANTED to walk away from it. That's what you don't get. Hillary and McCain were pro-war and Obama was anti-war and beat them. It's called "DEMOCRACY". Look it up.

Obama was handed a successful Iraq and he did not have the courage to do the right thing. He took the cowards way out and did not complete the job. That is the kind of sorry half ass job he has done on everything.

except it wasn't "successful". The country had been effectively partitioned into Shi'ite, Kurdish and Sunni sections. Now, had Maliki listened to Obama and included the Sunnis and Kurds in his government, they might not have broken off and done their own thing. But that's really on them, isn't it? It's like saying it's the cop's fault if he responds to a domestic violence complaint and two years later someone in that same house kills someone in that house.

He knows he did the wrong thing in Iraq by cutting and running too early and that is why his administration is talking about keeping troops in Afghanistan.

No, the difference is, the Iraqis wanted us gone and the Afghans want us to stay. This is the difference you don't seem to get. It's the difference between "peacekeepers" and "invaders".

You voted for him after we told you that he was going to be a piss poor Commander in Chief so you have the burden of that failure on your shoulders. Stop making dumbass decisions at the polls. You are fucking up this country by being an idiot.

Well, first, I didn't vote for him in 2008, I voted for McCain, a good man you Wingnuts can't stop pissing on because he couldn't salvage how badly Bush fucked up your reputation. (I did vote for Obama in 2012, because I hate Mormons with a passion, but that's a different story.)

secondly, most Americans concluded that a civil war in Iraq is NOT worth the lives of their sons and daughters. If you guys really think that this civil war is that important, do what Left-leaning Americans did in 1936 when Spain had a civil war... form a volunteer legion to go fight it.

If you really had any convictions on the shit that you spout you will not vote for Hillary Clinton in November if she is on the ballot because she voted for the invasion, along with other Democrats in Congress.

She voted to authorize Bush to use force. Bush was the guy who used force. Not really the same thing. It's kind of like if I loan you my car, and then you go run down some nuns and orphans because you are a crazy person, it isn't really my fault that I loaned you my car on the theory that you were responsible.

You are confused because you really don't know what you believe in. I suspect you will continue to make poor decision because you don't know what the hell you suppose to believe in.

GUy, i'm not confused at all. My sole criteria for voting is 'who is going to make my life better!" Hillary will make my life better. Cruz or Rubio are so beholden to big corporations and the rich, they will make it worse.
you lefties can never accept ANY responsibility....

For most of his career, Barney Frank was the principal advocate in Congress for using the government's authority to force lower underwriting standards in the business of housing finance. Although he claims to have tried to reverse course as early as 2003, that was the year he made the oft-quoted remark, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation toward subsidized housing." Rather than reversing course, he was pressing on when others were beginning to have doubts.

In 2003, The Republicans were in charge of the House. Not Barney Frank.

THey were also in charge of the Senate and the White House and all the regulatory agencies that were supposed to make sure that Wall Street and the big banks didn't do exactly what they did.

The problem, of course, was not poor people buying houses, which Republicans and Democrats alike thought was a good thing.

The problem was Middle Class people buying "McMansions" they couldn't afford on the hope of flipping them a few years later. And the banks went along with this because they figured as long as prices continued to climb, they could foreclose on the "deadbeats" and sell that house to the next "sucker"... er "Investor" that came along.

The other half of that which people don't talk about is how the banks then took these mortgages that were questionable, misrepresented their value and sold them as investments on Wall Street.

But the important thing was Barney Frank had gay sex once with a guy who worked at Fannie Mae. Because when you are a hateful inbred Christian bigot, that's easy to understand.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Bullshit, not marked does not equal not classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings. If she received unmarked classified data, it was her duty as a holder of a security clearance to add markings to it.

You silly fool, you have no idea about the laws regarding classified data. I had top secret and SAP clearances, I know the rules. If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.

The biggest problem Dims have today is that there are so many people blogging on the internet who know the truth about their lies. 20 years ago Hillary would have gotten away with her lies.
And yet, Hillary is nether done nor going to jail. Thread fail.

She may not go to jail, but she will never be POTUS. That is a victory for the USA.
Bookmarked for future entertainment.

Yep, please save this for next November, so I can rub your face in it.
Obviously, Obama didn't position them to stand up for themselves. If he did, then why does ISIS control half the country?
Before Bush left office, he thought they were sufficiently positioned to stand up for themselves. He agreed at that time we could, and should, remove ALL of our troops from Iraq. Obama agreed and Iraq even agreed. There was no need at that point for our troops to remain. We did our job of standing up Iraq.

Again, it's not our fault Iraq chose to not defend their own nation years after we stood them up. It's quite revealing how you think Iraq bears zero responsibility in fighting for their own country.

Do you have some quote of Bush saying we should remove all troops the day that Obama did?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you tacitly reveal you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.


You quoted someone talking about Bush, not president Bush himself.

No banana.

Here's what the article actually says about Bush and Iraq:

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat… Bush and his generals clearly expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that deadline.”
Putz, you asked for Bush saying we should remove all the troops by the end of 2011 and I showed you the agreement he signed to do that. :mm:

That's a gross mischaracterization of what actually happened, and you know it.

ISIS taking over is not evidence of that. ISIS taking over portions of Iraq is evidence that Iraqis wouldn't fight for their own country. We stood them up. That was our job. Them remaining standing was on them.

You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Obama said that the Iraq War was a success and he was lying. He said that to the troops that fought the war.

He was lying because he didn't do the follow up work that was necessary to insure that the Iraqi would be successful.

It wouldn't have taken too much to do it. If he would have given up a few golf games and paid attention to the dynamics in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shiites he could have prevented the faction that led to poor leadership that enabled ISIS.

I don't think we should ever have invaded Iraq in the first place. I disagree with the reason that Hillary Clinton used to justify the invasion. She was wrong.

However, I also understand that Obama being a lazy affirmative action dumbass didn't complete the job that he said he did. He lied when he said that Iraq was a success and he lost the war that 3,000 Americans died for.

Obama is the most incompetent President we have ever had. He never gets anything right.

You Moon Bats need to think for a change instead of being Democrat partisan dumbshits. Hillary Clinton supported the war. She didn't have to but she did. Other Democrats didn't support the war. If she is on the ballot come November you Moon Bats need to have the courage to hold her accountable for her bad judgement. Show us that you have conviction on this hippy peacenik bullshit that you preach.
The mission, to stand Iraq up, was accomplished.

Only morons like you believe that.

There is no evidence that any such material was mishandled, disseminated or not under proper control by Ms. Clinton


You don't know that until the FBI completes its investigation. There are 100 agents working on the case now and I don't think you are one of them. You only believe that because you are a Moon Bat that supports the lying Bitch. The most corrupt lying incompetent piece of shit in American politics today.
I agree no one truly knows yet on what the FBI will say, but you should give that same LECTURE to your republican counterparts creating this thread and chiming in on this thread that are swearing up and down that she's a criminal and going to jail, or not going to jail because someone will let her off bull crud....

The more information that comes out the more guilty she looks. But you are right, until the FBI turns its data over to the AG none of us know what, in any, criminal activity she will be charged with.

I am quite sure that she has an ongoing deal with Obama to pardon her if she is indicted. He would do that to prevent her from releasing all of the dirt that she and bubba have on him.

Seriously, I don't expect her to do jail time, but this will prevent her from ever occupying the oval office, and that's good enough.

Hillary Clinton is an awful human being, corrupt, devious, lying, two faced, patronizing, not to mention, old, fat, and ugly.
Let's review

No charges against Ms. Clinton have been filed.

No criminal complaint against Ms. Clinton have been filed.

No perp walk staring Ms. Clinton.

No Grand Jury convened regarding the mishandling/misappropriation of Classified/Secure Material/Communications by Ms. Clinton.

The emails in question were NOT Classified and/or deemed to Secure Communications until after the fact.

The U.S. Department of State has stated for the record, "there was no policy" regarding use of private servers at the time of Ms. Clinton tenure as Secretary of State.

There is no means and/or no mechanism by which Classified/Secure Material held on secure government server(s) can be transferred to, passed on to or held by private, non-government unsecured server(s).

Going on Day Number Nine.

No charges against Ms. Clinton have been filed. Because the FBI hasn't completed their investigation. However, the IG determined there was evidence of security breaches and referred it to the FBI for further investigation.

No criminal complaint against Ms. Clinton have been filed. Because the FBI hasn't completed their investigation.

No perp walk staring Ms. Clinton. Because the FBI hasn't completed their investigation.

No Grand Jury convened regarding the mishandling/misappropriation of Classified/Secure Material/Communications by Ms. Clinton. Because the FBI hasn't completed their investigation.

The emails in question were NOT Classified and/or deemed to Secure Communications until after the fact. That is what the FBI is trying to determine and they haven't completed their investigation yet.

You pathetic defense of The Bitch is nothing more than she hasn't been arrested yet. That has nothing to do with her being guilty or not.

The FBI will complete their investigation and refer it to the Justice Department. Until then we a corrupt lying filthy ass bitch that is being investigated by the FBI. A big investigation with over 100 agents working on the case.

Who in the hell in their right mind would be thinking of voting for a piece of shit like Clinton who is being investigated by the Federal government of a major crime? Answer: a stupid confused Moon Bat.
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