DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Hillary Clinton lied to the American people once again. She is bad about that, isn't she?

Hillary misleading about email probe during debate, former FBI agents say | Fox News

Hillary misleading about email probe during debate, former FBI agents say

In the New Hampshire debate with Senator Bernie Sanders, which aired on MSNBC, Clinton told moderator Chuck Todd that nothing would come of the FBI probe, “I am 100 percent confident. This is a security review that was requested. It is being carried out.”

Not true says Steve Pomerantz, who spent 28 years at the FBI, and rose from field investigative special agent to the rank of assistant director, the third highest position in the Bureau.

“They (the FBI) do not do security reviews,” Pomerantz said. “What they primarily do and what they are clearly doing in this instance is a criminal investigation.”

Pomerantz emphasized to Fox News, “There is no mechanism for her to be briefed and to have information about the conduct, the substance, the direction or the result of any FBI investigation.”
Utter bull crap, once again....from no one "in the know" merely EX agents....with an ax to grind or needing their 15 minutes of fame.

The FBI has given one and only one OFFICIAL statement on this investigation, all else is partisan speculations, innuendo, and fabrications, and they stated specifically that Hillary was NOT the focus of this investigation, her server was, because the IG followed the regulations which stated that the must notify intelligence when their is possible classified top secret material, not in their possession.

A Justice official said the department had received a "referral" on the matter, which the inspector general of the intelligence agencies later acknowledged came from him.

The inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, said in a separate statement that he had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a "limited sample" of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the "security referral," acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.


Officials acknowledged that none of the e-mails reviewed so far contain information that was marked classified when they were sent...
[The Washington Post, 7/24/15]

IG Memo On Classified Information In Emails: "None Of The Emails ... Had Classification Or Dissemination Markings."
A memo from the ICIG clearly stated that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings".

The following is attributable to Spokesperson John Kirby:

"The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately." [, 8/11/15]

and there is this as well:

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.

While State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals' attentions, the four emails were on the unclassified .gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling classified communications. Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15

The FBI has not officially stated anything else on the investigation, just right wing HACKS pushing innuendo and making crap up....

These rags are CREATING their own News and NOT reporting the News, the FACTS.

You are a confused Moon Bat.

The facts are that the IG discovered potential security breaches and referred the matter to the FBI for criminal investigation.

The term "security review" by Clinton is false and misleading and a Clinonese lie like "I didn't have sex with that Lewinsky woman" by suggesting that a blowjob is somehow not sex.

The FBI does not do security reviews. There are other organizations in the government that does that. They investigate criminal activity. The State Department, like all government agencies dealing with classified data, has its on internal people to do "security reviews". The FBI is a Federal law enforcement agency.

You pathetic Clinton lovers can lie and spin all you want but the result of this investigation is heading towards a referral to the Justice Department for possible indictment.

I doubt if the Obama has the moral courage to do the right thing and indict The Bitch. The Obama Administration is not exactly known for having any moral courage. Obama will weigh the political ramifications to the Democrat Party and then make the call based not on justice but on how it will affect the filthy ass Democrats in the election.

The question is will the same number of Gruberidiots that believed the lies of Obama will believe the cover up and give The Bitch a pass.

You Moon Bats shouldn't count on that too much.
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Utter bull crap, once again....from no one "in the know" merely EX agents....with an ax to grind or needing their 15 minutes of fame.

The FBI has given one and only one OFFICIAL statement on this investigation, all else is partisan speculations, innuendo, and fabrications, and they stated specifically that Hillary was NOT the focus of this investigation, her server was, because the IG followed the regulations which stated that the must notify intelligence when their is possible classified top secret material, not in their possession.

A Justice official said the department had received a "referral" on the matter, which the inspector general of the intelligence agencies later acknowledged came from him.

The inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, said in a separate statement that he had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a "limited sample" of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the "security referral," acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.


Officials acknowledged that none of the e-mails reviewed so far contain information that was marked classified when they were sent...
[The Washington Post, 7/24/15]

IG Memo On Classified Information In Emails: "None Of The Emails ... Had Classification Or Dissemination Markings."
A memo from the ICIG clearly stated that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings".

The following is attributable to Spokesperson John Kirby:

"The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately." [, 8/11/15]

and there is this as well:

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.

While State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals' attentions, the four emails were on the unclassified .gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling classified communications. Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15

The FBI has not officially stated anything else on the investigation, just right wing HACKS pushing innuendo and making crap up....

These rags are CREATING their own News and NOT reporting the News, the FACTS.

OK. nothing happened ever. No worries. Shut it down. Chelsa for VP. Git er' done.

State Dept. Records Show John Kerry Sent Hillary A ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad

Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.

The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.

The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Bullshit, not marked does not equal not classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings. If she received unmarked classified data, it was her duty as a holder of a security clearance to add markings to it.

You silly fool, you have no idea about the laws regarding classified data. I had top secret and SAP clearances, I know the rules. If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.

The biggest problem Dims have today is that there are so many people blogging on the internet who know the truth about their lies. 20 years ago Hillary would have gotten away with her lies.
And yet, Hillary is nether done nor going to jail. Thread fail.

She may not go to jail, but she will never be POTUS. That is a victory for the USA.

The job was done.

The job was to get the Iraqis to stand up so we could stand down.

We stood them up so we stood down. It's not our fault they wouldn't remain standing years after we left.

Right, the job was to run away so ISIS could move in. Only an Obama dick sucker could say something so clueless.
Idiot... Bush signed the agreement with Iraq to withdraw ALL of our forces.

Again, our job was not to stay there forever. It was to position the Iraqis to stand up for themselves.

We did that. It's not our fault they ran from their own responsibilities to defend their own nation years later.

Obviously, Obama didn't position them to stand up for themselves. If he did, then why does ISIS control half the country?
Before Bush left office, he thought they were sufficiently positioned to stand up for themselves. He agreed at that time we could, and should, remove ALL of our troops from Iraq. Obama agreed and Iraq even agreed. There was no need at that point for our troops to remain. We did our job of standing up Iraq.

Again, it's not our fault Iraq chose to not defend their own nation years after we stood them up. It's quite revealing how you think Iraq bears zero responsibility in fighting for their own country.

Do you have some quote of Bush saying we should remove all troops the day that Obama did?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you tacitly reveal you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.



The Iraq War was lost when the pictures of Abu Grahib became Public. That put the lie to the fact that we were "liberating" Iraq. Anything after that was just damage control.

Sorry but you are confused. You Moon Bats stay confused most of the time, don't you?

My son was part of the Surge that defeated the Insurgents and later on part of the last combat troops that pulled out of Iraq. When he left the country it was stable and the "blue finger" elected government in charge. He went home and shortly afterwards that shithead Obama got up in front of the troops and declared that "Iraq was a success".

If the war was lost at Abu Grahib then Obama was lying to the troops with his "Mission Accomplished" statement, wasn't he? He was taking credit for bringing the troops when the job wasn't done, wasn't he? If that is the case then he was piss poor Commander in Chief, wasn't he?

The truth of the matter is that the troops did complete the mission. The problem was that Obama and that idiot Clinton as Secretary of State did not do the necessary follow up work by negotiating a Status of Forces Agreement to allow stability for a longer time. The same kind of effort Obama is telling us nowadays we need in Afghanistan by continued troop presence.

This Libtard bullshit about Abu Grahib is ISIS propaganda and you Moon Bat assholes are idiots for repeating it.

Foreign policy is hard work. Obama and his Affirmative Action administration doesn't like to do hard work. Obama likes to play golf and raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party and that is why our foreign policy is the laughing stock of the world nowadays.

If you really thought the Iraq War was a bad thing thing then you wouldn't do a dumbass thing like vote for The Hillary Bitch that supported the invasion, would you? However, you will vote for her in November if she has a filthy "D" by her name because you really don't have convictions on things like this, do you?

You know what, for all your frothing, the fact is, Bush was the guy who fucked up everything. Your best argument against Obama is that he didn't fix what Bush screwed up fast enough.

This country was doing fine until that shitty 2006 elected Democrat Congress with Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid took over and then things got really screwed up. It got worse after Obama was elected President.

After seven years of Obama we have tremendous debt, increased poverty, poor economic growth, reduced family income and as we saw with the economic news this week the only jobs abvailable in the US nowadays are flipping burgers.

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

The job was done.

The job was to get the Iraqis to stand up so we could stand down.

We stood them up so we stood down. It's not our fault they wouldn't remain standing years after we left.

You are confused. The job wasn't done. Obama lied to the troops when he told them that the mission was completed.

ISIS taking over most of the country is proof that Obama was wrong.

He got it wrong in Iraq by walking away before the mission was really completed. He understands it a little bit now because he is saying that we need to keep at least 10K troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.

If we would have kept 10K in Iraq then we wouldn't have had the mess we have now.

Obama has fucked up everything he has touched. You Moon Bats were idiots electing that failure to be Commander in Chief.

The sad thing is that you Moon Bats learned nothing. You will make the same mistake in 2016 that you made in 2008 and 2012.
OK. nothing happened ever. No worries. Shut it down. Chelsa for VP. Git er' done.

State Dept. Records Show John Kerry Sent Hillary A ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad

Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.

The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.

The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Bullshit, not marked does not equal not classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings. If she received unmarked classified data, it was her duty as a holder of a security clearance to add markings to it.

You silly fool, you have no idea about the laws regarding classified data. I had top secret and SAP clearances, I know the rules. If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.

The biggest problem Dims have today is that there are so many people blogging on the internet who know the truth about their lies. 20 years ago Hillary would have gotten away with her lies.
And yet, Hillary is nether done nor going to jail. Thread fail.

She may not go to jail, but she will never be POTUS. That is a victory for the USA.
Bookmarked for future entertainment.

The Iraq War was lost when the pictures of Abu Grahib became Public. That put the lie to the fact that we were "liberating" Iraq. Anything after that was just damage control.

Sorry but you are confused. You Moon Bats stay confused most of the time, don't you?

My son was part of the Surge that defeated the Insurgents and later on part of the last combat troops that pulled out of Iraq. When he left the country it was stable and the "blue finger" elected government in charge. He went home and shortly afterwards that shithead Obama got up in front of the troops and declared that "Iraq was a success".

If the war was lost at Abu Grahib then Obama was lying to the troops with his "Mission Accomplished" statement, wasn't he? He was taking credit for bringing the troops when the job wasn't done, wasn't he? If that is the case then he was piss poor Commander in Chief, wasn't he?

The truth of the matter is that the troops did complete the mission. The problem was that Obama and that idiot Clinton as Secretary of State did not do the necessary follow up work by negotiating a Status of Forces Agreement to allow stability for a longer time. The same kind of effort Obama is telling us nowadays we need in Afghanistan by continued troop presence.

This Libtard bullshit about Abu Grahib is ISIS propaganda and you Moon Bat assholes are idiots for repeating it.

Foreign policy is hard work. Obama and his Affirmative Action administration doesn't like to do hard work. Obama likes to play golf and raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party and that is why our foreign policy is the laughing stock of the world nowadays.

If you really thought the Iraq War was a bad thing thing then you wouldn't do a dumbass thing like vote for The Hillary Bitch that supported the invasion, would you? However, you will vote for her in November if she has a filthy "D" by her name because you really don't have convictions on things like this, do you?

You know what, for all your frothing, the fact is, Bush was the guy who fucked up everything. Your best argument against Obama is that he didn't fix what Bush screwed up fast enough.

This country was doing fine until that shitty 2006 elected Democrat Congress with Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid took over and then things got really screwed up. It got worse after Obama was elected President.

After seven years of Obama we have tremendous debt, increased poverty, poor economic growth, reduced family income and as we saw with the economic news this week the only jobs abvailable in the US nowadays are flipping burgers.

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

The job was done.

The job was to get the Iraqis to stand up so we could stand down.

We stood them up so we stood down. It's not our fault they wouldn't remain standing years after we left.

You are confused. The job wasn't done. Obama lied to the troops when he told them that the mission was completed.

ISIS taking over most of the country is proof that Obama was wrong.

He got it wrong in Iraq by walking away before the mission was really completed. He understands it a little bit now because he is saying that we need to keep at least 10K troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.

If we would have kept 10K in Iraq then we wouldn't have had the mess we have now.

Obama has fucked up everything he has touched. You Moon Bats were idiots electing that failure to be Commander in Chief.

The sad thing is that you Moon Bats learned nothing. You will make the same mistake in 2016 that you made in 2008 and 2012.
ISIS taking over is not evidence of that. ISIS taking over portions of Iraq is evidence that Iraqis wouldn't fight for their own country. We stood them up. That was our job. Them remaining standing was on them.
Utter bull crap, once again....from no one "in the know" merely EX agents....with an ax to grind or needing their 15 minutes of fame.

The FBI has given one and only one OFFICIAL statement on this investigation, all else is partisan speculations, innuendo, and fabrications, and they stated specifically that Hillary was NOT the focus of this investigation, her server was, because the IG followed the regulations which stated that the must notify intelligence when their is possible classified top secret material, not in their possession.

A Justice official said the department had received a "referral" on the matter, which the inspector general of the intelligence agencies later acknowledged came from him.

The inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, said in a separate statement that he had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a "limited sample" of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the "security referral," acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.


Officials acknowledged that none of the e-mails reviewed so far contain information that was marked classified when they were sent...
[The Washington Post, 7/24/15]

IG Memo On Classified Information In Emails: "None Of The Emails ... Had Classification Or Dissemination Markings."
A memo from the ICIG clearly stated that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings".

The following is attributable to Spokesperson John Kirby:

"The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately." [, 8/11/15]

and there is this as well:

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.

While State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals' attentions, the four emails were on the unclassified .gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling classified communications. Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15

The FBI has not officially stated anything else on the investigation, just right wing HACKS pushing innuendo and making crap up....

These rags are CREATING their own News and NOT reporting the News, the FACTS.

OK. nothing happened ever. No worries. Shut it down. Chelsa for VP. Git er' done.

State Dept. Records Show John Kerry Sent Hillary A ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad

Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.

The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.

The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
the information was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time Kerry sent it...

but yes, they, the gvt, does need to do something about EVERYONE's loose as a goose attitudes towards this kind of material and set up some sort of Classified email system in the State Department for them to work off of instead of this UNCLASSIFIED, system....the only one they have to communicate their daily duties on.

Bullshit, not marked does not equal not classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings. If she received unmarked classified data, it was her duty as a holder of a security clearance to add markings to it.

You silly fool, you have no idea about the laws regarding classified data. I had top secret and SAP clearances, I know the rules. If I did what she did, I would be in jail today.

The biggest problem Dims have today is that there are so many people blogging on the internet who know the truth about their lies. 20 years ago Hillary would have gotten away with her lies.
And yet, Hillary is nether done nor going to jail. Thread fail.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
Right, the job was to run away so ISIS could move in. Only an Obama dick sucker could say something so clueless.
Idiot... Bush signed the agreement with Iraq to withdraw ALL of our forces.

Again, our job was not to stay there forever. It was to position the Iraqis to stand up for themselves.

We did that. It's not our fault they ran from their own responsibilities to defend their own nation years later.

Obviously, Obama didn't position them to stand up for themselves. If he did, then why does ISIS control half the country?
Before Bush left office, he thought they were sufficiently positioned to stand up for themselves. He agreed at that time we could, and should, remove ALL of our troops from Iraq. Obama agreed and Iraq even agreed. There was no need at that point for our troops to remain. We did our job of standing up Iraq.

Again, it's not our fault Iraq chose to not defend their own nation years after we stood them up. It's quite revealing how you think Iraq bears zero responsibility in fighting for their own country.

Do you have some quote of Bush saying we should remove all troops the day that Obama did?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you tacitly reveal you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.


You quoted someone talking about Bush, not president Bush himself.

No banana.

Here's what the article actually says about Bush and Iraq:

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat… Bush and his generals clearly expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that deadline.”
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ISIS taking over is not evidence of that. ISIS taking over portions of Iraq is evidence that Iraqis wouldn't fight for their own country. We stood them up. That was our job. Them remaining standing was on them.

You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Obama said that the Iraq War was a success and he was lying. He said that to the troops that fought the war.

He was lying because he didn't do the follow up work that was necessary to insure that the Iraqi would be successful.

It wouldn't have taken too much to do it. If he would have given up a few golf games and paid attention to the dynamics in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shiites he could have prevented the faction that led to poor leadership that enabled ISIS.

I don't think we should ever have invaded Iraq in the first place. I disagree with the reason that Hillary Clinton used to justify the invasion. She was wrong.

However, I also understand that Obama being a lazy affirmative action dumbass didn't complete the job that he said he did. He lied when he said that Iraq was a success and he lost the war that 3,000 Americans died for.

Obama is the most incompetent President we have ever had. He never gets anything right.

You Moon Bats need to think for a change instead of being Democrat partisan dumbshits. Hillary Clinton supported the war. She didn't have to but she did. Other Democrats didn't support the war. If she is on the ballot come November you Moon Bats need to have the courage to hold her accountable for her bad judgement. Show us that you have conviction on this hippy peacenik bullshit that you preach.
Sorry but you are confused. You Moon Bats stay confused most of the time, don't you?

My son was part of the Surge that defeated the Insurgents and later on part of the last combat troops that pulled out of Iraq. When he left the country it was stable and the "blue finger" elected government in charge. He went home and shortly afterwards that shithead Obama got up in front of the troops and declared that "Iraq was a success".

Naw, all we did during the surge was bribe the sunnis with a shitload of money and asked them to play nice while we retreated. Of course, no politician is going to hurt your little sensibilities and tell you it was all a fucking waste of lives and money.

But it totally was. If you think otherwise, you are retarded.
This country was doing fine until that shitty 2006 elected Democrat Congress with Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid took over and then things got really screwed up. It got worse after Obama was elected President.

After seven years of Obama we have tremendous debt, increased poverty, poor economic growth, reduced family income and as we saw with the economic news this week the only jobs abvailable in the US nowadays are flipping burgers.

So what did Barney Frank do other than offend you by being gay? Sorry, man, it was Bush's people in charge of the agencies that should have been watching what the banks and Wall Street were doing, not Barney.
You are confused. The job wasn't done. Obama lied to the troops when he told them that the mission was completed.

ISIS taking over most of the country is proof that Obama was wrong.

He got it wrong in Iraq by walking away before the mission was really completed. He understands it a little bit now because he is saying that we need to keep at least 10K troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.

If we would have kept 10K in Iraq then we wouldn't have had the mess we have now.

Obama has fucked up everything he has touched. You Moon Bats were idiots electing that failure to be Commander in Chief.

The sad thing is that you Moon Bats learned nothing. You will make the same mistake in 2016 that you made in 2008 and 2012.

Uh, guy, the thing was, Most Americans just wanted out of Iraq. They knew bush lied us into that war along with the Jews and the Oil Companies. Obama could have told people that Iraq was the land of farting unicorns, as long as it meant we were getting the hell out of there.

Uh, guy, the thing was, Most Americans just wanted out of Iraq. They knew bush lied us into that war along with the Jews and the Oil Companies. Obama could have told people that Iraq was the land of farting unicorns, as long as it meant we were getting the hell out of there.

You are confused. Typical for a Moon Bat.

Obama's job as Commander in Chief was to make the hard choices and he made the wrong one.

He fought the war for three years, declared it a success and then walked away from it

By walking away that led to insurgents like ISIS to undo what 3,000 Americans died doing including men from my son's Cav Scout platoon.

Obama was handed a successful Iraq and he did not have the courage to do the right thing. He took the cowards way out and did not complete the job. That is the kind of sorry half ass job he has done on everything.

He knows he did the wrong thing in Iraq by cutting and running too early and that is why his administration is talking about keeping troops in Afghanistan.

You voted for him after we told you that he was going to be a piss poor Commander in Chief so you have the burden of that failure on your shoulders. Stop making dumbass decisions at the polls. You are fucking up this country by being an idiot.

If you really had any convictions on the shit that you spout you will not vote for Hillary Clinton in November if she is on the ballot because she voted for the invasion, along with other Democrats in Congress.

You are confused because you really don't know what you believe in. I suspect you will continue to make poor decision because you don't know what the hell you suppose to believe in.
Colin Powell Blows Up Republican Email Scandal By Agreeing With Hillary Clinton
Colin Powell Blows Up Republican Email Scandal By Agreeing With Hillary Clinton | Politicus USA

Former Sec. of State Colin Powell is standing with Hillary Clinton after the State Department retroactively classified some of his emails and is refusing to release them to the public.


Former Sec. of State Colin Powell is standing with Hillary Clinton after the State Department retroactively classified some of his emails and is refusing to release them to the public.

Powell reacted to an NBC News report that the State Department is retroactively classifying his emails by calling for all of his emails to be released.

Powell said, “I wish they would release them, so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, ‘What’s the issue?’ They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified.”

Clinton Email Scandal Falls Apart As State Dept. Says There Was No Policy Against Private Email | Politicus USA,

The U.S. State Department says, "There was no policy prohibiting the use of the use of a private email account here at the State Department."

Both Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice used private email account during their tenure at the State Department.

That has already been proven to be a lie.

By which blogger?

Politico says it, and so does Colin Powell:

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said the FBI has contacted him about his use of personal email when he was the nation's top diplomat, as a review conducted by the State Department inspector general concluded that Powell and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice both received classified information through private email accounts...The State Department inquiry identified 10 messages sent to Rice's immediate staff that were classified and two sent to Powell, according to Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking member on the House Oversight and Benghazi committees. The emails, Cummings said, appear to have no classification markings, and it is still unclear if the content of the emails was or should have been considered classified when the emails were originally written and sent. In an interview with POLITICO Thursday. Powell vigorously disputed the sensitivity of the information sent to him through personal email, but he acknowledged the law enforcement interest in his email routine. "The FBI has come to us," Powell said. Two FBI agents visited Powell in December for a discussion an aide described as a casual conversation about email practices during his term as secretary from 2001 to 2005...Powell seemed exasperated by State's latest claim. The agency has designated the two messages "Confidential," which is the lowest tier of classification. "Now, 11 or 12 years later, as part of a whole process of reviewing things somebody in the department says, 'Well, they're classified.' My response to that is no they were not," Powell said. " You can say your judgment is they should have been classified but at the time they were not classified.
No emails were sent to Rice. Some were sent to her staff. Rice never used email.

There was not policy according the State Department.

The emails were classified after the fact.

There was no means or no mechanism by which Secure/Classified Emails can be passed through, transmitted to or held on an unsecure server.

The emails were not classified at the time.

You continue to ignore that.

There is no indictment.

Hillary Clinton is not under arrest.

No perp walk.

Classification after the fact cannot be applied to events that did not take place at the time.

No crime committed.
This country was doing fine until that shitty 2006 elected Democrat Congress with Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid took over and then things got really screwed up. It got worse after Obama was elected President.

After seven years of Obama we have tremendous debt, increased poverty, poor economic growth, reduced family income and as we saw with the economic news this week the only jobs abvailable in the US nowadays are flipping burgers.

So what did Barney Frank do other than offend you by being gay? Sorry, man, it was Bush's people in charge of the agencies that should have been watching what the banks and Wall Street were doing, not Barney.

you lefties can never accept ANY responsibility....

For most of his career, Barney Frank was the principal advocate in Congress for using the government's authority to force lower underwriting standards in the business of housing finance. Although he claims to have tried to reverse course as early as 2003, that was the year he made the oft-quoted remark, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation toward subsidized housing." Rather than reversing course, he was pressing on when others were beginning to have doubts.

Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis

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