Don's legacy: Trump departed DC with the GOP out of power, conservatism in disarray, & the right in the same hole it dug with the Birchers & Buchanan!

When you realize that the left has an overwhelming advantage in the media it's a wonder republicans could do as well as they did. Just think about the media support in Pennsylvania that catapulted a freaking idiot like Fetterman into the senate and you get a sense of the power of left wing media propaganda.
not only is the right unable to get out of the hole, it seems like it doesn't want to!

I do care that Trump is trying to destroy a conservative future. He’s lied about DeSantis non-stop. It’s over for Trump, but instead of fostering a conservative legacy he’s trying to burn down the house. For this I do not forgive

Yes, sounds about right. Trump does what is best for Trump. He uses the reps as just another stepping stone to what he wants. But he does not care about the reps. If reps don't pick him, Trump will kill the their chances at winning in 2024.

fuck that.jpg
When you realize that the left has an overwhelming advantage in the media it's a wonder republicans could do as well as they did. Just think about the media support in Pennsylvania that catapulted a freaking idiot like Fetterman into the senate and you get a sense of the power of left wing media propaganda.
The free and independent American press is part of the very foundation of our country.
The fact that Trumptard MAGAts spend so much time villifying it is very telling.
The free and independent American press is part of the very foundation of our country.
The fact that Trumptard MAGAts spend so much time villifying it is very telling.
A lecture about the foundation of a free press while the entire media is a willing propaganda arm of the democrat party?
A lecture about the foundation of a free press while the entire media is a willing propaganda arm of the democrat party?
As I have been asserting LONG before Trump became President. Before Reagan RIGHTLY ordered the FCC to kill the "Fairness" Doctrine, the Left had a total monopoly on the media. There were ZERO POVs from Conservatives. Why do you think AM radio for a long time ran music and nothing else? Because they knew to do otherwise would bring the hand of the FCC down on them.
I love history, but I've actually experienced (and am experiencing) recent history. The three I mentioned will be written in stone as not only the worst Presidents, but BY FAR the worst Presidents.
tRump has the worst POTUS in US history nailed down. It really isn't even close.
I don't think that Trump was or is actually trying to destroy the GQP.

He's just using the party to feed his mental illness, his profound neediness, his desperation for validation. The talk radio groupies adore him, and that's what he's after. He will do or say absolutely ANYTHING in any given moment to feel and maintain that adoration.

I doubt the condition of the party matters to him, one way or the other, in the least.
When you realize that the left has an overwhelming advantage in the media it's a wonder republicans could do as well as they did. Just think about the media support in Pennsylvania that catapulted a freaking idiot like Fetterman into the senate and you get a sense of the power of left wing media propaganda.

No running a retard like Dr. Oz assured you of Fetterman!

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