Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

When speaking of a consumption tax to replace the income tax it is generally understood that it is a tax on everything consumed not just a few things
Uh-huh, that's probable if one happens to find oneself discussing that with a group of superficial sheeple, however that wasn't my objective

My objective was to correct your ignorance of the fact that consumption taxes already exist in the U.S.

The polite thing to do would be to just say "Thank You".

Hasta la vista
where does the money for the current consumption taxes go? Feds or State, City, Local?
The status quo (doing nothing) won't work. Tax increases won't work. Tax cuts a step in the right direction but look government waste and fraud alone this year...over $400 billion that will pay for the tax cuts 3 times over. That's 10% of the Federal budget.

How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.
The status quo (doing nothing) won't work. Tax increases won't work. Tax cuts a step in the right direction but look government waste and fraud alone this year...over $400 billion that will pay for the tax cuts 3 times over. That's 10% of the Federal budget.

How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.

What is "irrational" about not wanting to give those ALREADY DOING GREAT in this country yet another huge tax-cut at expense of blowing yet another hole in Federal budgets?

You are bailing on rational discussion because you know this tax-cut bill is ridiculous.
How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Don't care about debt? Ok, then why not blow this money on DIRECTLY reducing cost of employment of Americans? DIRECTLY giving all low and mid income Americans a major tax cut instead of left overs?

Why do we simply give-away to corporations, instead of cutting their loopholes in exchange for lower rate?
How do you give a tax cut to someone who pays no taxes?


You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

The poor pay plenty of taxes, not federal income tax but other federal taxes and they get raped at the state and local level. States like progressive liberal Oregon for example.
We need to scrap our income tax completely and either institute a flat tax on income or a consumption tax.

Until we do that the 4 million word tax code that is so ridiculously complex that even law makers can't understand it will become an 8 million word tax code that not even the best accountants or tax attorneys can understand

Skull listen to the IRS, they have asked time and time again to simplify the tax code... Congress has refused them, those special interests of rich people have to be looked after...

Just look at this loophole:
One Tax Loophole Untouched So Far: The Trump Golf-Course Break
The status quo (doing nothing) won't work. Tax increases won't work. Tax cuts a step in the right direction but look government waste and fraud alone this year...over $400 billion that will pay for the tax cuts 3 times over. That's 10% of the Federal budget.

How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.

What is "irrational" about not wanting to give those ALREADY DOING GREAT in this country yet another huge tax-cut at expense of blowing yet another hole in Federal budgets?

You are bailing on rational discussion because you know this tax-cut bill is ridiculous.
who's that exactly? you have numbers to support that statement or are you a parrot?
How do you give a tax cut to someone who pays no taxes?


You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

The poor pay plenty of taxes, not federal income tax but other federal taxes and they get raped at the state and local level. States like progressive liberal Oregon for example.
the poor are raped by consumption taxes.
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

That includes you.

Maybe maybe not. You don't know how much I make and I sure ain't telling you.

I know you're not the 1% and thus not benefiting from this tax plan.
We need to scrap our income tax completely and either institute a flat tax on income or a consumption tax.
Tramp is cutting the consumption tax from 35% to 20%.
that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US

Yes you do... It is called Sales tax or VAT in Europe...
where does that money go? jeopardy music.
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

That includes you.

Maybe maybe not. You don't know how much I make and I sure ain't telling you.

I know you're not the 1% and thus not benefiting from this tax plan.
neither are the other 1%'s. you got evidence? or are you a parrot for the left?
The status quo (doing nothing) won't work. Tax increases won't work. Tax cuts a step in the right direction but look government waste and fraud alone this year...over $400 billion that will pay for the tax cuts 3 times over. That's 10% of the Federal budget.

How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.

What is "irrational" about not wanting to give those ALREADY DOING GREAT in this country yet another huge tax-cut at expense of blowing yet another hole in Federal budgets?

You are bailing on rational discussion because you know this tax-cut bill is ridiculous.

Christ almighty...lets discuss FACTS not talking points. This bill caps one of the biggest deductions for the 'rich' the mortgage interest deduction on homes. The vast majority of Americans are not effected by this, the rich they got screwed. Here's another the deduction for state income and sales taxes, eliminated. The poor and middle class get a pass, an increase in the standard deduction to offset this. The 'rich' again get screwed.
The current system greatly favors the very rich and the very poor. It's doesn't help the Middle Class. The very rich and very poor receive the bulk of Government freebies. They're both very well taken care of. But the Middle Class gets left out in the cold to pay for it all. So i really hope this bill focuses on the Middle Class. And i also hope it's not only about Tax Cuts. I hope it's about simplifying the tax code by way of reform. That was one of Trump's proposals i really supported.
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.

You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

The poor pay plenty of taxes, not federal income tax but other federal taxes and they get raped at the state and local level. States like progressive liberal Oregon for example.
the poor are raped by consumption taxes.

States tax the crap out of the poor and middle class, give the money to the state public employee unions to buy their votes and the unions kick back part of the money to the politicians to get them reelected. A racket rife with conflicts of interests that would make a mob boss blush. Meanwhile the poor and middle class in both parties get fucked over.
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

That includes you.

Maybe maybe not. You don't know how much I make and I sure ain't telling you.

I know you're not the 1% and thus not benefiting from this tax plan.
neither are the other 1%'s. you got evidence? or are you a parrot for the left?

Yeah you're right. This tax plan doesn't do away with the estate tax or AMT. That would definitely not doing anything to help the 1%.

Are you actually retarded or just trying to convince us all that you are.
You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

The poor pay plenty of taxes, not federal income tax but other federal taxes and they get raped at the state and local level. States like progressive liberal Oregon for example.
the poor are raped by consumption taxes.

States tax the crap out of the poor and middle class, give the money to the state public employee unions to buy their votes and the unions kick back part of the money to the politicians to get them reelected. A racket rife with conflicts of interests that would make a mob boss blush. Meanwhile the poor and middle class in both parties get fucked over.
I really wanted to see one of our leftists buddies in here say this. yes the consumption tax exists, but not for the purposes of taxation, instead as you say future votes.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

That includes you.

Maybe maybe not. You don't know how much I make and I sure ain't telling you.

I know you're not the 1% and thus not benefiting from this tax plan.
neither are the other 1%'s. you got evidence? or are you a parrot for the left?

Yeah you're right. This tax plan doesn't do away with the estate tax or AMT. That would definitely not doing anything to help the 1%.

Are you actually retarded or just trying to convince us all that you are.
I thought you all were in here saying that estate tax was nothing but a capital gains tax? WTF? what has it to do with income for the country?
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

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