Don't Ignore Ben Carson's Rant About Gun Control and the Holocaust

They were defending the Confederate flag, flying at the confederate memorial. The memorial is still there. Why are you afraid of a piece of cloth?
They glorify the confederate rag in a multitude of ways, not just at one memorial dummy.

Afraid? No, the confederate rag is just a piece of cloth, you're right. It's when republicans fly it in the name of hostility towards fellow Americans that I get disgusted. And really, that's the only way to fly the confederate rag.
It was the democrat kkk that gave the flag a bad name, and recently it was the democrat party that gave it more power. Congradulations.

Damn! And all this time, I thought it was slavery and the Confederacy that gave the Confederate flag a bad name!
Don't know history? The war wasn't about slavery.

Good, you are just digging yourself in deeper with every post. My home is Atlanta, son, and my great grandfather fought for Tennessee from Shilo to Franklinton, receiving a mini ball in the leg, and having been captured twice. Yes, Good, I know history, and the civil war was about slavery, and how it made the pre war Southern economy possible.
Several northern States still had slaves when the war started.
If obama is a christian he doesn't believe in evolution, but you worship him. Can I say hypocrite?

Being a christian means that you can't believe in evolution?

Just what church do you belong to good?
If you are a christian you believe God created the world.

..and God was not smart enough to create mankind through evolution?
Read Genesis.

Ok, that does it. Now I KNOW that I am talking to someone who toolbox is half empty!
It's called faith, you should try it. Before you figure out it's to late.
Being a christian means that you can't believe in evolution?

Just what church do you belong to good?
If you are a christian you believe God created the world.

..and God was not smart enough to create mankind through evolution?
Read Genesis.

Ok, that does it. Now I KNOW that I am talking to someone who toolbox is half empty!
It's called faith, you should try it. Before you figure out it's to late.

No, It's call "superstitious rubbish". but, if you want to believe in talking snakes, don't let me discourage you. I think that there may be at least 3 other posters on this board that believe Genesis is history.
If you are a christian you believe God created the world.

..and God was not smart enough to create mankind through evolution?
Read Genesis.

Ok, that does it. Now I KNOW that I am talking to someone who toolbox is half empty!
It's called faith, you should try it. Before you figure out it's to late.

No, It's call "superstitious rubbish". but, if you want to believe in talking snakes, don't let me discourage you. I think that there may be at least 3 other posters on this board that believe Genesis is history.
The bible explains the beginning and the end of all history.
Just bumping a thread where I predicted Ben Carson had zero chance of finishing in the top 3 for the GOP nomination and faced a lot of opposition from RWNJ's. Anyone want to continue that opposition now after the 3rd debate?
guno, Jews don't own the Holocaust. 10 million died in the concentration camps, and 6 million of them were Jews.

Why don't you give a damn about the 4 million non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust?

And yes, guns matter. Any government that disarms the people can't be trusted by the people.

And it's not anti-Semitic to point out that Jews with guns would have been harder to round up.

You are a total lunatic if you believe that.

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