Don't Let The Establishment Win

She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
I think you're in complete denial.

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary in the same way Hillary is today. She's left nothing to chance this time.
TBH - mudwhistle has made me think more. As I posted yesterday, I have even considered not voting this year because it is difficult to say the least to vote for Trump.
But it is more important that Hillary must be stopped.
If we, as average middle class Americans, are to have ANY hope of breaking the corporate takeover of America - she must lose. She is 100% an elitist/corporatist. Hillary's entire career has been engaging in an orgy of payback exchanges. Hillary's motto should be "to the extent of what I can do for you, is equal to what you can do for me".
Unless you are a top member of your government, any government, a top CEO of a super corporation, a major Wall Street firm or esteemed $billionaire - you are of no concern to her.

Hillary must not win. We must stop the $billions a WEEK of our tax dollars being used as a collective bank account for Wall Street and the wealthiest investor class.

Yes, the president controls all of that. That thinking is pretty naive. You had better vote out the entire Congress as they are the much larger problem as far as sellouts. You guys crack me up with your kicking and screaming over a presidential candidate but then vote the same dummies back to Congress. How would a President Trump stop those activities in Congress?
Using something we haven't seen in years. L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P...

Yep, the very guys who want to bury him are gonna line right up behind him.:laugh:
Whoever is elected is going to have the same problems with Congress as Obama has.
The problem Obama has with Congress is he set out to not work with them from day-one.
He complained that he couldn’t do anything inside the system, or the constitution, because, one, he's too lazy to build a consensus, and two, he knows what he wants is so far left it wouldn't get the votes. He hadn't gotten any of his budgets passed even while Congress belonged to the Democrats.

You've got it exactly backwards there Goober. He came in trying to work with Congress. You're ignoring, ( no doubt deliberately), the political plan to handicap Obama from the Republican leadership.

TBH - mudwhistle has made me think more. As I posted yesterday, I have even considered not voting this year because it is difficult to say the least to vote for Trump.
But it is more important that Hillary must be stopped.
If we, as average middle class Americans, are to have ANY hope of breaking the corporate takeover of America - she must lose. She is 100% an elitist/corporatist. Hillary's entire career has been engaging in an orgy of payback exchanges. Hillary's motto should be "to the extent of what I can do for you, is equal to what you can do for me".
Unless you are a top member of your government, any government, a top CEO of a super corporation, a major Wall Street firm or esteemed $billionaire - you are of no concern to her.

Hillary must not win. We must stop the $billions a WEEK of our tax dollars being used as a collective bank account for Wall Street and the wealthiest investor class.

Yes, the president controls all of that. That thinking is pretty naive. You had better vote out the entire Congress as they are the much larger problem as far as sellouts. You guys crack me up with your kicking and screaming over a presidential candidate but then vote the same dummies back to Congress. How would a President Trump stop those activities in Congress?
Using something we haven't seen in years. L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P...

Yep, the very guys who want to bury him are gonna line right up behind him.:laugh:
Whoever is elected is going to have the same problems with Congress as Obama has.
The problem Obama has with Congress is he set out to not work with them from day-one.
He complained that he couldn’t do anything inside the system, or the constitution, because, one, he's too lazy to build a consensus, and two, he knows what he wants is so far left it wouldn't get the votes. He hadn't gotten any of his budgets passed even while Congress belonged to the Democrats.

You've got it exactly backwards there Goober. He came in trying to work with Congress. You're ignoring, ( no doubt deliberately), the political plan to handicap Obama from the Republican leadership.

Nope. Obama set out to discredit the GOP so he would have an excuse to do everything by EO. You obviously fell for it.

Obama knew he didn't have the votes for blanket amnesty, so he simply decided not to enforce the law. There are too many instances where he went around Congress to establish his policies. Five times that President Obama went around Congress

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

The establishment didn't pick Cruz until they came down to the choice of Trump, Cruz and Hillary. Don't rewrite history.

Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great
Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
I think you're in complete denial.

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary in the same way Hillary is today. She's left nothing to chance this time.

You should be more concerned with the republican delegate process. The republican party has no pledged delegates. Any delegates won by any candidate can support whom they wish come the convention. That means that every delegate won by Trump could defect to support a candidate put forth by the RNC. That is a much larger fix than the DNC system. The DNC has pledged delegates meaning the delegates won by the candidates are theirs throughout the convention. They keep what they won. The supers are able to back whom they wish come the convention. Both candidates are able to lobby the supers for support. Part of the calculus for a potential Democratic candidate is whether or not they have the support of the supers before they run. Sanders knew he was behind in that regard and knew it would be an uphill fight. So you see Goober, they have you fooled to be outraged at the DNC rather than noticing their own fix is in.
Yes, the president controls all of that. That thinking is pretty naive. You had better vote out the entire Congress as they are the much larger problem as far as sellouts. You guys crack me up with your kicking and screaming over a presidential candidate but then vote the same dummies back to Congress. How would a President Trump stop those activities in Congress?
Using something we haven't seen in years. L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P...

Yep, the very guys who want to bury him are gonna line right up behind him.:laugh:
Whoever is elected is going to have the same problems with Congress as Obama has.
The problem Obama has with Congress is he set out to not work with them from day-one.
He complained that he couldn’t do anything inside the system, or the constitution, because, one, he's too lazy to build a consensus, and two, he knows what he wants is so far left it wouldn't get the votes. He hadn't gotten any of his budgets passed even while Congress belonged to the Democrats.

You've got it exactly backwards there Goober. He came in trying to work with Congress. You're ignoring, ( no doubt deliberately), the political plan to handicap Obama from the Republican leadership.

Nope. Obama set out to discredit the GOP so he would have an excuse to do everything by EO. You obviously fell for it.

Obama knew he didn't have the votes for blanket amnesty, so he simply decided not to enforce the law. There are too many instances where he went around Congress to establish his policies. Five times that President Obama went around Congress

He went around Congress only because they chose to sit on their hands and do nothing. They said immigration reform was too big to do in a comprehensive way. Obama then said fine let's do it piecemeal and they rejected that as well.Same with jobs. Look what they did to their own when Rubio tried to do it. They totally screwed him. They had no intention of doing anything.
Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great think we have free markets in America???
You are joking right?

There is no possible way to read what I said and conclude what you did. I didn't say we do or don't have free markets in this country, I said Cruz is for them.

If you're asking my view on that, ask, don't strawman
Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great think we have free markets in America???
You are joking right?

There is no possible way to read what I said and conclude what you did. I didn't say we do or don't have free markets in this country, I said Cruz is for them.

If you're asking my view on that, ask, don't strawman

No intentions, I don't see anything other than rhetorical statements that Cruz is for free markets. Free trade maybe, but not free markets. Not actual free markets. Markets clear of bureaucratic rules designed and paid for by industry special interest.
To be a free market candidate, you MUST be an anti-corporatism candidate. I don't see that with Cruz.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
I think you're in complete denial.

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary in the same way Hillary is today. She's left nothing to chance this time.

You should be more concerned with the republican delegate process. The republican party has no pledged delegates. Any delegates won by any candidate can support whom they wish come the convention. That means that every delegate won by Trump could defect to support a candidate put forth by the RNC. That is a much larger fix than the DNC system. The DNC has pledged delegates meaning the delegates won by the candidates are theirs throughout the convention. They keep what they won. The supers are able to back whom they wish come the convention. Both candidates are able to lobby the supers for support. Part of the calculus for a potential Democratic candidate is whether or not they have the support of the supers before they run. Sanders knew he was behind in that regard and knew it would be an uphill fight. So you see Goober, they have you fooled to be outraged at the DNC rather than noticing their own fix is in.

Update to correct the information I presented.

The RNC does have pledged delegates. 1,719 of the 2, 472 are pledged.
It gets interesting when no candidate gets a simple majority of 1,237 which is likely to happen. It then can become a brokered convention where many of those pledged delegates become unbound delegates who are free to support whom they wish. The amount depends on if the rules will be changed.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

The establishment didn't pick Cruz until they came down to the choice of Trump, Cruz and Hillary. Don't rewrite history.

Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great
Bullshit. Cruz is establishment, always been establishment, he just plays like he's an outsider.
You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
I think you're in complete denial.

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary in the same way Hillary is today. She's left nothing to chance this time.

You should be more concerned with the republican delegate process. The republican party has no pledged delegates. Any delegates won by any candidate can support whom they wish come the convention. That means that every delegate won by Trump could defect to support a candidate put forth by the RNC. That is a much larger fix than the DNC system. The DNC has pledged delegates meaning the delegates won by the candidates are theirs throughout the convention. They keep what they won. The supers are able to back whom they wish come the convention. Both candidates are able to lobby the supers for support. Part of the calculus for a potential Democratic candidate is whether or not they have the support of the supers before they run. Sanders knew he was behind in that regard and knew it would be an uphill fight. So you see Goober, they have you fooled to be outraged at the DNC rather than noticing their own fix is in.

Update to correct the information I presented.

The RNC does have pledged delegates. 1,719 of the 2, 472 are pledged.
It gets interesting when no candidate gets a simple majority of 1,237 which is likely to happen. It then can become a brokered convention where many of those pledged delegates become unbound delegates who are free to support whom they wish. The amount depends on if the rules will be changed.
They plan on changing the rules at the convention, which will destroy the GOP.
Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great think we have free markets in America???
You are joking right?

There is no possible way to read what I said and conclude what you did. I didn't say we do or don't have free markets in this country, I said Cruz is for them.

If you're asking my view on that, ask, don't strawman

No intentions, I don't see anything other than rhetorical statements that Cruz is for free markets. Free trade maybe, but not free markets. Not actual free markets. Markets clear of bureaucratic rules designed and paid for by industry special interest.
To be a free market candidate, you MUST be an anti-corporatism candidate. I don't see that with Cruz.

How would Cruz make any statement now other than rhetorical since he hasn't taken office yet? Hillary and Trump both say they are against free markets, why would I not support the one who says he is for them?

And again, that I said Cruz is for free markets has no bearing on the question of whether we actually have them or not, your strawman statement that I think we have them.

And I see no evidence from Cruz he's a "corporatist." He doesn't say he's a corporatist like Trump says he's against free markets
Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great think we have free markets in America???
You are joking right?

There is no possible way to read what I said and conclude what you did. I didn't say we do or don't have free markets in this country, I said Cruz is for them.

If you're asking my view on that, ask, don't strawman

No intentions, I don't see anything other than rhetorical statements that Cruz is for free markets. Free trade maybe, but not free markets. Not actual free markets. Markets clear of bureaucratic rules designed and paid for by industry special interest.
To be a free market candidate, you MUST be an anti-corporatism candidate. I don't see that with Cruz.

How would Cruz make any statement now other than rhetorical since he hasn't taken office yet? Hillary and Trump both say they are against free markets, why would I not support the one who says he is for them?

And again, that I said Cruz is for free markets has no bearing on the question of whether we actually have them or not, your strawman statement that I think we have them.

And I see no evidence from Cruz he's a "corporatist." He doesn't say he's a corporatist like Trump says he's against free markets
I tend to believe what he does, who he is funded by, more than what he says. He's a liar.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

The establishment didn't pick Cruz until they came down to the choice of Trump, Cruz and Hillary. Don't rewrite history.

Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great
Bullshit. Cruz is establishment, always been establishment, he just plays like he's an outsider.

Yes, establishment candidates are usually hated by the establishment, gotcha
Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great think we have free markets in America???
You are joking right?

There is no possible way to read what I said and conclude what you did. I didn't say we do or don't have free markets in this country, I said Cruz is for them.

If you're asking my view on that, ask, don't strawman

No intentions, I don't see anything other than rhetorical statements that Cruz is for free markets. Free trade maybe, but not free markets. Not actual free markets. Markets clear of bureaucratic rules designed and paid for by industry special interest.
To be a free market candidate, you MUST be an anti-corporatism candidate. I don't see that with Cruz.

How would Cruz make any statement now other than rhetorical since he hasn't taken office yet? Hillary and Trump both say they are against free markets, why would I not support the one who says he is for them?

And again, that I said Cruz is for free markets has no bearing on the question of whether we actually have them or not, your strawman statement that I think we have them.

And I see no evidence from Cruz he's a "corporatist." He doesn't say he's a corporatist like Trump says he's against free markets
I tend to believe what he does, who he is funded by, more than what he says. He's a liar.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

The establishment didn't pick Cruz until they came down to the choice of Trump, Cruz and Hillary. Don't rewrite history.

Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great
Bullshit. Cruz is establishment, always been establishment, he just plays like he's an outsider.

Yes, establishment candidates are usually hated by the establishment, gotcha
Explain why the establishment is funding him right now. Backing up his bullshit rhetoric. Explain the fact that his wife is part of the establishment. Works for Goldman Sachs. Try reading her bio.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

The establishment didn't pick Cruz until they came down to the choice of Trump, Cruz and Hillary. Don't rewrite history.

Cruz is the only candidate for free markets, that makes him the only candidate for what made America great
Bullshit. Cruz is establishment, always been establishment, he just plays like he's an outsider.

Yes, establishment candidates are usually hated by the establishment, gotcha
Explain why the establishment is funding him right now. Backing up his bullshit rhetoric. Explain the fact that his wife is part of the establishment. Works for Goldman Sachs. Try reading her bio.

I already did, you missed that? They reluctantly started supporting him when the choices were reduced to Trump, Hillary and Cruz. How did you miss that?

And I don't support people or oppose people because of who else does or doesn't support them. Shame on you for worrying about that
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
I think you're in complete denial.

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary in the same way Hillary is today. She's left nothing to chance this time.

You should be more concerned with the republican delegate process. The republican party has no pledged delegates. Any delegates won by any candidate can support whom they wish come the convention. That means that every delegate won by Trump could defect to support a candidate put forth by the RNC. That is a much larger fix than the DNC system. The DNC has pledged delegates meaning the delegates won by the candidates are theirs throughout the convention. They keep what they won. The supers are able to back whom they wish come the convention. Both candidates are able to lobby the supers for support. Part of the calculus for a potential Democratic candidate is whether or not they have the support of the supers before they run. Sanders knew he was behind in that regard and knew it would be an uphill fight. So you see Goober, they have you fooled to be outraged at the DNC rather than noticing their own fix is in.

Update to correct the information I presented.

The RNC does have pledged delegates. 1,719 of the 2, 472 are pledged.
It gets interesting when no candidate gets a simple majority of 1,237 which is likely to happen. It then can become a brokered convention where many of those pledged delegates become unbound delegates who are free to support whom they wish. The amount depends on if the rules will be changed.
They plan on changing the rules at the convention, which will destroy the GOP.

No doubt.
Now, you talk about the Dems " fixing" the process but they aren't blowing themselves up over it.

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