Don't Let The Establishment Win

Trump can't win anyway. He's 10 points or more behind both Sanders and Clinton and it's getting to be the time of year where polling tends to remain stable through the election.

Donald Trump has collapsed in general election polls
Trump is polling low no thanks to the GOP.

Trump hasn't even begun to hammer Hillary. By the time he gets through with her, her poll numbers will be in the toilet. If the GOP would stop trying to destroy him and start going after Hillary it would be no contest.

Wishful thinking. Trump loses to either Dem candidate. His lack of understanding of how the world works will only be highlighted by either of the veteran Dem candidates. Trump never had a chance.
Of course, because neither Sanders or Clinton have been the focus of the media or the opposition. It's a simple fact that Democrats get free advertising from the lamestream media as well as free opposition research. If it weren't for that neither would have a chance in Hell. The media is part of the establishment.

Except Trump has gotten more free media than anyone.
Your point just vanished.

Measuring Donald Trump’s Mammoth Advantage in Free Media
Negative media......poof...your point just vanished.

Sure thing Goober. Keep changing reality to suit your opinions.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Canadian born Ted Cruz would never win the White House. He's too far right. His polling numbers with women are horrible, and Indeoendents would never vote for him. Plus his eligibility would be challenged all the way to election night.

The only benefit of a Cruz nominee over Trump would be Republicans would have a chance at saving the Senate and all the state down ballot races across this country. With Trump Republicans will lose everything.

So you pick the poison or the bullet with a Cruz or Trump nominee.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

When Cruz or Trump ( my previous favorite) MAN UP, I would consider them, but watching both go POLITICALLY CORRECT yesterday, neither has my consideration anymore.

I'm looking forward to a brokered convention now, a week ago I would have considered that a repulsive thought.
Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.
Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe.....

Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe....

It's the truth, and his ideas aren't realistic as to cost/pay.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Canadian born Ted Cruz would never win the White House. He's too far right. His polling numbers with women are horrible, and Indeoendents would never vote for him. Plus his eligibility would be challenged all the way to election night.

The only benefit of a Cruz nominee over Trump would be Republicans would have a chance at saving the Senate and all the state down ballot races across this country. With Trump Republicans will lose everything.

So you pick the poison or the bullet with a Cruz or Trump nominee.
I keep wondering where this bullshit about losing the Senate comes from.

You want to know how Republicans will guarantee losing the stealing the nomination from Trump.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.
Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe.....

Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe....

It's the truth, and his ideas aren't realistic as to cost/pay.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Vote third party then.

Vote third party then.

That's called throwing your vote away.

I hear a lot of people saying this. It's the easiest way to convince people to throw their vote away by voting the two main parties.

Everyone wants change, then says "voting third party is a wasted vote".

It isn't though, is it?

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.

Do you only ever vote for people who will win? That's a weird policy to have.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.

Do you only ever vote for people who will win? That's a weird policy to have.
I ask that of every Democrat....especially every Hillary supporter. They don't seem to care about the truth or about the rule of law. Winning is all they care about.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.

Do you only ever vote for people who will win? That's a weird policy to have.
I ask that of every Democrat....especially every Hillary supporter. They don't seem to care about the truth or about the rule of law. Winning is all they care about.

There is a mentality within the US (well everywhere really) of winning at all costs. People choose who they're backing and play the partisan team sport nonsense. Then nothing can move them from their desire to see someone win, and they don't even know why.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.
Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe.....

Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe....

It's the truth, and his ideas aren't realistic as to cost/pay.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.

Do you only ever vote for people who will win? That's a weird policy to have.
I ask that of every Democrat....especially every Hillary supporter. They don't seem to care about the truth or about the rule of law. Winning is all they care about.

There is a mentality within the US (well everywhere really) of winning at all costs. People choose who they're backing and play the partisan team sport nonsense. Then nothing can move them from their desire to see someone win, and they don't even know why.
I usually latch onto someone who thinks the way I do....and if he's a winner, that's just gravy.

Both Democrat and Republican Establishment representatives are going all out in the media to destroy the only real threat left to Hillary, and it appears that finally, it seems to be making a dent in his support.

Don't let them get away with it.

Some think that Ted Cruz is not with the establishment, but if he isn't, why are they endorsing his candidacy? Why are they throwing all of their negative ad money into Wisconsin in hopes of peeling enough votes away to keep Trump from getting to the magic number he needs to win the nomination.

If you're voting for anyone else, you're voting for the establishment and you're voting for Hillary in the White House.

It's amazing if you look back at it. The campaign started off with Megyn Kelly accusing Trump of being mean to women, and she used an exchange as an example he had with a very deserving asshole, Rosie O'Donnell who was calling beauty pageant contestants Crack Whores on The View. Trump was simply defending them from vicious attacks by a Lesbian talkshow host. This entire campaign has been one exaggeration after another, culminating with trumped up assault charges being brought over a female journalist and his campaign manager. The establishment runs the media and they use the media to tell us who we're supposed to vote for.

This last month alone these establishment scum released nude pictures of Trumps wife in a Ted Cruz ad. George Soros paid for violent protesters to break up Trump events in hopes of making Trump supporters look violent. Michelle Fields was able to find a prosecutor who was a Hillary supporter to bring charges against Corey L., Trump's manager.

Ben Shapiro lied about what happened claiming Trump's manager pulled Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground. When the videos showed he was lying, he called Trump a lying liar and that he was a steaming pile of garbage.

Ted Cruz, who bought the rights to the nude photos showboated in front of cameras calling Trump every name in the book, at one point calling him a sniveling coward.

Cruz was accused of sleeping with at least 5 women, to which he denied, but then continued to tell everyone that Trump was afraid to debate him. Total fabrication. Ted says he wants to carpet bomb ISIS and spy on Muslim neighborhoods.....yet everyone is questioning if Trump has the proper acuity that is required to hold the Oval Office, not Ted Cruz. I'm barely mentioning all of the violence that the left brought to Trump events. Notice how that has slowed down if not completely stopped. Not enough money to pay the professional agitators I guess.

Instead of using the debate format, CNN is drawing in viewers by holding Town Halls, which is Trump's forte. You listen to them try to trip Trump up and he seems to be a calm thoughtful guy, but listening to Cruz and Kasich, they sound angry. Kasich couldn't sit still while he was walking around stage telling everyone what a great governor he is. Ted Cruz couldn't resist bad-mouthing Trump. He claims Trump messed with his wife. Shit, Trump didn't paste his wife's nude pictures all over the Web. Yesterday Cruz said he wanted to run Trump over with his car. So, do you want some warmonger who wants to commit vehicular homicide in the White House? Who is really the nasty foul-mouthed asshole here if it's not Cruz?

So what we have is an establishment out in force to take away your right to a fair election. They hope they can tarnish Trump enough that you won't mind if they steal the nomination away from him in the convention. I for one will abandon the Republican party if they get away with it. I won't vote. And this, rest assured will bring about what Democrats have been wanting for the last 20 years, the total destruction of the GOP and thus not even the facade of an opposition party. Then say goodbye to your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to practice your religion without being attacked.

Vote third party then.
I'll vote for Bernie first.

I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't win.

Do you only ever vote for people who will win? That's a weird policy to have.
I ask that of every Democrat....especially every Hillary supporter. They don't seem to care about the truth or about the rule of law. Winning is all they care about.
They don't seem to care about the truth

Ain't that ironical.
Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe.....

Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe....

It's the truth, and his ideas aren't realistic as to cost/pay.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.
Yep.....that's what the Hillary camp wants you to believe....

It's the truth, and his ideas aren't realistic as to cost/pay.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
The truth because Hillary bought the election. Bernie would clean her clock otherwise. But unfortunately he's not a young black man.

Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.
Bought the election? How so?
Bernie isn't cleaning her clock. She is ahead in the pledged delegate count. You have no idea what you are even saying.
She's buying the election. I know better than you, fucker.

Of course you do Goober. You're very good at altering facts to fit your worldview.
Yep.....and they always claim WE'RE the ones who are delusional.

You are delusional. Clinton is ahead in pledged delegates because she won more. It's that simple.
But how is she winning?

She gets good press. The email scandal is on the back burner, thanks to her bought and paid for media. And thanks to all of the SuperDelegates she's bought, Bernie doesn't have the same opportunity to win. Even if he wins every state, Hillary can still win. Barack stole the election in this manner because he got more delegates than Hillary even in states she won.

Bought and paid for media?
She is and always has been the front-runner just as Trump is. They, by default receive more coverage. Sanders has exactly the same opportunity to win. The super delegates can support who they wish through the convention. If they support Clinton, that's their choice. Sanders can lobby their support just as Clinton can. If Sanders is significantly behind in pledged delegates come the convention, then the supers wouldn't help anyway. This system has been in place since 1984. I doubt it was established to help Clinton win 30 years later. Both candidates went into this understanding the process.
TBH - mudwhistle has made me think more. As I posted yesterday, I have even considered not voting this year because it is difficult to say the least to vote for Trump.
But it is more important that Hillary must be stopped.
If we, as average middle class Americans, are to have ANY hope of breaking the corporate takeover of America - she must lose. She is 100% an elitist/corporatist. Hillary's entire career has been engaging in an orgy of payback exchanges. Hillary's motto should be "to the extent of what I can do for you, is equal to what you can do for me".
Unless you are a top member of your government, any government, a top CEO of a super corporation, a major Wall Street firm or esteemed $billionaire - you are of no concern to her.

Hillary must not win. We must stop the $billions a WEEK of our tax dollars being used as a collective bank account for Wall Street and the wealthiest investor class.

Yes, the president controls all of that. That thinking is pretty naive. You had better vote out the entire Congress as they are the much larger problem as far as sellouts. You guys crack me up with your kicking and screaming over a presidential candidate but then vote the same dummies back to Congress. How would a President Trump stop those activities in Congress?
Using something we haven't seen in years. L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P...

Yep, the very guys who want to bury him are gonna line right up behind him.:laugh:
Whoever is elected is going to have the same problems with Congress as Obama has.
The problem Obama has with Congress is he set out to not work with them from day-one.
He complained that he couldn’t do anything inside the system, or the constitution, because, one, he's too lazy to build a consensus, and two, he knows what he wants is so far left it wouldn't get the votes. He hadn't gotten any of his budgets passed even while Congress belonged to the Democrats.

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