Don't like the Upgrade at all

Not open for further replies. have been very patient with us, hon. Take a break and go have a few beers.:huddle:
Not to be a complainer or anything but could we move the non PC ones to the bottom of that list :poke:.

Oh and :ahole-1: is in there twice :spam:
Fair enough... click on the smile button and get a sftu time to die surprise bomb heh.

Either way :udaman:

:banana2::tank: :flameth::FIREdevil:

This will make Valerie very happy. It won't do a thing for Ravi though.

That's the ridiculously long route as opposed to our traditional CP.

Top right corner, hover the mouse cursor over your username. A menu will right is "user control panel".

And two clicks now, to quote a post. It's doodoo.

No. You do NOT have to click "quote" to quote a post...simply go to the post you want to quote and click "reply" will quote it.

I don't mind the physical appearance itself, but this new interface sucks.

Yep, it does.
Oh..and if you have your online status as "hidden" you will still see yourself as ONLINE but that is only for you. Others see it as OFFLINE.
Says the person who never had any rep to begin with.
Did the baby lose her rep, that you liberals worked to hard to build for each other? It will be ok.
riiight. because *your* opinion is valid and the rest of ours aren't.

but no worries. i can see why you'd like it.

I didn't say your opinion wasn't valid, so don't get your knickers in a twist.
Added; I didn't say I liked it, just that I was reserving opinion until I'd had chance to play with the new layout.
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