Don't like the Upgrade at all

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My monitor was already set to minimum before the Switch, which is where I regularly keep it. They say the skin has changed but other than a slight grey on the top of the page (where nobody's working) I can't notice a difference from yesterday.

The background of the text in every message is light gray today, yesterday it was bright white. Try hitting the refresh button. Minor notes: I'm using chrome. The web site is using javascript to draw the pages.
The background of the text in every message is light gray today, yesterday it was bright white. Try hitting the refresh button. Minor notes: I'm using chrome. The web site is using javascript to draw the pages.

Yeah I did that, as noted before. And as also noted before, if it hadn't been suggested that a change had been made I would have no idea. It may in fact have changed but the difference is so subtle as to be virtually imperceptible. Not sure if it matters but I'm using Firefox.
It's the same damn background except for some very light gray.. NOTHING different.. If this a skin I'd hate to see what a background looks like.
You have to do more than just shut down the browser. Web browsers have a cache for things like style sheets that control colors. To update the color use the refresh button of your browser. Usually the button that looks like a rotating arrow next to the line were you enter web page addresses.


Thanks for being diligent enough to have taken screenshots yesterday.

But again, except for the border on the very outside fringe, the two images show up almost exactly the same here. Again, you can see it if you really look closely, over and over.

I see. The difference in brightness between my two posted images is "significant" on my computer screen. If the difference in the two images I posted above is not significant for you. I recommend adjusting your monitor. There are two significant adjustments for this, contrast and brightness. If your contrast is not correct, the differences between gray and white can become washed out. If the screen is to bright after adjusting contrast reduce your brightness until the screen is comfortable for you.

Most operating systems also have a screen setup that will help you adjust brightness and colors. The difference between having a screen setup correctly and not being setup correctly is "SIGNIFICANT." When I say significant I mean Amazingly Different. When setup wrong fonts are blurry, contrast washed out, and colors can be way to red, blue, or green.
I know about the brightness obviously but I don't seem to have a control for "contrast". Just had a look in Control Panel -- I can tweak brightness, resolution, and calibrate color, no contrast.
I know about the brightness obviously but I don't seem to have a control for "contrast". Just had a look in Control Panel -- I can tweak brightness, resolution, and calibrate color, no contrast.
There should be buttons on your computer monitor. Probably underneath.
There should be buttons on your computer monitor. Probably underneath.

This is a laptop.

I'm beginning to suspect as another poster suggested that the site is being optimized for mobile devices and "smart" phones and all that garbage. If that's what's going on we dinosaurs still using neanderthalian computers might be left in the dark, so to speak.
This is a laptop.

Then whether you can adjust your screen is up to the laptop hardware. If you have an nvidia graphics card on there you'll be able to adjust the properties by right clicking on your desktop, select the nvidia control panel, then adjust desktop color page. If you don't have that... then you'll need to look for a fn key for contrast on your keyboard. If you don't have that... google up "contrast adjustment for ____" insert your laptop.

Good luck.
This is a laptop.

I'm beginning to suspect as another poster suggested that the site is being optimized for mobile devices and "smart" phones and all that garbage. If that's what's going on we dinosaurs still using neanderthalian computers might be left in the dark, so to speak.
The same way it displays on a PC is the same way it displays on a mobile device. The beauty of Xenforo is you don't have to 'optimize' it for anything. As far as colors; what you see on a laptop, mobile phone, tablet, PC and MAC are all the same.

RKM's screenshots really show the difference in skins (background)
Thanks both of you. I don't see any such nvidia choice upon a right-click so I guess it'll be something to look into later.
The new skin... (aka colors of the graphics) appears to have switched to light grey vs. the Bright White of day one. This is much better, thanks.

If it's still to bright for ya, try adjusting your monitor's brightness and/or contrast to tone it down a bit. Most people have it turned up way to high anyway, which is not good for the monitor, or for clarity, or your eyes.
Thanks I did that and much better. I still have trouble seeing the lines for boxes but I guess there's not much you can do about that unless there's a way to make them thicker.
Thanks I did that and much better. I still have trouble seeing the lines for boxes but I guess there's not much you can do about that unless there's a way to make them thicker.

The lines are a "subtle" shade of gray slightly darker than the background. I suspect this is to bring more focus to the content.
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