Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

Since you don't accept the NYT or PolitFact as legitimate sources of information would you mind telling me what sources you use that are honest and unbiased?
Greg Jarrett (on Fox News) is who I got the law regarding sanctuary cities from., with that sourced from Cornell University Law School. While I have found some stuff on Fox less than perfect, mostly they do present valid reports, and yes they are fair and balanced. Balanced with many liberals on the staff. The same cant be said for CNN or MSNBC.

Fox liberals >> past & present >> Bill Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Leslie Marshall, Lis Wiehl.

I also regard FAIR as honest/unbiased, NumbersUSA, and Act for America. And many of the books I've read well sourced with thousands of footnotes ..from Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P. David Gaubatz, Ann Coulter, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, Gerald Posner, et al

In the book Muslim Mafia, Paul Sperry and P. David Gaubatz present 52 pages of CAIR internal documents Xeroxed and printed. Can't beat that for honesty.
You might want to expand your sources. From

Fox News Channel, also known as Fox News, is an American basic cable and satellite news television channel that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. Fox News Channel has been accused of biased reporting and promoting the Republican Party and has been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact. (7/19/2016)

Notes: NumbersUSA is an immigration reduction organization that seeks to reduce US immigration levels to pre-1965 levels without country of origin quotas as established in the Immigration Act of 1924. NumbersUSA was founded by Roy Beck while he worked for anti-immigration activist John Tanton, who has been described as a racist. NumbersUSA is also connected to the Federation for American Immigration Reform and the Center for Immigration studies, via John Tanton. Both of these groups are considered to be racist organizations, however, NumbersUSA does not promote against immigration from Non-Eurocentric countries. We therefore rate them Right Biased based on their political affiliation, rather than Questionable. (2/8/2017)
In his building days working with construction mafia , he forgot the mafia's 1st rule If you look to kill some one make sure it's business not personal Trump holds grudges forever , everything is personal Keeps it up mafia will take his card away
Sure it is. There are 382,000 unemployed people in FL. Trump couldn't find 70 people qualified to scrub a toilet among them? Nope. I reject that excuse. What you're really saying is that Trump hires foreign workers because he doesn't pay a wage high enough for Americans to accept. So why doesn't he pay a higher wage? Why is he relying on foreigners?

You have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training and/or have criminal records - which is why they're unemployed to begin with. (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates and no crime background ),

Finding clean record, qualified workers, who want just temporary work for a few months in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task.

You wanna hire these guys ? >>


Since you don't accept the NYT or PolitFact as legitimate sources of information would you mind telling me what sources you use that are honest and unbiased?
Greg Jarrett (on Fox News) is who I got the law regarding sanctuary cities from., with that sourced from Cornell University Law School.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

While I have found some stuff on Fox less than perfect, mostly they do present valid reports, and yes they are fair and balanced. Balanced with many liberals on the staff. The same cant be said for CNN or MSNBC.

Trump brought in illegal Polish workers to demolish the building to make way for Trump tower.
2. The people who knew of her illegal status, and deliberately kept it quiet, are guilty of obstruction of justice. They should be prosecuted too.

They were the one's who took advantage, and forced her to work for $1 a day. And you can't prosecute if the witness gets deported.
You might want to expand your sources. From

Fox News Channel, also known as Fox News, is an American basic cable and satellite news television channel that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. Fox News Channel has been accused of biased reporting and promoting the Republican Party and has been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact. (7/19/2016)

Notes: NumbersUSA is an immigration reduction organization that seeks to reduce US immigration levels to pre-1965 levels without country of origin quotas as established in the Immigration Act of 1924. NumbersUSA was founded by Roy Beck while he worked for anti-immigration activist John Tanton, who has been described as a racist. NumbersUSA is also connected to the Federation for American Immigration Reform and the Center for Immigration studies, via John Tanton. Both of these groups are considered to be racist organizations, however, NumbersUSA does not promote against immigration from Non-Eurocentric countries. We therefore rate them Right Biased based on their political affiliation, rather than Questionable. (2/8/2017)
You destroyed your post with this >> "according to Politifact." ......LOL.......:rolleyes:

Who is the "we" in this quote ? >> "We therefore rate them Right Biased"

Don't tell me it's PolitiFARCE

You might want to expand YOUR sources. Try reading the authors I mentioned.
anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him
Trump lies about anything and everything -- even things about which there is no need to lie -- and even when he is shown that it's clear to the audience that he has lied about "whatever," he refuses to own the fact that he lied about it and correct the record, as it were, and he then proceeds to lie about yet other things. I don't like Trump because I cannot trust a damn thing he says and because I cannot trust what he says, I have to fact-check everything he says, and neither I nor anyone else should not have to do that with regard to anything and everything someone says, much less what a POTUS says.

You might want to expand your sources. From

Fox News Channel, also known as Fox News, is an American basic cable and satellite news television channel that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. Fox News Channel has been accused of biased reporting and promoting the Republican Party and has been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact. (7/19/2016)

Notes: NumbersUSA is an immigration reduction organization that seeks to reduce US immigration levels to pre-1965 levels without country of origin quotas as established in the Immigration Act of 1924. NumbersUSA was founded by Roy Beck while he worked for anti-immigration activist John Tanton, who has been described as a racist. NumbersUSA is also connected to the Federation for American Immigration Reform and the Center for Immigration studies, via John Tanton. Both of these groups are considered to be racist organizations, however, NumbersUSA does not promote against immigration from Non-Eurocentric countries. We therefore rate them Right Biased based on their political affiliation, rather than Questionable. (2/8/2017)
You destroyed your post with this >> "according to Politifact." ......LOL.......:rolleyes:

Who is the "we" in this quote ? >> "We therefore rate them Right Biased"

Don't tell me it's PolitiFARCE

You might want to expand YOUR sources. Try reading the authors I mentioned.
The authors you mentioned (the ones I checked at least) are all conservative/anti-Islamic. What do you look at to see outside of your bubble?

Your distrust of Politifact the is unwarranted. Also from (the 'we' above):

Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 43/180

Notes: is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets “fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups”. They publish original statements and their evaluations on the website, and assign each a “Truth-O-Meter” rating. The ratings range from “True” for completely accurate statements to “Pants on Fire” (from the taunt “Liar, liar, pants on fire”) for false and ridiculous claims. Politifact has been called left biased by Extreme right wing and questionable sources. Our research indicates that Poltifact is an accurate fact checker and is considered the gold standard for political fact checking. (7/10/2016)
In his building days working with construction mafia , he forgot the mafia's 1st rule If you look to kill some one make sure it's business not personal Trump holds grudges forever , everything is personal Keeps it up mafia will take his card away
The Clintons are the killers >>


Here's some of their victims >>

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View attachment 159498
all those and no Trumps ?? Wish I had what you're smoking
In his building days working with construction mafia , he forgot the mafia's 1st rule If you look to kill some one make sure it's business not personal Trump holds grudges forever , everything is personal Keeps it up mafia will take his card away
The Clintons are the killers >>


Here's some of their victims >>

View attachment 159499

View attachment 159498
Multiple versions of lengthy lists of deaths associated with Bill Clinton have been circulating online for about twenty years now. According to those lists, close to fifty colleagues, advisors, and citizens who were about to testify against the Clintons died in suspect circumstances, with the unstated implication being that Bill Clinton or his henchmen were behind each untimely demise.

We shouldn’t have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap, but we will anyway. In a frenzied media climate where the Chief Executive couldn’t boff a White House intern without the whole world finding out every niggling detail of each encounter and demanding his removal from office, are we seriously to believe the same man had been having double handfuls of detractors and former friends murdered with impunity?

Don’t be swayed by the number of names listed on screeds like this. Any public figure is bound to have a much wider circle of acquaintance than an ordinary citizen would. Moreover, the acquaintanceship is often one-sided: though many of the people enumerated on this list might properly claim to have “known” Clinton, he wouldn’t know or remember having met a great number of them.

“Body count” lists are not a new phenomenon. Lists documenting all the allegedly “suspicious” deaths of persons connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been circulating for decades, and the same techniques used to create and spread the JFK lists have been employed in the Clinton version:

  • List every dead person with even the most tenuous of connections to your subject. It doesn’t matter how these people died, or how tangential they were to your subject’s life. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone is to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they’ll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about the death of people such as Bill Clinton’s mother’s chiropractor.
  • Play word games. Make sure every death is presented as “mysterious.” All accidental deaths are to be labelled “suspicious,” even though by definition accidents occur when something unexpected goes wrong. Every self-inflicted death discussed must include the phrase “ruled a suicide” to imply just the opposite. When an autopsy contradicts a “mysterious death” theory, dispute it; when none was performed because none was needed, claim that “no autopsy was allowed.” Make liberal use of words such as ‘allegedly’ and ‘supposedly’ to dismiss facts you can’t support or contradict with hard evidence.
  • Make sure every inconsistency or unexplained detail you can dredge up is offered as evidence of a conspiracy, no matter how insignificant or pointless it may be. If an obvious suicide is discovered wearing only one shoe, ignore the physical evidence of self-inflicted death and dwell on the missing shoe. You don’t have to establish an alternate theory of the death; just keep harping that the missing shoe “can’t be explained.”
  • If the data doesn’t fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don’t have to explain why the people who claimed to have the most damaging goods on Clinton (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr), are still walking around unscathed while dozens of bit players have been bumped off. It’s inconvenient for you, so don’t mention it.
  • Most important, don’t let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off a death by pneumonia as a “suicide,” do it! If a cause of death contradicts your conspiracy theory, claim it was “never determined.” If your chronology of events is impossible, who cares? It’s not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff …
Multiple versions of this “body count” list have been circulating online for two decades now. New victim names are routinely added and old ones taken off, forming an endless variety of permutations. At this point, there is no one “official” list.

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